about the jewellery and the circle tiara that Princess Ragnhild have this is her private belonging. It have never belonged to the Royal Family of Norway. She got that Tiara from her Grand mother Princess Ingeborg. Princess Ragnhilds jewellery is infact her own private jewelery only the Queen Maud Diamond Tiara belong to the Royal house of norway. Princess Ragnhild and Erling Lorentzen are the richest of all royal families in Scandinavia and she have got alot of fantastic jewellery from her husband during a long life. So the jewellery she wears is her private once i hope it will go to her children. I cant understand why her private jewellery shall go back to the Royal House they can buy their own jewellery if they needIn an book about her which was published last year it was confirmed by Princess Astrid that the tiaras in her posession will go back to the Crown after her death. Probably the sme will happen with the tiaras in the posession of Princess Ragnhild.