Royal Decrees

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Heir Apparent
Oct 26, 2005
United States
Does anyone know where one could find the entire copy of royal decrees? Especially those of current interest.

Thanks so much
what about British Royals Family?

like Prince Charles and Late Diana,Princess of Wales (1981-1996)
Prince Andrew and Sarah,Duchess of York (1986-1996)
Princess Anne and Mark Phillips (1973-1992)
Prince Charles and Camilla,Duchess of Cornall 2005-present

have anymore of royals family of royals decrees?
There's a list of proclamations and letters patent here.
Hi henri,

Thanks so much. Unfortunately I can not access it. Do you happen to know when the proclamation was issued regarding Maxima?

I am looking for the specific one that grants her the status of Princess in her own right
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Empress said:
Hi henri,

Thanks so much. Unfortunately I can not access it. Do you happen to know when the proclamation was issued regarding Maxima?

I am looking for the specific one that grants her the status of Princess in her own right

Royal Decree of 25 January 2002 concerning the establishment of the titles and the predicate of mrs. Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti and of the titles, names and the predicate of the children that might become borne out of the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand, The Prince of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg with Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau.

We BEATRIX, by the grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, Etc., Etc., Etc.

On the nomination of Our Minister of the Interior and Our Minister of Justice of 22 January 2002, nr. CW2002/U52684, done also on behalf of Our Premier Minister, Minister of General Affairs;

Having read the advice of the High Council of Nobility of 10 May 2001;

Considering article 2, second part, of the Act on the Nobility and article 5, twelfth part, of Book 1 of the Civil Code;

Have approved and understand:

Article 1
From the moment of the celebration of the marrige of His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand, The Prince of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg with mrs. Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti, to her have been granted the titles Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau with the predicate Royal Highness.

Article 2
The children that might become borne out of the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand, The Prince of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg with Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, will bear the titles Prince (Princess) of the Netherlands, Prince (Princess) of Orange-Nassau with the predicate Royal Highness.

Article 3
This Royal Decree will become active on the day after its publication in the State Gazette.

Our Ministers of the Interior and of Justice are entrusted with the exact execution of this Royal Decree, that will be publicized in the State Gazette, in the Official Publications of the Netherlands Antilles and in the Proclamations of Aruba.

The Hague,
25 January 2002,
[signed] BEATRIX

The Premier Minister, Minister of General Affairs
[countersigned] W. Kok

The Minister of the Interior
[countersigned] K. G. de Vries

The Minister of Justice
[countersigned] A.H. Korthals

Publicized the Thirty-first of January 2002,
The Minister of Justice, for the publication:
A.H. Korthals
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Hey thanks! I appreciate it! I do speak dutch :) but really appreciate your translation.

I can't read in that, that she holds onto her status in her own right though.
Empress said:
Hey thanks! I appreciate it! I do speak dutch :) but really appreciate your translation.

I can't read in that, that she holds onto her status in her own right though.

Yes, article 1 states that, from the celebration of her marriage, to her is granted the titles Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau with the predicate Royal Highness.

This did not happen with all the other marriages in the Royal House, all other ladies married to a Prince (Mabel, Laurentien, etc.) did not acquire any title, predicate or nobility by their marriage. Only because of tradition, female spouses of titled persons may be addressed with their husband's titles, purely en titre courteoisie. Like you can adress the spouse of a Baron with Baroness. That is the same.
Aha! Now I get it! Thanks again.
The princess of Beligum both the Crown princess and Princess Claire were created princesses in their right through royal decree from the king.
The princess of Beligum both the Crown princess and Princess Claire were created princesses in their right through royal decree from the king.

As was HRH Princess Léa, who is now referred to as "Princess Alexandre" by the Belgian court, while HI&RH Prince Amadeo's wife is referred to as "Princess Elisabetta," although she was not made Princess of Belgium before or since their marriage. King Philippe issued a decree recently concerning Belgian royal titles, and the decree also stated he had retroactively given his consent for their marriage. Still none of their children will be "HRH Prince/ss of Belgium"; of course, this does not concern Amadeo's "Archduke of Austria-Este,..." imperial /royal titles.
As was HRH Princess Léa, who is now referred to as "Princess Alexandre" by the Belgian court, while HI&RH Prince Amadeo's wife is referred to as "Princess Elisabetta," although she was not made Princess of Belgium before or since their marriage. King Philippe issued a decree recently concerning Belgian royal titles, and the decree also stated he had retroactively given his consent for their marriage. Still none of their children will be "HRH Prince/ss of Belgium"; of course, this does not concern Amadeo's "Archduke of Austria-Este,..." imperial /royal titles.

After further research, HRH Princess Alexandre was never made a Princess of Belgium in her own right, just Princess Elisabetta has never one either. Actually in Wikipedia, under members of the BRF, she is referred to as "HI&RH Archduchess Elisabetta."
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