Videos of The Imperial Family

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
11. Imperial visit to a prefecture. Notice the loyalty of the people there.

YouTube - 天皇皇后両陛下 佐賀県行幸啓 御奉迎

12. Imperial New Year's Greetings to the Public 2005

YouTube - 新年一般参賀'05

13. Mikasa couple's visit to a prefecture

YouTube - 三笠宮ご夫妻 那須塩原市ご訪問

14. Imperial couple and Princess Norinomiya's retreat to a farm in 2005

YouTube - 天皇皇后両陛下紀宮様 御料牧場ご静養'05 紀子様眞子様佳子様ご合流

15. Imperial New Year's Greeting to the diplomat corp 2005

YouTube - 新年祝賀の儀'05 皇太子ご一家天皇陛下に新年のご挨拶
So LOVELY! Thank you ever so much!

16. Imperial couple's retreat in 2006

YouTube - 天皇皇后両陛下 那é*ˆã”静養'06

17. The Korean Presidential Couple's carelessness during the Korean and Japanese World Cup

YouTube - 大馬鹿者

18. Empress Michiko's waka being sang in the Waka ceremony 2007

YouTube - 皇后様のおæ*Œ

I have loved seeing all the YouTube videos.

These are so lovely.

I have saved all of them to my "Favourites" even though I don't speak Japanese. :(

I read about Masako, mainly in English, but I have some very visual picture books about her in Japanese, too.

I am so sorry that I don't speak Japanese.

I love Japan and I hope to visit there, soon.

I follow the Crown Princess Masako and her doings often.

I would love to read about her in English, though.

Thank you so very much for linking us to Videos about Japan's Royal Family. I appreciate this very much.

-- Abbie
First time, the publication of Empress Michiko's (then the Crown Princess Michiko) letters to the then Crown Prince Akihito. In the letters the then Crown Princess Michiko wrote things like "Your Highness, what should I do? Please help me". The letters shows the then Crown Princely couple were much in love.

YouTube - 雅子さまへ・・・3
THANK you, Poppy ...


Here you go, official video clip from Imperial Household Agency:


THANK you, Poppy!

I could hear sound, in the form of background music, this time on this video.

I guess any narration would have been in Japanese wouldn't it?

Fumihito's wife, Kiko, is gorgeous, isn't she?
Masako, Naruhito's wife, just sits there stone-like and stoic.
Well, still ... It's nice to see her coming out of her shell, at least.
I prefer her with shorter hair, don't you?

:flowers: Abbie
I agree with your statements, Abigail. But yes: seeing Princess Masako in an official celebration is a nice new. I'm relieved to see her TRYING to accomplish her duties. I'm sure that if she keep trying she will be able to do so, and become a great Japan's Empress. :clap::cheers:

I love Kiko. She is every inch a princess!!

She smiles from youth till now that Kiko-Chan-Smile is name after her!!

In her high school or university year book, in her section, she says her favourite thing is to SMILE because "it is so natural"!^^:flowers:

The Imperial Family is extremely lucky to have Michiko and Kiko:)
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He is a well-behaved chid since he was so little.
Yesterday evening, I have seen the two "Coronation" films and must say, I have been very impressed. I felt like displaced into another world. The view of the films filled me with tranquillity.
Yesterday evening, I have seen the two "Coronation" films and must say, I have been very impressed. I felt like displaced into another world. The view of the films filled me with tranquillity.

I am very pleased that you enjoyed the two videos.

I will post more videos in the future.
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