The Prince Pavillion (Prince and Princess of Asturias's House), Madrid

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Nov 8, 2002
Prince Felipe's house in Madrid (Zarzuela). Photos from Corbis:


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Description of Prince Felipe's house, within La Zarzuela (

Madrid (dpa) - Elf Schlafzimmer, neun Baderäume, drei Wohnsalons, ein Schwimmbad: Spaniens Thronfolger Felipe fehlt es in seinem Prinzenpalast an nichts, sollte man meinen. Doch viele seiner Landsleute sehen das anders, zumal der Sohn von König Juan Carlos und Königin Sofía seit nunmehr einem Jahr die 3150 Quadratmeter alleine bewohnt - vom Personal einmal abgesehen.

... in der Ortschaft El Pardo nordwestlich von Madrid, wo Felipes 4,2 Millionen Euro teures Anwesen steht.
Immerhin, das Haus hat Felipe schon. Es wurde für eine Familie konzipiert.

Photos from Rex Features:


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Question: When Felipe marries, do you think the portrait of his mother will stay above the mantle?
lasu said:
Question: When Felipe marries, do you think the portrait of his mother will stay above the mantle?
Hahahaha--you know I was thinking the SAME thing about the picture!!!! :p
It'll be interesting to see if that picture gets moved when his wife moves in.
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lasu said:
Question: When Felipe marries, do you think the portrait of his mother will stay above the mantle?
That is such a beautiful picture of HM, I would see no reason as to why it would be moved. I sure hope not! What do you think it would be replaced with?
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lasu said:
Question: When Felipe marries, do you think the portrait of his mother will stay above the mantle?
When he gets married his wife might want to put her picture up there since she would be the new mistress of the house.
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Felipe's house

I would hope they would replace the portrait. I think back of that photo with Felipe and Isabel Sartorius (the one where Sofia's portrait is between them, looking over their shoulders) and it would seem kinda creepy to leave it there :shock:
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More from Felipe's house. From East News:

1.The front door
2. Felipe´s Office
3. A view from the meetings room
4. Another view from the portraid of Queen Sofia above the fireplace in the library


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Originally posted by xicamaluca@Aug 25th, 2003 - 8:56 pm
Another view from the portraid of Queen Sofia above the fireplace in the library :)
It is a nice portrait, though. ;)
Felipe's house

Madrid (dpa) - Elf Schlafzimmer, neun Baderäume, drei Wohnsalons, ein Schwimmbad
Eleven bedrooms, nine bathrooms, three living rooms, one swimming pool:

... die 3150 Quadratmeter
approximately 34,000 square feet. That is BIG !

Doch viele seiner Landsleute sehen das anders ...
I don't understand. Why not? :sick:
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Felipe's House

I heard 'only' 750 sqm are private area, the rest are offices and else. I'm not sure, though.
With '... seine Landsleute sehen das anders' they probably mean that he is missing
something ... A WIFE! :innocent:
Well, if they can't decide on the one which would suit them all they should not complain.
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Felipe's house

'only' 750 sqm are private area, the rest are offices and else
I was wondering about that ... how much would be given over to public offices, servant's quarters, servant's pool room and so on? Thank you.

Too bad that its not a case of who they can't decide on, but that they run all the interesting women out of town !!! :woot:
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Current residence of HRH the Prince of Astrius, called I believe the Princes Pavillion, soon to be the Royal Residence of HM King Felipe VI. Maybe then they will call it the Kings Pavillion........ :)


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Palace of Selgas

I agree, Samitude, it is a very nice house. Even though it is a "palace" there is a very charming and quaint quality to it. I am curious to see what the interior of the place is like.

... Wonder if there will be a big portrait of Queen Sofia over the mantel like there is in the house Felipe recently built! :innocent: Wonder what Letizia thinks of an oversized painting of her mother-in-law in her home!
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What a beautiful house! I am sure that Letizia will be very happy there. Frolicking amongst the statues with her statuesque husband. Sigh. And of course they will fill the place with extremely attractive children....

I imagine that Sophia's portrait will stay on the wall in the house in Madrid. However, I am willing to bet that if any portraits are commissioned for the couple's new residence, they will be of the bride, not the mother. ;)
Don't get me wrong, I adore Queen Sofia, she is one of my favourite queens. But could you imagine an over-sized portrait of your mother-in-law in your family room? In a place where you could see it wherever you were in the room, as if she was watching your every move?!


... Of course the living room would be far better than the bedroom ...
Alexandria said:
Wonder what Letizia thinks of an oversized painting of her mother-in-law in her home!
As long as there is a picture of his mother-in-law, I don't know why she would complain. :innocent:
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King Christian said:
As long as there is a picture of his mother-in-law, I don't know why she would complain. :innocent:
Oh brother! :p Side by side portraits of his and her in-laws! :wacko:

I love my mom, but really, I don't think I could face a 20 x 32 portrait of my mom looming over me each morning! That would surely be a reason for me to avoid the room.
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Palace of Selgas

nice palace!

But I think the grounds need some sort of refurnishment :lol: (i think that's not the right word) I am referring to the small road! It looks like its going to be muddy whenever it rains and dusty when it's hot!

But the place is nice especially the gardens!
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So, do you think the portrait of Queen Sofia will remain over the fireplace or will it be replaced by a portrait of Letizia and Felipe?
I'm sure if they replace it. it will be with a portait of them as a married couple. :yuk:
Felipe's house

I just found these pictures. They were taken on May 19th.



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I hadn't realised that that picture was taken in their home. I guess it makes sense, but I hadnt made the connection. Dont know how well I'd cope if there were pictures of my home available on the internet (the earlier ones are the ones I'm refering to here, the latter one doesn't reveal much... They live such public lives...

On another note, I wonder if the portrait of HM is still hanging? Lol
Dont know how well I'd cope if there were pictures of my home available on the internet (the earlier ones are the ones I'm refering to here, the latter one doesn't reveal much... They live such public lives...

On another note, I wonder if the portrait of HM is still hanging? Lol

We should not forget that Zarzuela palace is owned by the Spanish state and administered by the Patrimonio National, same goes for "Zarzuela II", where the princes live. Only fair enough to give some inside into what is paid for by taxpayers' money (same goes for most royal residences in any monarchy).

Regarding Sofia's portait, I bet it is still in place. Mama's boy Felipe adores his mother and I believe that it would have been a bad start for any fiancee / new wife to remove a portait of the mother-in-law as first official act.
Very Architectural Digest and designer chic but I don't think I would want to live with it. Leaves me cold.
how large is the house, will felipe and letizia li
ve there as king and queen when then day comes
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