I saw a headline in one of our not too credible publications that Camilla is in rehab for alcohol abuse. Is that correct?
.S. It was the Globe. Here is the link Drunken Camilla Rehab Crisis! - Globe Magazine
if anyone is intesting. The Globe is a rag.
The picture on this page was taken just a few days ago. When I first saw it a few days--I thought Camilla was looking really sharp and happy. Almost younger. Royal Insight > Gallery Considering the source of the article--I would say it isn't worth the paper it is printed on!!
Indeed. I wondered if they hadn't "doctored" the picture in some way.
No, it is not correct Lexi.I saw a headline in one of our not too credible publications that Camilla is in rehab for alcohol abuse. Is that correct?
Considering the attention the article has received on this board the paper is obviously read by many different kinds of people.
What, and blurred out the bottle of gin in a brown paper bag HRH was hiding under her coat? This story is 100% false, to even entertain the idea of it being true is ridiculous. If she was an alcoholic we'd know by now. If you are, it's impossible to hide.
What, and blurred out the bottle of gin in a brown paper bag HRH was hiding under her coat? This story is 100% false, to even entertain the idea of it being true is ridiculous. If she was an alcoholic we'd know by now. If you are, it's impossible to hide.
The title of the thread is what is triggering all of the hits. Since this is a rumour in a gossip mag may I suggest that the thread be re named Rumors about....When I googled Camilla and alcholic no matches . When I googled Camilla and rehab I got the royal forum thread, the Globe, and some articles about her changing image. AND on google it comes up as a statement not a question.
Too true. Yep, you can see alcoholism in the face overtime, and it doesn't take so many years as we have been seeing Camilla.
I tried to change the title, I am not sure it worked.