Monday March 23
Arrival in the evening
Tuesday March 24
Welcome ceremony at the President´s Palace, Palazzo del Quirinale
Meeting with President Napolitano
Meeting with the press
Private lunch
The King visits the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies
The Queen’s programme:
Participation in the conference “Sentire – Che Bello!” on deaf/hearing disabled children at Fatebenefratelli hospital.
Visit to Differenza Donna, center for abused women and children
Visit to the Swedish Institute in Rome. Presentation of the research project “Via Tiburtina” on communication of the cultural heritage
Gala dinner offered by President Napolitano at Palazzo del Quirinale
Wednesday March 25
Meeting with the Swedish business delegation
Military ceremony including a visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Meeting with the Mayor of Rome
Visit to the Swedish Parish Home in Rome
Meeting with Swedish journalists
Visit to Galleria Borghese
Lunch with Prime Minister Berlusconi
Participation in the Italian-Swedish high level conference “Growing with Research and Innovation”, organised in collaboration with Confindustria
The Queen’s programme:
Visit to the Etruscan Museum Villa Giulia
Inauguration of a Swedish children culture festival at the children museum Explora
Gala dinner hosted by the King and the Queen of Sweden
Thursday March 26
Departure ceremony at Palazzo del Quirinale
Meeting with the heads of the UN institutions in Rome (FAO, WFP and IFAD)
Departure to Bologna
Lunch with SERN (Sweden Emilia Romagna Network)
Visit to Bologna University
Visit to the Swedish exhibition on design and innovations
Conference on “Sweden and the EU – challenges ahead”, with participation of the Foreign Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt, and former president of the European Commission and former prime Minister of Italy, Romano Prodi
Evening Dinner hosted by a member of the Italian government
Friday March 27
Visit to Villa Griffone/Guglielmo Marconi Museum
Participation in a seminar on “Telecom yesterday, today and in the future” organised by the Marconi Foundation and Ericsson
Private lunch
Departure from Bologna to Stockholm