Originally posted by Dennism@Jan 6th, 2004 - 3:05 pm
Well, this is my 2,000th post and I've been stuck on answering this question for several days. I know that words will fail to express fully the admiration and affection that I feel for the Crown Princess of Sweden. But I'll try nonetheless. While she has had a life of comforts and wealth unimaginable to most of us, that hasn't erased the problems in her life. But these problems haven't stopped her at all from being an excellent representative for the family in particular and for Sweden as a whole. That being said, the moments that struck me as the most amazing were her interactions with the youngest of humans. Whether in Delaware or near the lake that bears her name, her affection for children shines through and we can all strive to give joy to children like the joy that I saw on the faces of those who met the Crown Princess.
Whether it is stepping on the foot of a fellow royal or giving an intrusive camera a look of annoyance, these moments endear me to this woman who appears to be perfect at times but who is just as human as the rest of us. Not totally like the rest of us. But what words of dislike have we heard about the personality of the Crown Princess? Who has spoken, save the fourth estate, words of dislike about her personally? Who has complained that she wasn't nice or stuck-up or rude? While people may not like her personality and compared to many famous people, she is not as flashy or wild, what harsh words have people said about her? Her lack of flash and wildness endears her to me. But that's just me. Others may feel that way. Some may pinpoint that to be the reason why she doesn't appeal to him or her but that's okay with me. I understand. She isn't everybody's cup of tea. But I like her for all of this and so much more. I like her for her grace, cheerfulness, warmth of heart, smile, laughter, strength, charm and everything else that makes up who she is.