This is rather complicated: I absolutely didn't bully but I fully acknowledge that you experienced my bullying?
It doesn't look this complicated to me at all. The full quote is, "'I think the first thing is, is to be really clear about what bullying is.
'What bullying actually means is improperly using power,
repeatedly and deliberately to hurt someone physically or emotionally
'The Duchess of Sussex has absolutely denied doing that, that said she wouldn’t want to negate anyone’s personal experiences."
She's going into technicalities and choosing the definition of bully which suits her at the time. Because there are others in which the two bolded words are absent.
To me, it seems like she admits Meghan did things that fit the definition of improperly using power to hurt someone physically or emotionally but since it didn't happen
repeatedly and deliberately (let's not forget that some of the employees in question left and others were taken out of contacting the Sussexes on a regular basis by splitting households so it couldn't happen repeatedly), it really isn't bullying but something that only looked like bullying to the people in question.
As to the deliberate part, I think they're going to chalk it up to cultural differences. Like, stiff Brits with their way of hints and so on took an American's frankness the wrong way...
"I'm sorry you feel this way", is what Jenny Afia is saying.
Months ago, Meghan didn't bother bother mention anyone else's experiences, just insisted that she had been stellar and these people saddened her by insisting she had bullied them.
To me, it looks really clear cut: the internal investigation has found irregularities in Meghan's behavior towards staff and her lawyer is now trying to present it as isolated incidents and a matter of various perceptions.
We all know what bullying at the work place is. And those who need to refresh their knowledge can really open any dictionary. But Meghan's lawyer chose to enlighten us with
her version of it.
Looks like damage control mode to me.