Intriguing. The royal aide who briefed the media in April expressly stated that she would become "Queen Camilla" on coronation day, so either the aide was misinformed, the aide was instructed to give out misinformation, or there was indeed a U-turn by the king within the last month. I wonder which it was.
At least adopting "The Queen" straightaway will spare us further complaints and speculations about Queen Camilla being "promoted" to The Queen.
It is a fluid situation. She was originally intended to be only "The Princess Consort". Then Queen Elizabeth II agreed with the proposal to make her "The Queen Consort", which, contrary to later spin by the courtiers, was probably meant to be permanent and not just a temporary title.
Later they annnounced that she would become "Queen Camilla" and, now apparently, they finally settled on "The Queen", which is the default anyway for the wife of a reigning British King.
It would be indeed odd to call her anything other than "The Queen" after she was anointed, crowned and enthroned in a "sacred" ceremony for those who believe in it.
Of course, "Queen Camilla" will still be used informally, as styles like "Queen Alexandra", "Queen Mary" or "Queen Elizabeth" were used before any of the former became widows.
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