the reason for maxima's skin is definetely that sun in south america is far more scorching, abrassing than in any countries of europe, let alone the netherlands. even when she was the prince's fiance, her skin was quite damaged. moreover, having lived in south america, i would say most of the ladies there are not very concerned about the long term bad effects of sun, and actually don't really bother too much because of those little stains that the skin gets when there is a lot of sun exposure. it's something that actually looks good for them. i don't want to offend anyone, i lived there quite a lot of years ago, and perhaps now "sun fashion" changed. i'm talking about my experience at that time.
i also noticed a big change in maxima's wardrobe from the initial time as fiance to when she married and about a year after that and now, from young, original and chic-er outfits to probably a more protocolar and distinctive wardrobe. it definetely is a more "mature" style (perhaps showing adaptation to her role, i have the impression she is taking a lot of hints from her mother in law, the queen), which is in my opinion what gives her that mature look. i wish sometimes she wore more outfits as in the beginning, make a combination of both styles, since she will have a lot of time to wear the mature ones...