The Miller Family 1: March 2003-July 2008

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Alexandra's kids are cute but not as cute as MC's.....I can't comment about Pia's kids as I haven't seen any pics of them since the fashion show MC had a few years back....
Where does Tassilo get his blue eyes from?? Alex and Alex are both brown eyed???
Alex & Alex each have one parent with light colored eyes!!!

Alex & Alex, each have close relatives that have very light skin and light colord eyes. So that's the reson that those two kids came out with blue eyes.:)
Aphrodite26 said:
Where does Tassilo get his blue eyes from?? Alex and Alex are both brown eyed???
Blue eyes are a recessive trait so the blue-eye gene may be hidden by the his parents' brown-eye genes, but reappeared in him.
Piaa said:
Alexandra's kids are cute but not as cute as MC's.....I can't comment about Pia's kids as I haven't seen any pics of them since the fashion show MC had a few years back....
I think Tassilo's the cutest kid. He's got this mischievious look on his face. I think I like Achilleas for the same reason - he seems to have more personality than his older brother, though Tino may actually be cuter.
I wish there would be more mention of Mrs. Miller. She seems quite fascinating w her S. American background. Very exotic and unique. Mr. Miller actually grew up in Quincy, MA - very close to where I live. He still has family there, though I'm not sure how close he remains with them. I believe his mother is still alive, though. I realize the daughters' famous in-laws are more appealing to the general public, but I would like know more about THEIR parents. Mr. Miller is a self-made man from a humble background. You've got to admire his amazing accomplishments.
I agree

I agree, I wish I can see more pictures of the Parentes of Marie chantal also I want to now more about there families, maybe wen we see pictures of there parties they are there, but they want to keep annonimous who knows. Can somebody put a picture o tell somethig about them please. thanks in advance.:)
I'm so glad to have found this thread;information about the Miller sisters has been scarce latlely.I was fortunate enough to have read about Alexandra's surprise divorce in W Magazine.Vogue sometimes writes about MC,but I'm lucky if I even see a picture of one of them in Point de Vue...I didn't know until now that Pia had a short seperation!! Thanks for the information.
Isn't Pia divorced? I think all the Miller sisters are now living in London. At least they're there a lot. I haven't heard anything in a very long time about Pia or even Alexandra.
Pia is divorced. At least according to the Vogue article that Marie Chantal did.
In the June British Vogue article, MC refers to both her sisters being divorced.
It's in the British Vogue?The U.S. Vogue doesn't have anything on this.I just read a New York gossip column and Pia is listed as one of New York's most elligible:
* Pia Getty, 35. The uber-blonde of the social set kicked her cheating hubby, Christopher Getty, to the curb after she caught him with a 6-foot Estonian stunner. Pro: As a daughter of Duty Free mogul Robert Miller, Pia has more money than God. Con: She married money and so did her two sisters; non-millionaires need not apply.
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Our Barnes and Noble carries it so if there is one near you, you might check and see if they carry it.
Actually, does anyone have photos of the Miller family going to the gala before Alexia of Greece's wedding?

i have been looking for such pictures for a long time.

there is a thread on alexia's wedding with lots of wonderful photos, but no pic of the miller family. in one photo, there is only a glimpse of MC in the background.
Angela - Natalia said:
I may be wrong but I wondered if there was a snobbery about people from hispanic backgrounds in NY high society, if not now but a few years ago. I've heard things like 'oh we speak Spanish with the maid' followed by a snorting laugh. She came from an ordinary background and whenever women get together there is bitchyness and they compare notes, on money, on background etc. Perhaps she doesn't care about that or can't be bothered with it, I wouldn't. They lived in Asia for years and travelled a lot so maybe they have friends elsewhere. I just wondered when Pia's birthday was becasue she is the only one they never mentioned. Not fair!

I don't know about the snobbery of socialites from hispanic backgrounds because when I read the New York society pages, the famous socialites that are mentioned are white and not people of color. However, I'm confused about Chantal Miller's background. Yes, there is the story of her common background and working at a hair salon. However, according to Marie Chantal in the Vogue article, she said that her dad first met her mom walking on the streets of Paris with her Afghans (sp). That description doesn't really fit in with past descriptions of her background. I wonder if she was living in Paris at the time and how was she able to afford it. I lived in Geneva but I worked as a teacher at the Ecolint (the international school) at the time. Was Chantal Miller poor or more middle class?

Also, I too have heard the story of the champagne glass. In a Royalty magazine article I read about Marie Chantal's engagement, the writer described Mrs. Miller as "head strong". So maybe the champagne glass story is correct.

Also what kind of mom is she? I once read an article where she said that she would like to do a makeover on Marie Chantal. She said that she is always giving MC advice and MC says, "Yes mother, you're quite right." I was thinking, "Leave the poor girl only and pay better attention to Alexandra, who is the one in dire need of a makeover." Then, a few years later, it was revealed that Alexandra has anoxeria.
misselle said:
It's in the British Vogue?The U.S. Vogue doesn't have anything on this.I just read a New York gossip column and Pia is listed as one of New York's most elligible:
* Pia Getty, 35. The uber-blonde of the social set kicked her cheating hubby, Christopher Getty, to the curb after she caught him with a 6-foot Estonian stunner. Pro: As a daughter of Duty Free mogul Robert Miller, Pia has more money than God. Con: She married money and so did her two sisters; non-millionaires need not apply.

"Non-millionaires need not apply". That's hilarious misselle. Thanks for the post.:)
Actually, I believe Pia is about 40. She was born the same year as my sister, 1966. MC is older than 35 and she's the middle daughter. Though from recent pics of Pia, she looks about 50. Lay off the sun, honey!
I tend to think the Millers embelish their background ~ probably in order to fit in better with their wealthy and/or royal in-laws. I originally read years ago that Mr. Miller met his wife in NYC while she was working in a hair salon. He was a struggling businessman then with big ideas. She was fresh from Ecuador and living with a relative. Now all of a sudden they claim they met in Paris and she was supposedly some socialite in fur. I don't think so. As for Hispanic snobbery, I believe it. I agree with Wallis, most of the society types are WASPs (white anglo-saxon Protestants). At least the "old money" is. Movie stars/rock stars/athletes are another story, but I don't think that's what we're talking about. I can totally understand Mrs. Miller's insecurity, despite her (husband's) money. I'm sure there are - and have been - plenty of whispers and stares and insinuating comments. And I'm sure she feels her family history when sitting next to a Getty or (even worse) someone who can trace their pedigree back to Kings and Queens of Europe. From what I know, her birth name is Maria Clara Pesantes (the "Chantal" came later when she was trying to appear more cosmopolitan) and that her family were, in effect, South American peasants. It's too bad she's obviously felt inferior to her social counterparts 'cuz, as I've posted before on the forums, I think her history and life story would be far more amazing and interesting than the typical born-with-a-silver-spoon story. I, for one, would like to know more about Mrs. Miller. It certainly wouldn't be an ordinary story!
In what language does Clara translate as Chantal?
Bella said:
It's too bad she's obviously felt inferior to her social counterparts 'cuz, as I've posted before on the forums, I think her history and life story would be far more amazing and interesting than the typical born-with-a-silver-spoon story. I, for one, would like to know more about Mrs. Miller. It certainly wouldn't be an ordinary story!

I absolutely agree. Were you also the one who said that it's a shame she doesn't talk about her life because it would sound like something out of a Henry James novel? But I guess it's easy for us to say stop being ashamed of your real background and tell us more about yourself. When you're surrounded by the extremely rich, they can be vicious. Look at Brandon Davis who was caught mocking Lindsey Lohan on video tape and saying things like, "And is she rich? Isn't she worth only 7 million?" I guess that even though this is the 21st century, there are many rich people who still have a Victorian mindset about wealth.
Emily said:
In what language does Clara translate as Chantal?
It doesn't. It translates to Cla(i)re. She seems to have adopted Chantal when she re-invented herself.
I don't think the sun is Pia's problem. She's just not aging well. And the scary, unmoisturized hair isn't helping things. She needs a good makeover, complete with something to even out her complexion and hide those bags under her eyes. She also needs less hair. Shaggy, unconditioned hair is not attractive. She might look better with a bob.
Wallis said:
Were you also the one who said that it's a shame she doesn't talk about her life because it would sound like something out of a Henry James novel?
I've made similiar comments about Mrs. Miller, yes. As a writer, I'm drawn to fascinating extraordinary people and I think Mrs. Miller falls into that category. And while there is probably a great deal of "who's richer than who" out there, my feelings about Mrs. Miller stem more from family insecurity than from financial insecurity. She has the money and everything great wealth allows. But no amount of money can change your history and buy you an impressive family history or "presentable" relations or a past to be proud of. Not that being poor and S. American is anything to be ashamed of. But Mrs. Miller strikes me as someone who wants to impress and she can do that in every conceivable way EXCEPT with her own family and background. That's why we never ever hear anything about her "roots" or her family members or anything. It's almost as though she never existed before her husband struck it rich and she began living the charmed life she does now.
I just got a hold of the British Vogue June edition.In it it says:"her younger sister Alexandra wed Prince Alex von Furstenberg,son of the designer Diane,and her sister Pia married Christopher Getty,grandson of J.Paul Getty-neither lasted..."

MC also talks about her parents,her father,"a Boston- born Cornell graduate"..."took pains not to spoil them."For example,when we lived in Paris he made us take the Metro to school...he's a meritocrat,remember,not an aristocrat.'Friends who know Robert Miller,72-'A great big bear of a man and hugely smart'...say that MC is very much her father's daughter...A dauntingly accomplished yachtsman,her father holds the world record in transatlantic monohull crossing.But it is clearly from her Ecuadorian mother Chantal...that she inherited her creative flair,her sense of style and,perhaps,her uncannily regal poise."MC says of her mother,"Oh,c'mon..what do you expect with a South American mother?Grooming,grooming,grooming-that's what it was all about when we were growing up."

The article also mentions that Pia is 39,not 35.Pia is looking older...maybe it's the stress from her broken marriage;having your husband constantly cheat on you isn't the most stree-free situation to be in;but at least Pia doesn't have any economical worries.I'm a bit older than Pia and I have to disagree with a post;she does have sun damage which is ageing (really dry looking skin is a culprit).I used sunblock,hat and sunglasses since my teens and I am not as wrinkled as she.She could also gain a few pounds to plump up her skin;being too skinny when you reach age is also an ager.
Alexandra could also gain a few pounds;she is looking haggard... what kind of stress as she been under?The von Furstenbergs were very quiet about their marriage troubles.Pia,at least let her friends know her husband was unfaithful(the Getty men have that problem).

Here's some of the pictures from the article(sorry about the quality)
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Angela - Natalia said:
I may be wrong but I wondered if there was a snobbery about people from hispanic backgrounds in NY high society, if not now but a few years ago. I've heard things like 'oh we speak Spanish with the maid' followed by a snorting laugh. She came from an ordinary background and whenever women get together there is bitchyness and they compare notes, on money, on background etc. Perhaps she doesn't care about that or can't be bothered with it, I wouldn't. They lived in Asia for years and travelled a lot so maybe they have friends elsewhere. I just wondered when Pia's birthday was becasue she is the only one they never mentioned. Not fair!

It's the twenty-first century and there are still people who have the need to build themselves up by putting others down.This attitude is very sad and very stupid.An Hispanic background does not exclude good breeding,excellent education,great personal style,exceptionally good manners...did these NY high-society types attend schools of international reputation where they could mingle with people from all over the world?Would they look down upon Carolina Herrera?Chantal Miller seems to know what she wants,how she wants to live;she has developed her personal style and is known for her impeccable taste.Her friends dubbed her "The Last Incan Princess" because of her style and taste.I hope she is just press-shy and was not excluded because of her background.
Carolina Herrera comes from a wealthy background, while Chantal Miller comes from the shadows. The fact that she's not open about her roots makes ppl suspicious and likely to believe that she comes from an humble background. I don't know that Chantal has any real friends. She was dubbed the Last Incan Princess because she dressed like one for a party. I don't think her style had anything to do with it.

The fact that she almost certainly comes from nothing, married well, and shunted her family to the background makes her different, and probably leads to snarky comments. She's clearly ashamed of her roots. The fact that she has tried to erase part of her life probably makes her an outsider.
im from ecuador chantal miller's conutry.. she is not famous here at all and she cames fromona of the poorest towns in my conutry that is located near Guayaquil, the economical capital of my contry in the ecuadorian coast, the incas never conquered the coast of my conutry, the huancavilcas and valdiveans were the ones that ruled the coast before the spanish colonization.. she is not the last incan princess at all...
I only wanted to express my aversion to the use of the Greek Royal Family forum for discussing about the Duty Free Royal Family
iannis said:
I only wanted to express my aversion to the use of the Greek Royal Family forum for discussing about the Duty Free Royal Family

Why? :confused: Marie-Chantal married Pavlos more than 10 years ago. That makes her part of the Greek royal family by marriage. The Millers are in-laws to Constantine and Anne-Marie the way the Morales family is. Robert and Chantal Miller attend many royal occasions, whether they are directly connected to their daughter and son-in-law or grandchildren such as their baptisms or not, such as Alexia's wedding to Carlos Morales.

This thread is also clearly marked as being about Marie-Chantal's family. It's not as if it's a thread on the Greek Royal Family and there are pages filled with discussion about the Millers.
gaby1985 said:
she is not famous here at all and she cames fromona of the poorest towns in my conutry

I have heard the exact same thing, gaby1985, but was reluctant to speculate too much on Mrs. Miller's past. I've also heard that she referred to herself as The Last Incan Princess after she was dubbed that by a member of the press after a lavish party she hosted in which she dressed the part. She can't be serious in believing anyone (esp. REAL princes and princesses who have proven royal lineage) would really buy into that farce, can she? It's sad, really, that this woman has to resort to such secrecy about who she is and where she comes from. And what does that say to her daughters, who are part S. American and a part of Mrs. Miller's past. Esp. Alexandra, who has the distinct physical features of her mother and her mother's heritage. Shame on her for bowing down to stupid social stigmas. I'd be out there parading about with my past, starting up charities for Ecuadorian orphans/sick/abandoned. Look at the work Bianca Jagger did in her native country. As for friends, I've never seen Mrs. Miller even photographed with anyone outside of her family or in-laws. And never, in any social column or interview with any socialite, American/British/Likewise, has anyone stepped up to claim Mrs. Miller as a friend. I think this woman lives a lonely life through her children. What a shame.
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