Princess Máxima, Current Events 6 (March 2008 - October 2009)

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Aug 13, 2004

Welcome to the 6th thread for Crown Princess Maxima of The Netherlands' current events.

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I just saw a magazine called 'Nouveau' and they selected 10 Dutch women with guts, Maxima was one of the 10 too, the magazine said the way she was able to stay herself, how her entry to the RF loosened up the family (sigh), and the way she positiones herself in the intergration debate makes her stand out and gives her guts.
HRH attended,and speeched at,a UN meeting for Finance ministers,presidents of central banks and policy makers in the financial field,Yaoundé,Cameroen,wednesday.

Het Koninklijk Huis

And,Mirror mirror on the wall,who has the presttiest smile of all?

According to 3/4 of us dutch,that is Princess Máxima's smile,no doubt about that,so she won an award from
Positive (as in happy/good/great etc..) Netherlands.

ANP Beeldbank
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Princess Maxima arriving at the opening of the new Sint Petrus care center in Boekel.

PPE Agency
I bet she looks better then some here,really do,would love to see some pics of all of you and hold them next to Máxima,talking about a "climate-change"....:whistling:
Well, you will never see me with messy hair like this. I would not dare to leave home like this. ;)

But yes of course you are all right about Máxima's carisma. She manages to glow even when her look is a mess.
Anyway: With a proper hairdo she would glow even more. :p

I love this coat! Colorful and funny. :kiss: It has always been one of my favourites!
Princess Maxima arriving at the opening of the new Sint Petrus care center in Boekel.

PPE Agency

Carepark sounds a little like "put a nickle and a dime in and open your mouth and we feed and groom you while you wait".Or is read as carpark,like Wendy did....:ohmy:
Messy hair or deep wrinkle, with that ever lovely smile, she is still the beautiful princess.
HRH Princess Máxima,Chair of the Curatorium of the Prince Claus Chair,will attend the Oratio on "Culture and Politics:post-war healing and reconcilliation in Mozambique" by Dr.Alcinda Honwana,the new holder of the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity,Institute for Social Studies,The Hague,tuesday april 1st.
Het Koninklijk Huis

On thursday april 3rd The Princess,The Prince of Orange,Princess Margriet and van Vollenhoven as well as other members of the Royal Family,will attend the memorial service for Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema at the Dorpskerk,Wassenaar.
April 3rd was the birthday of the deceased.

Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema,aka The Soldier of Orange (filmed and a huge box-office hit),was a WWII resistance fighter,fled to England to undertake sabotage missions here,became a life-long friend of Prince Bernhard and Princess Juliana,Adjutant to HM Queen Wilhelmina after the war,wrote his memoirs and went to live in Hawai for the rest of his life until he passed away last september 26th.He was like an uncle to the "girls at Soestdijk" (HM and her sisters when younger...) and a substitute grandfather to all their children and their partners,they simply adored him.
Het Koninklijk Huis

On friday HRH will open the SimTradeFair,Rotterdam:
Het Koninklijk Huis
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Maxima is very bright, capable and hardworking. She seems to enjoy what she is doing and her enthusiasm is contagious. She has three beautiful children and her husband appears to adore her. The Queen seems to have a very good relationship with her daughter-in-law. So what about messy hair. It is probably nicely combed when she leaves for her engagements. With her energy am I suprised anything stays in place. We should heap praise on her for the great job she is doing - being a non-royal and foreigner yet embracing her new country and role. Perhaps a new thread should be started for Maxima's hair and wrinkles for anyone considering it worthy of a lengthy discussion.
Nice to see Maxima in this coat again, I like it and she looks gorgeous in it ;). And luckily it isn't from Natan (my pet hate for the moment).

Is that Hanja Maij Weggen with Maxima btw? As she is comminionair of the Queen (governor) of Brabant? I wondered, do they always accompany members of the RF? Or just every now and then and if that is the case, when do and when don't they accompany the RF?
I agree! Maxima clearly loves children. That little girl looks like little Irene of la Infanta Cristina.
Nice to see Maxima in this coat again, I like it and she looks gorgeous in it ;). And luckily it isn't from Natan (my pet hate for the moment).

Is that Hanja Maij Weggen with Maxima btw? As she is comminionair of the Queen (governor) of Brabant? I wondered, do they always accompany members of the RF? Or just every now and then and if that is the case, when do and when don't they accompany the RF?

The CdK's always accompany members of the RF be it on official,or working visits.
Why is Nathan your pet hate now?
Well, a 'hate' is too strong but I just don't like to see all the Princesses, Grand Duchess and what not of the Benelux in the same outfit albeit in different colors. Very shallow, but it annoys me. That his clothes are very often not very flattering (balloon skirts) doesn't help either and I do not find his clothes that special, Maxima could things that are as nice or nicer in her own country.
And luckily it isn't from Natan (my pet hate for the moment).
Same here!:whistling:

Marengo said:
but I just don't like to see all the Princesses, Grand Duchess and what not of the Benelux in the same outfit albeit in different colors.
That's just so annyoing. I couldn't trust my eyes when I saw Margriet wearing the same outfit Princess Mathilde just wore 3 days earlier.
And Máxima attending a state dinner wearing the same galadress Mathilde wore just a few days later.
And: IMO Natan clothes just look all the same (style wise) and I am not a huge fan of his creations!
Well, a 'hate' is too strong but I just don't like to see all the Princesses, Grand Duchess and what not of the Benelux in the same outfit albeit in different colors. Very shallow, but it annoys me. That his clothes are very often not very flattering (balloon skirts) doesn't help either and I do not find his clothes that special, Maxima could things that are as nice or nicer in her own country.

Grinning.........It often are not the most serious things in life that can annoy you most,same here......

Oh,if only Edgar Vos would still be availeble.Now,he knew what chic was/is.
Btw,did you know we,here in The Netherlands,have 275 independent fashion designers?
There must be some real outstanding talent out there wouldn't you think?

ANP Beeldbank
I recall reading an article from the State Visit to Belgium in which Princess Mathilde remarks that Princess Maxima was learing French.

And I also recall Máxima spoke briefly in French while they were visiting Turkey with the Queen and WA, when they stopped to have a tea ... I remember she explained, in French, the Dutch saying "Kijken, kijken, niet kopen" (Look, look, not buy). I don't know how advanced her French is, but she clearly had a previous knowledge of the language.
The posts about Princess Anita's ambitions as a designer have been moved to this thread.
Simply fantastic,nuestra chica latina!:wub:
Well, the smile is fantastic as usual, but you would expect they have a comb at Villa Eikenhorst (or maybe they lent them all to the exhibition they have on Palace Het Loo at the moment).

And I am not a fan of leopard print either, I still have nightmares of GD Maria Theresa in a leopard print dress on a party of her s-i-l Marie-Astrid. At least it is a recycled dress, so no money was spend on it now.
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Well, the smile is fantastic as usual, but you would expect they have a comb at Villa Eikenhorst (or maybe they lent them all to the exhibition they have on Palace Het Loo at the moment).

And I am not a fan of leopard print either, I still have nightmares of GD Maria Theresa in a leopard print dress on a party of her s-i-l Marie-Astrid. At least it is a recycled dress, so no money was spend on it now.

LOL,oh you poor thing.Nighmares of leopardprint dresses.Usually not my choice for a woman either,can look very vulgar/cheap,just yuck yuck.But Máxima pulls it off like she pulls off anything,be it a patato bag or a AH tas.
LOL,oh you poor thing.Nighmares of leopardprint dresses.Usually not my choice for a woman either,can look very vulgar/cheap,just yuck yuck.But Máxima pulls it off like she pulls off anything,be it a patato bag or a AH tas.
I don't like the printeithr butshe pull it very well, it is simple dress, just the sahll i don't like it at all. i wonder what does she do with all the flowers thatse always receve?anyones knows?
I don't like the printeithr butshe pull it very well, it is simple dress, just the sahll i don't like it at all. i wonder what does she do with all the flowers thatse always receve?anyones knows?

I seem to have the idea in my head that they are donated to places like hospitals, but I have no idea (at all!) why I think that, and normally when I don't know why I think something there is a great chance that it is wrong....
Sorry, but thats the best I can do. :flowers:
I seem to have the idea in my head that they are donated to places like hospitals, but I have no idea (at all!) why I think that, and normally when I don't know why I think something there is a great chance that it is wrong....
Sorry, but thats the best I can do. :flowers:

I am not sure if that also happens to the flowers they receive at these events, I can imagine that there is enough space in their own house to put some flowers. But the flowers they get for bigger events, like birthdays and births are usually distributed to a hospital or home for the elderly.


To lucien, here a picture, so you can see what the leopard nightmare looks like ;)
I am not sure if that also happens to the flowers they receive at these events, I can imagine that there is enough space in their own house to put some flowers. But the flowers they get for bigger events, like birthdays and births are usually distributed to a hospital or home for the elderly.


To lucien, here a picture, so you can see what the leopard nightmare looks like ;)

Ok, Thanks Marengo. They are often beautiful flowers - I wouldnt mind having them in my home! :flowers:

And, yes, nightmare is the word!
I am not sure if that also happens to the flowers they receive at these events, I can imagine that there is enough space in their own house to put some flowers. But the flowers they get for bigger events, like birthdays and births are usually distributed to a hospital or home for the elderly.


To lucien, here a picture, so you can see what the leopard nightmare looks like ;)

Oh Gawd!!A "Wallen outfit with matching skin"!!!:eek:
It seems that Princess Maxima has been in Brussels today.

May be someone can translate this?
Het Koninklijk Huis
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It seems that Princess Maxima has been in Brussels today.

May be Lucien can translate this?
Het Koninklijk Huis
It seems Máxima has joined a meeting of the Brussel Dutch Women Network.
The Princess was holding a Speech for 45 women who were attending that meeting. It dealed with the topic "Women at work".
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