As far as I am concerned, Mary has been representing the charities for 2 years tops? And she/whoever at the court feels the need to host a party to celebrate this accomplishment its over the top to me.
If Mary hosts her own Kur after representing the charities for 5/10 years, then yes a party would be well deserved and appropriate.
I doubt she can even remember all the organisations that she's supposed to be supporting and their chair person's name by heart without rehersing.
Anyone can turn up at a function all dressed up and make small talk without putting in too much effort. But the REAL work of supporting charities and their objectives lies in doing field work and seeing the real challenges for yourself, and this is something that Alex understands and can do flawlessly.
The quote above is from melissajames from the previous thread. Just a couple of points I want to make. Firstly, Alexandra holds something similar - I think fans of Alexandra would be more capable than me of putting links to pictures and links to posts relating to Alex (and Joachim) meeting reps of their various charities, just to say thank you.
Also, although its called a "kur", there were no ballgowns involved at all. Indeed, its really very similar to Alexandra's "kur" (although its not called that for Alex). perhaps the only difference is the date, and no pictures of Mary' kur was released directly to the press. Posters from CPMMB have unearthed a Billed Bladet article saying this (that only a court photographer was present, that the pictures aren't released directly to the press, but instead are given to the patronages - perhaps so they can post it up on their website. Good idea - it will mean that people will visit the various websites, thereby increasing awareness of the various patronages.
I also do not agree that one has to wait 5 to 10 years to say thank you. I'm perhaps a little impatient, but even a year is too long a wait! Seriously though, I think mary understands that this is not only a chance for her to acknowledge the charities who have accepted her as patron, but is also an excellent opportunity to bring attention to the various causes (as indicated by the decision to release the photos to the charities only and not directly to the press - now that's a very smart move!).
In regards to Mary not being able to remember the names of her patronages. Well, I think that's just a baseless comment, especially as many of her charities have already said that Mary has made great contributions (even if we're not always aware of them). For example, there was no official media release but the founder of the Allanah and Madeleine Foundation here in Australia decided to speak to a women's magazine here in Australia, just to thank the CPss for the support she's given. He also indicated that the CPss was the reason why anti-bullying programs which is being introduced into Austalian schools will also be introduce in Denmark. Just things that that, we would not have known if someone hadn't spoken up about it. Now things like that are real and practical contributions - and goes way beyond appearing at functions and visiting people and places (which are also very good because it boosts morale and brings attention to the various causes).
I suppose Mary hasn't made many overseas trips for her charities - she hasn't visited India or Africa etc. Does she need to if a former member of the DRF is already doing a good job at it? I think not (just as a small aside as well - in some ways, visiting other countries is the same as attending a function - no direct practical work involved, no digging etc, but is a perfect opportunity to bring attention to the case merely by being there). Also, can one deny the fact that she can do just as good a job if she stays in Denmark - especially for the Danish based charities?
Furthermore, she has a young baby and I think its important that she stays with him (and Fred).