As for the future of his marriage... it is still early days. Let's see what happens in a few years time. After all this, he may as well follow his father's footsteps.....
Anyway, I do not wish this. May they live happily ever after and then we can all have a nice ending to the fairy tale....
As Felipe said in his wedding speech, to marry with love and emotions has always been one of his goals in life. It certainly gave him hope to begin a new life (you can't have no hope in life). The black opal ring Felipe gave to Letizia for her first birthday after the wedding said it all, 'loyalty and full of hope for the future'. Whether the love will last life time, only time can tell. A couple can grow towards each other after the marriage, they can also grow apart, one partner outgrows the other during the long journey, it happens everywhere.
Felipe is in a very lonely position, he could as well be a very lonely man before his marriage. I would rather see him with Letizia than those pijos he used to hang out so much before the marriage.
On the rumors of the King's friends leaking out his private words on his son's marriage to the press, if any truth to it, it shows one more time that money and power doesn't buy loyalty and class