Princes Nikolai, Felix, Henrik & Princess Athena, News Part 2: July 2018 - 2022

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I would be a bit disgruntled if I were a Danish tax payer (since I'm guessing that's how Nikolai's education is funded) if I heard this report, especially since it's his second time lucky.
Education is free in Denmark so no part of the royal finances are going towards funding Nicholas's tuition.
Regarding him taking part in a few shows during the international fashion weeks my opinion is that it's up to him to decide how he wants try to juggle education and work himself. He wouldn't be the first person who's doing homework during his work breaks.
Princes Nikolai, Felix, Henrik & Princess Athena, News Part 2: July 2018 -

Education is free in Denmark so no part of the royal finances are going towards funding Nicholas's tuition.
Regarding him taking part in a few shows during the international fashion weeks my opinion is that it's up to him to decide how he wants try to juggle education and work himself. He wouldn't be the first person who's doing homework during his work breaks.

Actually, I found this from the CBS’s website:

Before I’m corrected again, I’ll also add that the website states in the undergraduates section (which I presume Nikolai will count as), that there are fees for the programmes too since there is a section of information about bursaries and meeting costs for students who aren’t as able to afford a programme.
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If I interpreted Alexandra's previous comments correctly, Nikolai would only take on modelling opportunities if they paid very well and not do the 'minor shows'. So, I guess, these two shows met their threshold and so were able to score their prince on the catwalk.

Actually, I found this from the CBS’s website:

Before I’m corrected again, I’ll also add that the website states in the undergraduates section (which I presume Nikolai will count as), that there are fees for the programmes too since there is a section of information about bursaries and meeting costs for students who aren’t as able to afford a programme.

I'm sure he is not taking an executive MBA. He has no undergraduate yet (as you stated yourself) and holds no executive position either.

The bursaries are probably for international students (from outside the EU) who have to pay a fee. That doesn't necessarily mean that Danish students have to pay as well (JR76 lives just across the border, so I assume he knows what he is talking about). Can you link the page you found it on? That might help to understand where you are coming from.

If you are referencing the 'student grants', that's most likely to cover part of the costs of living - as it specifically states that it is independent of your social standing (the Netherlands had the same system until very recently).
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I'm quite sure he is not taking an executive MBA. He has no undergraduate yet and holds no executive position either.

The bursaries are most likely for international students (from outside the EU) who have to pay a fee. That doesn't mean that Danish students have to pay as well.

Ouch, I stand corrected after all then. I didn’t realise only international students have to pay a fee, I presumed it was for all students given the fact that there was a lot of information about university finance on the webpage.
Lucky Danes having free university. Loans are a nightmare here in Britain!
Ouch, I stand corrected after all then. I didn’t realise only international students have to pay a fee, I presumed it was for all students given the fact that there was a lot of information about university finance on the webpage.
Lucky Danes having free university. Loans are a nightmare here in Britain!

I'm not completely sure but based on JR76's comment that would make most sense to me.

Luckily, in some countries you don't have to pay that much to go to college. Imo it should be affordable to all to attend college. So, it helps if the government is willing to pay a large part and if spending is focused on the key processes and not on things like university sports (imho).

For your reference, in the Netherlands the yearly fee is about 2000 EUR (add about 1000 EUR for books etc for total cost); and apparently, that's on the higher end for continental Europe. The governments pays another 7.000 EUR or so per student plus student grants.
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Nikolai is taking a CBs in Business Administration and service management. This is a three year undergraduate programme that doesn't cost a thing. There might be some administrative fees that I don't know of (I pay about €40 a year at my Swedish university) but if so they're set as to be affordable for all students.
There are student grants and student loans for all Danes who study but since Nikolai works as a model and might have additional income from investments I'm sure that he makes more than the set exempt amount (is that a word?). Added to this I'm sure his parents make enough for him to not have to take out a loan.
If I'm wrong I hope our Danish members will contribute the right information.

I doubt very much Nikolai would have to take a student loan or apply for grants in order to help making ends meet.
Many, if not most, university level students have a job for a X number of hours per week, to supplement the income.
Apart from that Nikolai can, as all his fellow students, apply for SU = Statens Uddannelsesydelse = State Educational Supplement. In other words, getting a salary for getting an education. The purpose of course being to encourage preferably everyone to get an education.
It's not a fortune, but it sure is better than nothing.
Apart from that he will as a student apply for discounts when shopping in certain shops or riding public transport. As well as getting a subsidy to pay his rent, he does presumably pay (a very affordable rent considering the location) rent for his apartment.

Nikolai of course has the advantage that both his parents are wealthy enough to easily help him financially. So whether he will take advantage of all or any of the above is an open question.
:previous: Princess Eugenie of York was pictured with a copy of the book with von Bismarck - I wonder if she's met Prince Nikolai before or if it's just a coincidence they have a mutual connection.
Here are some details about about Henrik and Athena's new school.

BT's reporter and photographer was on the spot today, when our Marie took her children to school.
Marie and her children arrived on foot a few minutes before school start.

The school, Eib, has several branched dotted all over Paris. This branch is located in the posh 8th arrondissement near Parc Monceau. Indeed some of the pupils were taken to school in cars with chauffeurs.
The school is bilingual, meaning that the teaching-language is both English and French.
The pupils are required to wear dark blue clothes.

The school is located about three KM from Ècole Militaire that Joachim is currently attending.

But back to Marie and the children. The BT photographer noticed that Marie and her children looked happy, but when asking whether they would pose for a picture Marie declined: "No, not now." - By then the children had already reached the gate to the school, and Marie darted after them. (That's why there is no picture of the family.)
In contrast to most parents, it was observed, Marie did not just drop of the children at the gate, but went with them inside.
:previous: Interesting, but not surprising, that Henrik and Athena are going to an international school. I hope they'll enjoy their time there!
Your question will be answered now. ?

This morning the BT reporter was waiting at the school again, and this time our Marie answered a few questions - and as such we also have a video of her and the children.

After having taken the children to school, Marie told the reporter:
"It's going well. the children are beginning to be really fond of speaking French.
After two months they speak really good French."

Are they happy about the school as well?
"Yes, I think so - at least they are not complaining. So I think they are happy.
Of course they miss their friends in Denmark, but there are a lot of children from a lot of nationalities here, and that's exciting.

How is Joachim?
"Its very exciting. It's a bit hard. He works very, very much, but I think he finds it very exciting."

The family will return for the autumn holiday in week #42, but where will they stay?
"We live at Amalienborg or at Schackenborg, but we haven't been home yet. But it's only for a year, so we'll find a place to stay alright."

She and Joachim are going to meet M&F at a dinner tonight.
"That'll be nice."

Marie is very happy about being back in France but there are things in Denmark the family miss, like friends and family:
"And Paris is perhaps not quite as clean as Copenhagen in regards to the air, but you always miss something when you are in another country. And Denmark is such a fantastic country."

- The rest of article are speculations as to what might happen, should J&M decide to stay in France. But that has already been discussed at length here.
According to Se & Hør and confirmed by Nikolai himself, he has bought a flat in Copenhagen:

Via Alexandra's private secretary he says:
"I've been glad living at Amalienborg, but when I got the opportunity to buy the apartment I acted.
I'm also pleased that the apartment is closer to CBS where I study."

Nikolai will move in by 2nd January.

The apartment is 70 square meters and cost a whopping 4.495.000 DKK.
But the prices in central Copenhagen are insane!
(You can easily get two houses with twice that living space in very fine condition for the same amount around where I live. And we are not that rural.)
A qualified guess: He and his girlfriend is moving into an apartment with a decent sized living room, bedroom and kitchen and a bathroom with room enough to turn around - judging from the size of a standard inner city apartment of 70 square meters in Copenhagen.

The article suggests two things:
That he has earned enough money on his modelling career to being able to invest in a flat.
And that his relationship with Benedikte Thoustrup is stable.

- Okay, considering who Nikolai is and considering his parent's position, personal fortunes and connections I doubt Nikolai would have heard many objections from his bank.
And he can easily sell such an apartment again, no doubt with a profit.

Until now, he lived in an apartment in the greater complex around Amalienborg. There are a number of buildings around Amalienborg owned by the state and at the disposition of the DRF, mainly for employees and retired employees of the court. Where they can live in a very sought after neighborhood at a most affordable rent.
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What part of Copenhagen is the apartment located?

The price seems a fairly normal one for the central area of a capital. In Amsterdam the price for 70 square meters would be simular or higher depending on the location & state of the apartment. Insane indeed.
What part of Copenhagen is the apartment located?

The price seems a fairly normal one for the central area of a capital. In Amsterdam the price for 70 square meters would be simular or higher depending on the location & state of the apartment. Insane indeed.
The article says that it's in the "smørrehul (butter hole) in between Nørreport station and the lakes" which is in the very central of Copenhagen.
Butter hole = the hole in the middle of the family porridge bowl where everyone dipped their spoon.
Well; that certainly is a fantastic location for a first apartment for Nikolai!
4.495.000 DKK is roughly €602,049 which is pretty normal for a city centre apartment,and I agree its crazy but thats the way its gone everywhere.

Hopefully Prince Nikolai will be very happy in his new apartment!
Because the customs differ from country to country - how unsual is it for a student in Denmark to buy his/her own flat? In Germany that would be really over the top, even with pretty rich parents (if your parents by chance own an appropriate flat, you could of course live there, but normally you would always rent at this age.)
But I know that Germans rent much more than almost everyone else, so maybe this isn't as posh as it seems to me?
Because the customs differ from country to country - how unsual is it for a student in Denmark to buy his/her own flat? In Germany that would be really over the top, even with pretty rich parents (if your parents by chance own an appropriate flat, you could of course live there, but normally you would always rent at this age.)
But I know that Germans rent much more than almost everyone else, so maybe this isn't as posh as it seems to me?

I'd say it depends.

Back when I was studying in Copenhagen, I had a lot of friends (not necessarily wealthy) who knew they were going to be staying in Copenhagen for a long time (medical students, etc.), who figured it made sense to buy and pay down on a loan instead of paying rent.

Other than that, I would hear in the media about parents buying an apartment for their children to live in while studying.

For Nikolai, there is a) income from modeling, b) the Danish SU and c) possibly inheritance from Prince Henrik?

I think it is actually to his credit that he isn't staying longer in the lower-rent apartment in Amalienborg complex than he had to, since he is not going to be a working royal, and is technically an adult now. It gives a better media image for the royal family as well.
I wonder if Joachim and/or Marie attended. Since it's in Paris
Depends on when he walked the catwalk I guess.

Perhaps our Marie would have attended, if she knew he was going to be a model there. I guess Alexandra was there in the background, and since she seemingly has an amiable relationship with Marie, she could of course have called her and invited her back stage.

But I think Nikolai went to see J&M afterwards. Certainly his younger siblings would be delighted as they are very fond of him.
:previous: I had thought that would be the case but it's always good to double check. Thank you ?
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