There is a new unauthorized biography on the Spanish-speaking market:
Máxima. La construccíon de una reina by Rodolfo Vera Calderón and María Paula Galloni:áxima-la-construcción-de-una-reina/id1564342588
The authors review -in detail- the life of Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti before her marriage, including her studies at the select Northlands College in Buenos Aires and her links in haute société, her university studies in Argentina. The authors conclude that Máxima's personal and professional career has always been carefully planned to move forward in social circles.
Máxima's father, Jorge Zorreguieta Stefanini, paid for her housing, studies and "socially desirable necessities" (like a subscription to the Opera in Buenos Aires, the place to mingle with the who-is-who) but refused to bear the cost of her (apparently costly) outings, which was why Máxima started to give private lessons to children.
According the authors Máxima's first fiancé was Federico de Álzaga whom owns Arcano, a jewelry and horloge atelier in Buenos Aires. Queen Máxima is seen in items from Arcano: gold earrings, necklace, bracelet and ring from Arcano:
After a first job with Mercado Abierto S.A., Máxima continued her career at Boston Securities in Buenos Aires where she was in charge of the sale of shares and government bonds. Following the devaluation of the national currency, Máxima understood that her professional future was in New York, a financial center. The relationship with Federico de Álzaga came to an end when the young man refused to leave Argentina, joining Máxima.
When Máxima arrived in Manhattan, she could count on her formidable network to find housing. Her friend Raúl Sánchez-Elia, then married to Lucrecia Botin (from a wealthy Spanish banking family) opened the doors to the most elegant parties in the sumptuous mansions of the Hamptons.
Máxima started to work with Credit Suisse and shared a flat with two other young women in an apartment in Chelsea, New York. It was in the summer of 1996 that she began a sentimental relationship with Orlando Muyshondt, a banker from a wealthy Belgian/El Salvadorian family, but the young man's parents quickly vetoed them, believing that Máxima was not "the woman he needs".
Máxima continued her professional ascent and every new step was one higher. She left Credit Suisse to take on the role of Vice President of Institutional Sales for South America at HSBC James Capel and then at Desdner Kleinwort Benson where she trained in microcredits as Vice President of Emerging Markets.
In 1999, Máxima joined Deutsche Bank in New York. According the authors she briefly saw a young British nobleman. In the spring of 1999, she received an invitation to go and spend a few days at the Feria in Seville in the most exclusive
casetas (sort of pavillions) there.
Cynthia Kaufmann, a former classmate from Northlands, initiated this invitation. In first instance Máxima declined because she was unable to leave Manhattan and this sudden getaway to Europe was a firm blow to her finances, but her friend urged her to come and made the offer to pay her expenses. The authors claim that Cynthia Kaufmann would have informed Máxima of the presence of two good parties: the Prince of Orange and the Crown Prince of Denmark


This is how Máxima met the future King of the Netherlands, whom she married on February 2, 2002 after a very heated controversy over her family's past under the dictatorship. In the meantime, Queen Beatrix entrusted a close friend Ottoline Antoinette Gaarlandt-van Voorst van Beest (one of her
Hofdames) with the task of preparing Máxima for her future within the royal family. By the time of the engagement announcement in the spring of 2001, Máxima was on top of her game and surprised everyone with her ability in Dutch language which allowed her to quickly win the hearts of her future compatriots.