Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 35: November 2010 - June 2011

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Jan 29, 2005
Welcome to part 35 of the thread to discuss the current events of Charlotte Casiraghi.
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Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 34: March 2010 - November 2010

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I don't think that we have a good start with those current events because: Rosenball-Berichterstattung der Bunten: Von Charlotte Casiraghi hinzunehmen
It's all in German, but it says that in "Bunte" magazine there was an artical about Char for the Rose Ball in year 2007.
They talked about her beauty actually. Specifically,the subtitle was, "Rose Ball in Monaco - and the star was Princess Caroline's daughter, a fiery beauty".
But she reported the magazine. She has attacked in two separate disputes, the text of the article and in photojournalism.
The Berlin Regional Court
dismissed her complaints and she lost the suit law she did against "Bunte".
That's a kind of synopsis of the german text. :flowers:
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^Wow, that is surprising. I know Charlotte has sued over news about her at least once (in 2006, I think it was) but that was quite different, because it was over paparazzi photos taken of her in a private situation. This issue with Bunte was about the Rose Ball and it sounds like Bunte's article was not about her personal life, but just commenting on her at the ball. It was stupid for her to bother suing them over that. I'm actually glad she lost because it shows her how stupid she was to bother. Who does she think she is? I thought she was supposed to be intelligent. But this makes her look like an idiot.
^yeah, sometimes i get dissapointed of her. Like the vogue interview and her answer about Alex Dellal, now this...Sometimes i think she believes she is too important. That makes her look like an idiot/snobish
Well, I amend my former comments to say that even smart people sometimes do stupid stuff. :p But dang.... I mean, she sued in a regional court and the case was dismissed, so she appealed in the federal court and got dismissed again? I wonder if there is a way we can see this objectionable article. Did she take offense from specific wording? I guess the headline was "Party princess?" with subtitle "Rose Ball of Monaco". It was March 2007. Maybe we can find this online and see what is so awful about this that Charlotte sent the family lawyers to attack it twice. :ermm:
I'm confused - how is the Rose Ball a private event, if Charlotte is claiming that she was photographed during a private event? She certainly didn't do anything suspect (falling down drunk, snorting coke, etc), she's just dancing with her friends and family, and if the article actually is just talking about her style and beautyy....not sure what there is to be upset about? I could see her claim if it applied to times when she's on vacation, or out shopping with friends/family; attending school or work - then, they are invading her privacy. The Rose Ball is an event surround charitable efforts for Monaco on behalf of the principality, where the public and 'razzi are invited to document the evening. I'm sure she's getting sick of being hounded, including when she's out with Alex or anyone man (since the assumption is that she's dating him). I believe she's considered a "public" figure, even though she's not an actual Princess, so.....I guess I'm not seeing the problem....
^Yeah, i don't see the problem either, so i don't understand why she did that. It's weird. I really don't want to change the image i have of her...but sometimes she makes these things i can't understand.
The only possible problem I can imagine is that she objected to the way she was portrayed in the wording and images. I don't understand it either. That's why I wish I could see the magazine itself. Then you can see the whole context and everything that was stated about her. But I suspect there is nothing and that's the courts threw out the case, twice. It seems like a waste of time and money and the only person who profited was the lawyer from her fees.
I agree it seems like a strange move. I wish we had all of the information then we could be sure. But I agree Casiraghitrio, it might have something to do with the headline "Party Princess"...maybe they portrayed her as only a party girl. Still seems like an odd thing to make a fuss over. There must be more to the story...
Reading the article, i think that there was nothing offensive for her, they just did their comments without touching her personal life. I find nothin wrong, and it is actually a public event where photographers would be there to capture them. The most people went there and danced, too, but i don't think that this move makes me call them "party people". Even Albert danced!
My guess is that Charlotte didn't make the decision to sue. PC or the palace did. They may have been testing the court to apply precedent or some other legal point. That occurred 1 year after PC's big court ruling win by the EU. For example, in Monaco I believe you have to have the person's permission to print their picture. If the photographer didn't get Charlotte's permission then they have broken the law. Even though that picture is harmless it would be setting a bad precedent and weakening the law if they let it go by unchecked.
My guess is that Charlotte didn't make the decision to sue. PC or the palace did. They may have been testing the court to apply precedent or some other legal point. That occurred 1 year after PC's big court ruling win by the EU.

I don't think it was that. "Precedent" as it is understood by anglosaxon courts doesn't really exist as such in continental law systems. There is not such a thing as applying precedent in the way it is done in the US or the UK. The truth is it is really weird. Who knows what was the purpose behind it.

Anyway, there is one thing I really can't stand about certain people. I get how someone can be famous without ever wanting it or seaking attention, like Charlotte, just because she was born in the family she was born. That I respect.

What I don't get is when someone who's done nothing in life and gets wonderful chances just and only because she appears in the glossy magazines pretends at the same time to not want any atention.

Let's get things clear, love. The only reason you got the Gucci deal is because you are pretty and famous and you appear in the magazines and people want to know about you and follow your style. If you accept the Gucci deal you are making a profit out of your popularity. Because if your face weren't in the magazines they would never want you.
Of course, that doesn't give anyone the right to take pics of you in a private place, that's very clear, but as long as you are attending a public event or walking in the streets, etc... you have to accept it.
Also, it's not as if you were a real celebrity. You are not hunted 24/7. So, stop whinning and making snotty remarks, and if you hate popularity so much don't make a profit out of it.
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I agree with FanOfMonaco - it's possible that Caroline herself has again tried to take on the law - this time bringing her daughter into the lawcourts.

If people (of any background) do not wish to be photographed at public events, then they ought not to attend such functions.
That measn they devote much time to read articles about them, or have some people to do it foe them. They are getting paranoid, or what?
There is probably at least 1 person at the palace that reads magazines, etc about the royal family full-time. I sympathize with the family. There job, especially the women, is to get free publicity for Monaco. They have been extremely successful in doing that. On the other hand they do have a right to some privacy when they are on their personal time. The EU court case in 2006 has helped achieve some balance. They used to be chased 24/7. Now it is less than that. The media will continue to test the law until it no longer is profitable.
Let's get things clear, love. The only reason you got the Gucci deal is because you are pretty and famous and you appear in the magazines and people want to know about you and follow your style. If you accept the Gucci deal you are making a profit out of your popularity. Because if your face weren't in the magazines they would never want you.
Of course, that doesn't give anyone the right to take pics of you in a private place, that's very clear, but as long as you are attending a public event or walking in the streets, etc... you have to accept it.
Also, it's not as if you were a real celebrity. You are not hunted 24/7. So, stop whinning and making snotty remarks, and if you hate popularity so much don't make a profit out of it.

Behave yourself Miss Trepstrep!Charlotte might sue The Royal Forums :p:D (I'm kidding.I fully agree with you.)
Interview to Charlotte


How did the idea for this event?

Charlotte: "When Jumping from Monaco in June, I organized a race in teams, each sponsored by a company. It was very popular with the public and partners. In the aftermath, Christophe Ameeuw and Virginia Couperie Eiffel asked me to create a test for the Gucci Masters, which I of course accepted. In order not to repeat the exact same thing, I just changed the concept: there are always sponsored teams, but added the concept of style. An idea that sticks to Gucci and horseback riding. We practice a sport of elegance in every sense of the word. "

Some of the gains from this event will be donated to World AMADE. The choice of this NGO was obvious?

"Yes, of course! AMADE was created by my grandmother, Grace of Monaco, and is chaired by my mother, Caroline of Hanover. The work done by AMADE is great. The association still has a long major projects underway and all the help we can give him is welcome. And then I realize how lucky that is mine to live my dream, so the least I can do is bring my stone to the edifice as soon as I can. "

Live your dream is to ride, but is it not also in the future represent your country in the world's largest deadlines?

"Of course. It would be something fantastic! But I still need much work before we get there."


Comment est née l'idée de cette épreuve ?

Charlotte : "Lors du Jumping de Monaco, en juin dernier, j'ai organisé une épreuve de vitesse par équipes, chacune étant parrainée par une société. Cela a eu beaucoup de succès auprès du public et des partenaires. Dans la foulée, Christophe Ameeuw et Virginie Couperie-Eiffel m'ont proposé de créer une épreuve pour le Gucci Masters, ce que j'ai bien sûr accepté. Afin de ne pas refaire exactement la même chose, j'ai un peu changé le concept : il y a toujours des équipes parrainées, mais s'ajoute la notion de style. Une notion qui colle à Gucci et à l'équitation. Nous pratiquons un sport d'élégance dans tous les sens du terme."

Une partie des gains de cette épreuve sera reversée à l'AMADE mondiale. Le choix de cette ONG était évident ?

"Oui, bien sûr ! L'AMADE a été créée par ma grand-mère, Grace de Monaco, et est présidée par ma mère, Caroline de Hanovre. Le travail fait par l'AMADE est formidable. L'association a toujours beaucoup de projets importants en cours et toute l'aide qu'on peut lui apporter est la bienvenue. Et puis, j'ai conscience de la chance qui est la mienne de pouvoir vivre mon rêve, alors le moins que je puisse faire, c'est d'apporter ma pierre à l'édifice dès que j'en ai la possibilité."

Vivre votre rêve, c'est monter à cheval, mais n'est-ce pas aussi à l'avenir représenter votre pays dans les plus grandes échéances mondiales ?

"Evidemment. Ce serait quelque chose de fantastique ! Mais, il me faut encore beaucoup travailler avant d'en arriver là."

Source: pomeline's blog - °• Charlotte Casiraghi -
i like the interwie :)

thank you rerehh
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I never thought i would read Charlotte mentioning "my grand mother, Grace de Monaco".
Good work she is doing. Congrats to her!
I never thought i would read Charlotte mentioning "my grand mother, Grace de Monaco".
Good work she is doing. Congrats to her!

I don't think she said the names, it sounds weird if you say the sentence.
Maybe she just said 'my grandmother' and 'my mother' and the names were added by the writer of the article.
She comes off quite focused and humile in this interview. When I think of Charlotte, I often think of lots of self-discipline. I think that's what her mother thaught her. Am I the only one?
I don't think she said the names, it sounds weird if you say the sentence.
Maybe she just said 'my grandmother' and 'my mother' and the names were added by the writer of the article.

Agree! She would never say this. I heard her in TV last december in Ballet de Monte Carlo performance with the fuksia dress when she paid honor to her mother on stage and she said " I thank my mother". She did not mention the name. It would be stupid, we all know who is her mother.:bang:
She comes off quite focused and humile in this interview. When I think of Charlotte, I often think of lots of self-discipline. I think that's what her mother thaught her. Am I the only one?

no, you are not the only one :flowers:
I don't think she said the names, it sounds weird if you say the sentence.
Maybe she just said 'my grandmother' and 'my mother' and the names were added by the writer of the article.
Yeah, that is very probable. It would sound wierd if she goes say my grandmother princess of xxxxx and my mother princess of xxxxxx
And when it comes to paparazzi...i can expect everything about them.
Charlotte attended the Liberatum dinner hosted by Ella Krasner in honour of Sir V.S. Naipaul at The Landau in The Langham Hotel on November 23, 2010 in London, England. I haven't seen untagged ones yet, but I'm sure they will appear eventually.

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All i can say is that she and alex are together :( argg
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