The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima, Current Events 7 (Jan 2007 - Nov 2008)

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Aug 13, 2004
Welcome to the 7th thread for Crown Prince Willem-Alexander & Crown Princess Maxima of Netherlands' current events

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HRH The Prince of Orange and HRH Princess Maxima paid a surprise visit to the university of Amsterdam yesterday where Dr. Herman Tjeenk Willink, vice-chairman of the Counsil of State, received a honorairy doctorate. Mr. Tjeenk Willink is a godfather of Princess Catharina-Amalia and was one of the mentors of Princess Maxima during her 'inburgering' (introduction period).
Marengo said:
HRH The Prince of Orange and HRH Princess Maxima paid a surprise visit to the university of Amsterdam yesterday where Dr. Herman Tjeenk Willink, vice-chairman of the Counsil of State, received a honorairy doctorate. Mr. Tjeenk Willink is a godfather of Princess Catharina-Amalia and was one of the mentors of Princess Maxima during her 'inburgering' (introduction period).

She seems to have a new fondness for interesting prints...
Marengo said:
HRH The Prince of Orange and HRH Princess Maxima paid a surprise visit to the university of Amsterdam yesterday where Dr. Herman Tjeenk Willink, vice-chairman of the Counsil of State, received a honorairy doctorate. Mr. Tjeenk Willink is a godfather of Princess Catharina-Amalia and was one of the mentors of Princess Maxima during her 'inburgering' (introduction period).

thanks for the information, marengo!
it's lovely they chose him to be godfather of amalia and that they keep contact to the point of attending his investment. what a shame there weren't any pictures...

i loved maxima's coat at the reception :)
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There was one picture posted by mathilde16 :)

Dutch author Harry Mulish also received a honorairy doctorate, though I haven't seen pictures of the Prince of Orange and Princess Maxima with the present day King of Dutch literature ...
Marengo said:
There was one picture posted by mathilde16 :)

Dutch author Harry Mulish also received a honorairy doctorate, though I haven't seen pictures of the Prince of Orange and Princess Maxima with the present day King of Dutch literature ...

Ehm Marengo, self-made King of Dutch literature. It's about time the chap publishes a new book, otherwise we will forget about him. :lol:
Agree with you sofia, a lovely picture of Maxima.


Hmmm....does anyone else notice that Princess Maxima often wears orange? I mean, not many people wear that color so much. Do you think its a pun off of their name? I also notice that the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg wears it often and one of their orders of chivalry's ribband is orange. Just a thought...

Personally, I also think Maxima is the lovliest of the Crown Princesses. Her hair may be a little mess sometimes, but that happens.
I think it's just because it looks good on her.

I honestly don't think its because it looks good on her, even though it does. Most colours look great on Maxima. Orange doesn't look as good as really any other color on her...
Lord Williams said:
I honestly don't think its because it looks good on her, even though it does. Most colours look great on Maxima. Orange doesn't look as good as really any other color on her...

I'm agree. I believe that colors like white, brown, or maybe clear colors make Máxima looks great!! She's really nice and I think she knows what to wear and when to wear it!:king:
saphills said:
nice pictures and I love that coat!

Hair: Super

Coat: There's certainly nothing written about personal preferences... so I guess there's nothing wrong or argueable about wearing a curtain as coat :rolleyes:
She´s very fond of curtains and tablecloths lately:ROFLMAO:
Friday,february 2nd,Ned1 22.00PM; "5 years after the tear" on the wedding of TwoTwoTwo,Alexander and Máxima.
Five years! Already? Times flies, that's for sure!

A lot of publicity around this minor jubilee btw, Maartje van Weegen is even presenting RTL boulevard on 02-02-07. And there are the books and extra issues of magazines etc.
Not really. Maxima's tears during the Adios Nonino became rather famous here. When people talk about the wedding that is usually what they mention first.
Hey maybe I'll put up my personal pictures of the wedding. I drug my husband out of bed at 4 am so that we woud be on the front lines in front of the palace balcony. We were there at 4.30 and stayed until after the balcony scene. We were front and center, we couldn't have gotten closer if we'd tried. And we have some great pictures. Mind you, Michael was not too happy of a camper with me that day when I pulled him out of bed before the sun came up... But oh well. he got over it!
I see..

Well, I do think it is quite logical to cry when you're a) getting married and your parents are not there, b) sitting next to a Prince, who happens to be the person you are going to marry, while being watched LIVE by millions of individuals around the globe, c) listening to your absent's father favourite song, and being away from your country ...

On the other side she knew they were going to play that song, but still...

I also find it curious when her smile is continuously praised...
i'm so happy they did an special programme for their anniversary. the name is quite unfortunate, but i totally second what verde esmeralda said about the tears in the wedding. i think i would have cried too. mette marit, mary or even frederik also cried during their wedding ceremonies. it must be such an emotive moment, specially when the person you are sitting next to you is the prince and you both are being the center of attention of a whole country.
I'll see if I can hunt them down tonight and post them here.
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