Sofiero Palace, Helsingborg

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Imperial Majesty
Dec 2, 2013
United States
Sofiero Palace is located just north of the town of Helsingborg in southern Sweden.
Sofiero was bought by Prince Oscar and his wife, Princess Sophia in 1864.
The palace was expanded in 1874 to 1876.


Prince Gustaf Adolf (the future King Gustaf VI Adolf) received the Palace of Sofiero as a wedding gift in 1905.
Some of the flower gardens at the palace were created by Gustaf Adolf's wife, Crown Princess Margareta.

Crown Princess Margareta died.
Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf remarried.
Crown Princess Louise had much influence on the family life at Sofiero Palace.


Sofiero Palace was the summer residence of King Gustaf VI Adolf.
Gustaf VI Adolf was greatly interested in rhododendrons.
There are over 500 species of rhododendrons on the property of the palace.
Sofiero Palace quit being a summer residence for the Swedish Royal Family in 1973.

In the summer of 2011 there was an exhibition of Queen Ingrid of Denmark's life at the Palace of Sofiero.
Rooms in the palace were decorated as they would have been during Princess Ingrid's time there as a child, with her toys and books on display.


The myrtle bush brought by Princess Margareta, wife of Gustaf (VI) Adolf, was originally tended at Sofiero Palace.
The myrtle bush is now at Ulriksdal Palace.
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Here is an article about an event at Sofiero Palace (I don't know when- I could not find a date) but it has some nice insight about the palace. (I have typed up the article as it is not available as a direct link online)

Sofieros slottsträdgård utsågs förra året till Europas vackraste park. Tiotusen rhododendronbuskar, prunkande raviner och ett slott med Sveriges absolut vackraste utsikt har en dragningskraft som är oemotståndlig. Men Sofi ero har fl er guldkorn än så i sin skattkista.

Här pågår under året massor av evenemang, utställningar och konserter. I slottet hålls sommarens stora utställning som i år handlar om Sveriges prinsessa och Danmarks drottning Ingrid som bodde på Sofiero under somrarna som barn. Ett nära porträtt av Ingrid som person, kunglighet och trädgårdsintresserad. Blomster dekoratören Gunnar Kaj, som bland annat stått bakom blomsterarrangemang på Nobelfester, sätter sin egen blomstrande prägel på utställningen. Gunnar kommer också att skapa arrangemang i Orangeriet där Agneta Spångberg ställer ut färgsprakande cocktailklänningar i lergods – i naturlig storlek!

Utställningen som heter Cocktail Couture för tankarna till 50–60-talets festliga cocktailpartyn och klänningarna kompletteras med krukor och cocktailassietter i samma stil. Agneta Spångberg är en av Sveriges mest banbrytande och spännande keramiker, utbildad i både Sverige och USA, och inte rädd för att tänja på gränserna för vad som är möjligt att göra med lera. När det gäller utställningens utformning har hon inspirerats av Sofieros kungligheter och prunkande park. Och det är ju så,att oavsett vilket evenemang som lockar till Sofiero så kan man inte annat än att fascineras av Sofieros gröna sevärdheter. Direkt innanför entrén finns till exempel en vacker rund rabatt som kallas för Drottning Silvias blomstersmycke då den anlades i samband med hennes 50-årsdag 1993. Samma år invigdes Kronprinsessan Margaretas Blomstergata, en rekonstruktion av Kronprinsessans ursprungsförslag till blomstergång från år 1910, som står i full blom under Den Stora Trädgårdsfesten. Gustav VI Adolf tyckte mycket om dahlior och i Dahliakvarteret fi nns ett 40-tal sorter, titta närmare på den stora, röda Vulcan som utsetts till besökarnas favorit år efter år

Visste du att…
kronprins Oskar och hans hustru Sophia byggde Sofiero som sitt sommarslott 1864. Detta gavs sedan till sonsonen Gustaf Adolf och hans hustru Margareta som bröllopspresent. De la grunderna till den vackra trädgården, särskilt intresserad blev Gustaf Adolf med tiden av rhododendron som än i dag är synonymt med slottet och dess trädgård.
Sofiero 150 years
Once upon a time there was a prince and a princess ... As many stories begin, the story about Sofiero also begins with a prince and a princess. In 1866, Crown Prince Oscar and his wife Sophia of Nassau finally could spend their first summer at the summer palace of their dreams – overlooking the wooded gorges, the strait and Denmark. This year the story about Sofiero turns 150 years and will be celebrated all through 2016 with a big jubilee!
Throughout 2016 there will be celebrations of the 150th jubilee making every event in the palace and park extra special. The Anniversary Exhibition at the palace takes the visitor on a unique journey through several generations of royal artistry in the Bernadotte dynasty - from Danish Queen Margrethe's textile art to the Swedish Prince Carl-Philip's industry design.
Welcome to Sofiero

Jubilee Inauguration
The inauguration of Sofiero's 150th jubilee will take place on Sweden's National Day June 6th in the presence of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. During the festive celebrations a brand new Jubilee Garden, as well as the Jubilee Exhibition at the palace will be inaugurated.
Jubilee Inauguration
Nina Nordh has written a book "Sofieros trädgårdsbok" (Sofiero's Garden Book), published in March 2021.

Inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement and English gardens, Sofiero Palace Garden is both a historical heritage and a living work of art in slow motion. Just as in Crown Princess Margareta's time more than a hundred years ago, the garden is characterized by garden know-how, the artistic eye and the desire to experiment.
The book is richly illustrated with newly taken photographs, historical pictures as well as drawings and sketches. Throughout the book, quotes and ideas from Crown Princess Margareta are also woven into the story.
Sofieros trädgårdsbok – Bokförlaget Arena
At social media of The Royal Palaces:
The wedding gift Sofiero
#onthisday 22 July 1905, the Duke and Duchess of Skåne, Prince Gustaf Adolf and Princess Margareta, came to Sofiero Palace. The Palace was a wedding gift from the prince's grandmother and grandfather, King Oskar II and Queen Sofia, it had been built as a summer residence in the 1860s. The princess loved gardening and together with Gustaf Adolf she transformed the neglected park. Their diligent work laid the foundation for one of the finest parks in Scandinavia. The couple worked intensively and children and guests were expected to help. Rhododendron shoots were taken from the childhood home Bagshot Park and are now part of a highly vibrant cultural heritage at Sofiero.
Sofiero Pictures
1. Crown Princess Margareta in the garden.
2. Gustaf Adolf and Margareta plan the wall flowerbed.
3. Crown Princess Margareta with the children Ingrid and Gustaf Adolf, 1915.
4. Arrival at Sofiero Palace on July 22, 1905.
Photos from the Bernadotte Library's archive.
Sofiero Palace is being renovated
It is time for our old summer residence to be renewed and improved. The palace, which has now closed its doors to the public, will reopen in the spring of 2024. The park is open as usual and we have a wonderful program to look forward to with concerts, events and exhibitions.
Renovation of Sofiero Palace
Sustainability, innovation and accessibility are in focus during the renovation. The palace, which was previously a royal summer residence, is being renovated to create better public areas and to be able to receive more visitors. There will also be a smaller extension on the palace's south gable where the restaurant's kitchen will move, at the same time as the palace café's glass veranda is expanded to accommodate more guests.
Renovering av Sofiero slott - parken öppen som vanligt
Varsam renovering och upprustning av Sofiero slott _ Stordåhd Kommunikation AB
The business Sofiero Palace and Palace Gardens is merged with Helsingborg Arena to form the business unit Sofiero Palace and Palace Gardens and Helsingborg Arena. The businesses already today share resources for event production as well as marketing and sales, but now also have common control systems. The company will now have three businesses of equal size; Sofiero Palace and Palace Gardens/Helsingborg Arena, the City Theater and the Concert Hall.
Current operations manager for Sofiero Palace and Palace Gardens, Caroline Lundholm, will be responsible for the new operations.
Invitation to press screening of the newly renovated palace
After a year of extensive renovation work, it is time to open the gates to Sofiero Palace again. Welcome to the press screening on Tuesday, June 4 at 14:30-16:00.
After the press screening, there is the opportunity to stay and attend the official opening, the program of which is led by the hosts Mark Levengood and Ebba Kleberg von Sydow.

After a year of renovation, it is finally time to open the gates to Sofiero Palace again. Sofiero celebrates this with the event "Fest för Slottet!" on June 5-9. The five-day program is packed with family activities, discounted guided tours, inspiring lectures and much more.
A long article about Sofiero Palace at Expressen's Sköna hem at the article among other things:

The restaurant dining room is located in what used to be the salon, where Princess Christina used to play canasta with her grandfather Gustaf VI Adolf.
- Grandpa didn't like being alone. Since he became a widower for the second time in 1965, we took turns in the family to go to Sofiero to keep him company. There was a lot of card games and walks in the park, of course. In childhood, mother, siblings and I spent a few days in Skåne every summer, with grandfather and Queen Louise. The garden was the important thing and you had to go there, with a basket, secateurs and a small spade. We would mow, clear and harvest, it was just being along. We weren't very skilled, as I remember, Princess Christina has told to Gods & Gårdar and at her book.
Christina's childhood memories are from the 1940s, but the story of Sofiero begins many years earlier. It was Prince Oscar and Princess Sofia who, during a trip south in 1864, fell in love with the coastline north of Helsingborg. Land was bought from the church, and a simpler summer palace with six towers was built here.
When Gustaf Adolf married the English royal couple's granddaughter Margaret in 1905, they received Sofiero as a wedding gift. Margareta was hugely interested in gardening and it rubbed off on her husband. Within a few years, they had transformed old potato fields and weedy slopes into flower plantings with boulders and winding gravel paths, and established fruit and kitchen gardens. The first rhododendron bush, which came from the Crown Princess's childhood castle Bagshot Park in England, was planted at the royal tea grounds in the gorge in 1907.
Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf and Margareta had five children and fifteen years together before the popular Crown Princess passed away in 1920.
The showy flower beds have flowers in purple, white, pink and red. In the castle garden, there are a total of around 10,000 plants, distributed among 340 different species of rhododendrons and azaleas. Gustaf VI Adolf's collection took off after the death of Margareta and continued throughout his life. He kept accurate statistics on purchases of both seeds and plants and knew on an individual level how they were doing. Over the years it became one of Europe's largest rhododendron collections.
Gustaf VI Adolf gave in his will Sofiero to the City of Helsingborg, and was very keen that the park be managed with care and made available to the public. What happened to the palace he was not so particular about. After the family took away some things, most of the inventory was auctioned off.
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