Your Opinions About Felipe and Letizia

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
why do you like letizia? what do you admire of her?

i'm not a complete fan of her, but one of the things i most like is that she doesn't seem the kind of person who likes people being with her because of who she is. she seems to have determination and be with those who appreciate her and her work and not with the typical women full of make up and expensive clothes with nothing on their minds. she seems to like being with those who can offer her a good conversation rather than with those who just talk nonsense or about insignificative things or just tell her how beautiful and intellingent she is. she also seems to have enough personality to deal with them.

and you?
What I admire of her? Her hard work for Spain and this new freshness, which she brought to the Royal Family along with her intelligence and beautiful smile. Some people , especcialy journalists, may don't like her, just because before marrying the Prince she was normal woman, not a born Princess, who was "special" since early childhood. The history of spanish monarchy is very difficult, and F&L have to prove with their hard work and wisdom, that one day they will become good King and Queen.
In my opinion, we should also remember, that she left her big passion, work, for the Prince, but I hope that now she is really happy, leaving with the man she loves and waiting for her first child. I just hope she will be such a wonderful mum as she is wonderful Princess.
Sorry for my English.
i admire her personality and work ethic. she's not a fashion queen for sure but she is focused and dedicated --- which is what spain needs. she is not attention-seeking, which is something you don't usually see in women who marry royalty. plus, she's proven she can be successful on her own as a prominent journalist.

above all, she seems like a very nice person and in all the pictures i've seen, everyone who meets her can't stop smiling.
Is that tread open for criticism or it's just for positive things?

I think she's hard working, for sure; which is good for a future Queen.
Idriel said:
Is that tread open for criticism or it's just for positive things?


I guess the topic of the thread is about what you ADMIRE of Letizia...
ADMIRE is the same as ADMIRER in french and you know French..Sooooooo, :rolleyes:
I admire her determination and her abilities in succeeding in her career. I also admire her for her apparent willingness to adapt to the royal lifestyle, which I'm sure was hard for her after being used to being on her own for a time. I think Letizia is like Mary of Denmark-brainy, beautiful, talented-and she's so far done a wonderful job in her new life as Crown Princess. :)
Citizen2005 said:
I guess the topic of the thread is about what you ADMIRE of Letizia...
ADMIRE is the same as ADMIRER in french and you know French..Sooooooo, :rolleyes:
It wasn't my intention to send attacks out of the blue. I wanted to comment on a particular remark made by a poster with whom I disagreed. And since it's a forum...
But I've got the message (in both languages).
I think it must be hard for someone like Leticia or Mette-Marit to step into their roles seeing as both their pasts were "less than ideal" (I'm not saying I think that but I know being divorced like Leticia and having a child out of wedlock like Mette-Marit aren't typically attributes that an aspiring CP has).

Having said that, I think that Leticia (and Mette Marit) must be very strong willed and confident in order to ignore some of the nasty press I'm sure they've received and the criticisms they must face.
Noelle9982 said:
I think it must be hard for someone like Leticia or Mette-Marit to step into their roles seeing as both their pasts were "less than ideal" (I'm not saying I think that but I know being divorced like Leticia and having a child out of wedlock like Mette-Marit aren't typically attributes that an aspiring CP has).

Having said that, I think that Leticia (and Mette Marit) must be very strong willed and confident in order to ignore some of the nasty press I'm sure they've received and the criticisms they must face.

I think the comparison is OUT of place...I do not know why it came to your mind in the first place...IMO, i see no connection:confused:

Letizia was married only for a short while...
Letizia established herself before marrying Felipe. A young successful career woman..I am not talking about the looks now;)

Letizia cannot even be compared to Mary of Denmark as someone said earlier...that member said they were both brainy:confused: ...I can say with confidence that Leti is brainy given her background, her PROVEN smartness and her successful career...Unfortunately, i cannot say that Mary is as brainy as Leti...maybe she is but not at the same level...
I didn't compare Leticia to Mary at all so I'm not sure if you meant that for me or for another poster???

And regardless of how long Leticia was married for, whether it was a month or a year, the point is that she was a divorce at the time she married the CP which is not common.

As a side note, I do believe that both Mary and Leticia hold Bachelor's degrees which means that they studied at a university for the same amount of time although Leticia in journalism and Mary in marketing and business. I also hold a Master's degree in marketing and public relations and can tell you the industry is not an easy one to work in.
I applaud Letizia's way of making Felipe stand out as the leader of the two - as he should - he is after all the heir to the throne. Her support of him and the work he has to do is very admiring. Felipe and Letizia seem to have great respect for each other. They are a very harmonious couple and I expect great things from them in their work for Spain, the spanish people and the spanish language and traditions around the world.

Letizia is very dignified in her role and that reflects very favorably on the royal family. She reminds me more and more of Queen Silvia and how she supported King Carl Gustaf by being a very bright, capable and loving support spouse yet always letting the King be the leader of the two (at least in public).

like most of us, I don't know her personally, but from what I know/see, I can say I admire her taste in handbags and shoes, as well as her steely perseverance (whether in the field of journalism or in ambitiously 'landing' a future king for a husband) . She sure seems to have a clever, if not cunning, head on her shoulders. ;) And most important, whatever we may or may not think of her, she seems to be doing her best to be an asset for the SRF.
I like that she is sort of emotive, eg her hugging people after a disaster in the pictures and I like that even though she appears standoffish at times, she seems to actually be full of sympathy at the right times which is important. Considerate is probably the best overall word for it :)

I like that she recycles clothes more than many other royals. I think there is a certain amount of dignity in that - a woman who can wear the same clothes nicely a few times even with the world watching her everyday. It would be easy to give into pressure with the cameras watching, but she doesn't. Classy and dignified!

She appears to be a good match for her husband , which, more that anything is the most important thing.

to the person who thinks Mary is probably less brainy than Letizia... Mary holds two degrees - law and marketing and business (hard degrees for anyone). Her job before marrying the prince was simply not in the public eye and as out there for everyone to see and comment on, unlike Letizia's job as a journalist, so I don't think you can say she is less brainy unless you have met her and know her and Letizia well... honestly, how would you know if she is not at the "same level" of smartness?! Letizia's intelligence etc was in a way documented in her role as a tv journalist - we can see it for ourselves that the woman is intelligent... Mary's jobs were never in the public eye so I cannot understand your reasoning for why Mary is less smart than Letizia...?***
Well, I really admire her because even though she did not go to any of the super-exclusive schools that the royals by birth attend, she is a very educateded lady. I like the fact that she has had the courage to learn by other means. I mean, she knows about politics, history, arts... maybe that's why Queen Sofia likes her so much.

I also admire her because she has proved to cope with the rather strict and traditional unwritten rules of the Spanish "court", if it can be called like that.
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I admire her for many things,
1. her stylish sense of fashion and her practical way of recycling her outfits many times. It's refreshing to see a CP with such busy schedule wearing new outfits all the time.

2. her intelligence and calm personality

3. her compassionate nature and friendliness - she never seems to be put out when being greeted by a mass of crowd, even when she's walking the street on holiday.

4. her indepentant character - she suits CP Felipe very well and i think they make a very dymanic duo. I really like how she is able to shine yet not steal the thunder frm CP Felipe.

5. her beauty. She's just stunning!
bananarama said:
to the person who thinks Mary is probably less brainy than Letizia... Mary holds two degrees - law and marketing and business (hard degrees for anyone). Her job before marrying the prince was simply not in the public eye and as out there for everyone to see and comment on, unlike Letizia's job as a journalist, so I don't think you can say she is less brainy unless you have met her and know her and Letizia well... honestly, how would you know if she is not at the "same level" of smartness?! Letizia's intelligence etc was in a way documented in her role as a tv journalist - we can see it for ourselves that the woman is intelligent... Mary's jobs were never in the public eye so I cannot understand your reasoning for why Mary is less smart than Letizia...?***

Letizia has a master degree in journalism. She was not just an TV journalist, she was a national news anchorwoman, with regular 8 mil viewers, 1/5 of the Spanish population. She was being named assoicated press' best journalist under 30 in Spain in 2001, definitely one of the very top journalists of her generation in Spain. Mary has good education, she had been hopping jobs, changing professions and was not very sure what she wanted to do. It's hard to compare smartness/intelligence, but one can always talk about achievements. In my opinion, Mary had achieved less career wise than the likes of Letizia, Maxima, Alexandra. She is a good match for Fred, that's what it really matters at the end ;) .
I like Letizia for several reasons, some quite superficial like her sense of style or make-up. However, she seems to be alot more than that and a woman with true substance, unlike many of the "new" Crown Princesses. Moreover she doesn't have the excited look of a young girl, like Mary for example, at the thought of being a Princess.
Since this is a thread dedicated to why you admire Princess Letizia, I see no reason to collate Letizia's QI with any other woman.

Anyway, and as a side note (which has absolutely nothing to do with the particular case of Letizia), I'm not sure if everyone is aware of that, so here it is...
Noelle9982 said:
I do believe that both Mary and Leticia hold Bachelor's degrees which means that they studied at a university for the same amount of time
This isn't necessarily true. I know that in the US and in other countries you get a degree in 3 years of College, and that you get a Master's degree if you do another year. However, that's not the same everywhere. Things are likely to change with the Declaration of Bologna (which aims an approach of the proportionate qualifications for the European superior schools, up to 2010), but till now, at least in Portugal, we had 5 years to get a licentiate's degree and, to get a Master's, we have 2 more years plus the writing of a thesis...

Anyway, this was just an explanation to put in brackets...
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Elsa M. said:
This isn't necessarily true. I know that in the US and in other countries you get a degree in 3 years of College, and that you get a Master's degree if you do another year. However, that's not the same everywhere. Things are likely to change with the Declaration of Bologna (which aims an approach of the proportionate qualifications for the European superior schools, up to 2010), but till now, at least in Portugal, we had 5 years to get a licentiate's degree and, to get a Master's, we have 2 more years plus the writing of a thesis...

Anyway, this was just an explanation to put in brackets...

Exact Elsa, in Spain the situation is the same that in Potugal, the licentiates last 5 years.
On this topic, sometimes the education or the culture do not depend only on the career that you study but also of other many factors. It seems that the parents of Letizia were persons interested in the culture and it it was transmitted to theirdaughters (Erika studied Fine arts). Letizia was working how journalist and her was making it be in the day of everything what happened in the world ... she was employed at a channel of economy and was the image of the campaign Euro, came to political summits as the Latin American... She was in New York in the Anniversary of 11M, in Iraq with the Spanish soldiers, in Galicia during the Prestige. Also she was in Palestine when her sister was working there with an ONG.
Letizia's value is not probably in what she studied but in that she has crossed world, in which in the last years it has been very informed about the things that happen in the world in different areas.
Elsa M. said:
Since this is a thread dedicated to why you admire Princess Letizia, I see no reason to collate Letizia's QI with any other woman.

Anyway, and as a side note (which has absolutely nothing to do with the particular case of Letizia), I'm not sure if everyone is aware of that, so here it is...
This isn't necessarily true. I know that in the US and in other countries you get a degree in 3 years of College, and that you get a Master's degree if you do another year. However, that's not the same everywhere. Things are likely to change with the Declaration of Bologna (which aims an approach of the proportionate qualifications for the European superior schools, up to 2010), but till now, at least in Portugal, we had 5 years to get a licentiate's degree and, to get a Master's, we have 2 more years plus the writing of a thesis...

Anyway, this was just an explanation to put in brackets...

To add on to this, in the US it is a matter of credit hours. People who got their Bachelors in 3 years took the same number of courses than those that took 4 years. They just load up on extra classes and perhaps even go to summer sessions. I have known people that have gotten their degree in 2 and a half years because they brought college credits in from high school.

But that is not what all this is about. Let's see, I have to give Letizia credit for the strength she projects. She appears to be a great partner for Prince Felipe.
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Citizen2005 said:
I can say with confidence that Leti is brainy given her background, her PROVEN smartness and her successful career...Unfortunately, i cannot say that Mary is as brainy as Leti...maybe she is but not at the same level...
:confused: Have you conducted a comparative IQ test? What's your criteria for intelligence? You know Einstein was an insignificant government employee with no particular degree when he discovered the laws of relativity. Clearly I don't see how you can judge intelligence with such superficial "evidences".
Idriel said:
Is that tread open for criticism or it's just for positive things?

criticism involves positive things as well :)

what made you ask/think that?
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lula said:
Letizia's value is not probably in what she studied but in that she has crossed world, in which in the last years it has been very informed about the things that happen in the world in different areas.
I could not agree more with you, Lula. Everyone can get a degree (and, in many private schools, it really means nothing more than a mere sheet of paper :rolleyes:)... What matters is what you make with the things you learn at University, the way you manage to improve, taking your lessons as a starting-point for something meaningful. And what Letizia achieved in her short yet so promising career (moreover in such a competitive world as the media is) deserves all my admiration.

And I think that her eclectic intellectual/cultural profile (i.e. her interest in politics, business, history, art, etc.) is the one required for a future queen of country with such a complex reality to deal with.
Thanks Carlota

carlota said:
criticism involves positive things as well :)

what made you ask/think that?
It was about Letizia so-called freshness. I just wanted to say I find the royal family very fresh, King Juan-Carlos is to me the warmest monarch in Europe and Queen Sophia is simply perfect. So I don't think that this family needed freshness in the first place, and anyway I don't find Letizia fresh looking but rather very serious looking. Which, again, is not a bad thing for a future Queen.
I want to add I think your tread was a good idea but I'm upset it is beginning to degenerate into a Letizia VS Mary thread. So silly!
This is for say what you admire of Letizia, it isn't necessary to make comparisons with other princess.

Princess Letizia is a strong woman, fighter and dedicated to her work.

She is lovely, the best wife for prince Felipe.

Excuse my English.
She is really stylish and elegant.She is doing really good on her role of the Crown Princess now and she will become really great Queen in the future for sure.
I admire Letizia because she was able to hide from everyone the identity of her boyfriend for almost a year, when it could have become the "Story of her life". She didn't need to marry him. If this was just for fame, she just needed to let the word slip that they were an item and she would see her fame soar (as did Eva's, Gigi's and Isabel's)

I admire Letizia for giving up a sucessful and growing career to marry the man she loves.

As someone said above, I also admire Letizia for letting Felipe stand out as the "leader" of the duo, even though we're aware that she made great impressions on the politicians and intellectuals she's met (the Hungarian president and the writer Gabriel García Marquez, just to example).

I admire Letizia for being a good daughter, sister, granddaughter and aunt. She's shown it clearly during a lot of "private" moments with her family.

I admire Letizia for sticking with Spanish designers (with a little foreign touch here and there) as a way to promote the Spanish fashion to the world.

I admire Letizia for showing so much strength during the events of March-11th.

I feel that Letizia will evolve slowly and consistently as she has the beast teacher in the world, Queen Sofia.

You're right, just because Mary and Letizia both have Bachelor's degrees doesn't mean that they studied for the same amount of time...I shouldn't have worded it that way. Sorry!

What I mean was that they're both, relativly speaking, at the same level of education because they hold the same type of degree (though in different fields).

I think Letizia has definetly grown into her role as CP. My husband is a US Army officer and I know that it's often akward for me when I go to various formal events with him and there's a certain protocol to follow. And that's on a much smaller scale than what Letizia has to deal with. Even thought I can imagine she must have been and maybe still is nervous, she always remains composed, dignified and always looking gorgeous!
Noelle9982 said:

You're right, just because Mary and Letizia both have Bachelor's degrees doesn't mean that they studied for the same amount of time...I shouldn't have worded it that way. Sorry!
No, there's nothing to be sorry... I mean, it's not a relevant point for the matter either... I just found it was an intersting comment - at least this is an issue that interests me very well - since we're people from different parts of the world, coming from different realities, and that's why it's unfair to compare two different women as these princesses are.
It was a side note with no importance...
I just didn't want to make a mistake without correcting it :)

This is an interesting thread and it's fascinating to see all the different opinions people have.
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