New thread on little Elisabeth of Belgium...growing up so quickly! Enjoy (old thread
Lena said:Thank you for the scans, Martine!![]()
Yes, Elisabeth is really growing fast...growing to an adorable and beautiful young lady.
Was there any special occasion for the photoshooting?
Cathérine Bergeyck said:It wasn't really a photoshoot, this was the photo that was returned to you if you sent a christmas card to Philippe & Mathilde.
Lena said:Thank you for the explanation, Cathérine Bergeyck.![]()
Is this card also send to private persons, who sent a Christmas card to the court (e.g. if I would send them a Christmas card, would I get the thank you-card 2005)?
Martine said:Here are some recent pictures of Princess Elisabeth![]()
If you use them on other message boards/sites/groups, please give credit cause these mags are really expensive...
Hannelore said:Here's a link to the news, that starts with the anouncement of Mathilde's third pregnancy. They also give a video of Elisabeth being picked up from school yesterday.
It was her first full day at school, so far she had only been going untill noon. Because the news of the new pregnancy had leaked to the press that morning, Filip and Mathilde didn't want to face the press yet, that had gathered massively at the school gate. Normally Filip drops Elisa of in the morning, and Mathilde comes to pick her up. Now it was a nanny. The nanny is Flemish and talks Dutch with Elisabeth, who also goes to a Flemish school in Brussels.
You can hear the little princess talk a little in Dutch (a perfect Dutch without accent btw, 3,5 years old and already bilingual!!)
Seeing all the press Elisabeth says:
-"There's a man ("a mister")
Nanny: "yes, he's come to take pictures"
-Elisa: "Of what?"
To see the news go to donderdag 14/04 19u
Hannelore said:Princess Elisabeth on holiday in Switzerland last week. Playtime with her biggest friend....her dad.