1997: wedding of Infanta Christina and Inaki (then I wasn´t a real Royal watcher, but I remember my mum has watched it, and the 2nd TV-set was off)
1999: Wedding of prince Edward and Sophie
1999: Wedding of crown prince Philippe and Mathilde
I´ve watched it with my brother and he said all them time "Mathilde looks like an ex-model"
2001: Wedding of crown prince Haakon and Mette Marit
I´ve saved all pictures, I could get. And I remember that ppl have written messages almost every minute on the Scandinavian Royals MB...Nooo, I don´t make advertisment for an other board-> then TRF wasn´t existing

In my memory it is the most wonderful wedding so far. Great programme, a lot of emotions...and that for 3 days!
2001: Wedding of prince Constantijn and Laurentien
I´ve watched only parts of it...then my flatmate wanted to watch an other programme...and I have felt too ashamed to tell her, I´m a Royal watcher
2002: Wedding of crown prince Willem Alexander and Maxima
A winter wedding, something that I´m not really fond of. Maxima and Willem looked though happy
2004: Wedding of crown prince Frederik and Mary
It´s my 2nd favourite wedding...perfect staged. Mary looked lovely, and crying Frederik was wonderful to watch!
2004: Wedding of crown prince Felipe and Letizia
To be honest, I was disappointed. I mainly blame the date. Usually I make an event of a Royal wedding...some food, which fits to the country, sparkling wine or champagne, the TV placed next to the PC, the AIM on and then I talk with a friend, who watches all Royal weddings "with me". And then it was almost stressy....only 1 week between the two weddings. It wasn´t something, I was looking forward too. I´ve focused on the danish Royal wedding.
I also think the spanish TV has pointed out the catholic aspect too much and has "forgotten" the foreign watchers. I´m a catholic, and actually I like the "glamour-factor" in this church (though I also understand, when critics say, this doesn´t go together with Christianity...some things could be reformed, but that´s OT) but looking at all the statues of Saints and Maria was a bit boring. And when I say, they have forgotten the foreign watchers, I also mean the lack of "pictures" of the foreign Royals. In the cathedral in Copenhagen, they have shown the "top class" of european Royals every now and then
2005: ???
When cp Victoria would marry, I think, I would watch it live, I would go to Stockholm, though it´s said, you see more on TV (but I guess I would videotape it then, or I would watch it in the hotel in the evening)
And I still hope for a wedding of Albert! But I guess this would be utopia
I hope I didn´t get to detailed with this post...just wanted to share my experiences
And I hope others will do the same. It´s great to know, that I share something with ppl, I don´t really know and who had though similar feelings at the very same moment