Princely Houses of Reuss

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2006

Arms of the Princely House of Reuss (Younger Line)


Hey everybody!
I thought I could start a Thread about Anni-Frid Lyngstad, the Princess Reuss here at the Swedish Section. (I hope it's the right place.;) )
Anni-Frid has been a member of the Swedish Popgroup ABBA from 1973 till 1982.
When she married the swedish-german Prince Heinrich Ruzzo Reuss von Plauen in 1992 she became Princess of Plauen.

During the last weeks Frida attended several Royal Galas or events.

Attending the Swedish King's, a close friend of her, Birthday Gala.
(pictures ANP)

Some days ago she attended the POLAR MUSIC PRIZE
(pictures from

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the Princess attended the Ball of the Great Order of the Amaranth
She looked very stunning :)
(pictures from Svensk Damtidning)

Does anyone have more pictures of her from this event?
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Here are some more pictures. :)

Prince and Princess of Plauen


with Queen Silvia


during the 70's, when she was a famous Bandleadsinger
Her_Majesty said:
the Princess attended a Royal Charity Gala
She looked very stunning :)
(pictures from Se og Hor)
These pictures are not from a royal charity gala, but from the Ball of the Great Order of the Amaranth. The second picture is from Svensk Damtidning also (unless they've copied they layout, Swedish text and all), not by Se & Hör.
Basic data:
This branch of the Reuss family bear the title of Prince or Princess Reuss, Count or Countess von Plauen with the qualification, from 1927, of Serene Highness.

Prince Heinrich Ruzzo (b 1950)
married (1) 1974 (divorced 1986) Mette Rinde of Norway; they had two daughters:
> Princess Henriette and Princess Pauline (twins born 1977)

married (2) 1992 Anni-Frid Lyngstad (b 1945) of ABBA fame.

Prince Heinrich Ruzzo died of cancer after a short illness in 1999.

Here is a link to a brief history of Anni-Frid and Prince Reuss:
GrandDuchess said:
These pictures are not from a royal charity gala, but from the Ball of the Great Order of the Amaranth. The second picture is from Svensk Damtidning also (unless they've copied they layout, Swedish text and all), not by Se & Hör.
Thanks for telling me. I just changed the information. ;)
Do you know if there are existing more pictures of the Princess Reuss taken during this event?
Her_Majesty said:
Do you know if there are existing more pictures of the Princess Reuss taken during this event?
I haven't seen any other pictures so far, but who knows what will turn up later. Although I doubt the Ball of the Great Order of the Amaranth is very "open", so perhaps not many pictures were allowed to be taken. "Frida" was chosen to the honour of being the ball's Grand Mistress this year.
One interesting thing about the Princely House of Reuss is that pretty much every single male member is named Heinrich/Henry, and the girls usually have Henrietta in their names. (see here:

I wonder how they managed to tell them apart, especially since there are some who don't have middle names. There's one case where there are four sons all named Heinrich AND the father is named Heinrich. Two of the boys died when they were young, but there was a time when three of them were alive at once. Must have been VERY confusing! Maybe they were referred to by number?

The House of Reuss traces its descent from Erkenbert, Lord of Weda (living in 1122). His descendents were appointed Imperial Stewards by Emperor Heinrich VI, in whose honour every male of the family has been named Heinrich ever since.

The only branch of the family still extant is the Reuss Younger Line (Reuss-Schliez-Kostritz, First House and Second House). The third and current sequence of enumeration for this branch began in 1910.

The current Prince Reuss, Head of the Princely House, is Heinrich IV. His son, Erbprinz Reuss, is Heinrich XIV, and his son, born in 1997, is Heinrich XXIX.
Princess Reuss

There are rumours that Ex-Abba Star Björn Ulveus planns a Stage- or Movie-Project about the amazing and tragical life of Anni Frid Lyngstad-Reuss!
Does anyone know more? :confused:

The Auto-Biography of the Princess Reuss has just been released in germany.
Short Article about Queen Silvia of Sweden and Princess Anni-Frid Lyngstad-Reuss
(at the bottom)

source: Se og Hör
On August 29th , Anni-Frid Lyngstad-Reuss can be seen in ZDF documentary "Majestät" about Queen Silvia and King Carl-Gustav.
The Princess gave an exclusive interview to ZDF and can be seen about 3 times in this episode.
Charity Mentor Gala in London
Pictures of Anni-Frid taken on the Charity Gala in London :

source: Abbamail

Her_Majesty said:
On August 29th , Anni-Frid Lyngstad-Reuss can be seen in ZDF documentary "Majestät" about Queen Silvia and King Carl-Gustav.
The Princess gave an exclusive interview to ZDF and can be seen about 3 times in this episode.

Warren, wasn't Kaiser Wilhelm II's second wife Hermine a Princess of Reuss?
Yes. It was Willhelm II's second marriage - 5 Nov 1922 with Hermine Princess Reuss zu Greiz (1887-1947). Hermine was a daughter of Heinrich XXII Furst Reuss zu Greiz and Ida Princess zu Schaumburg-Lippe.

Hermine's first husband was since 1907 Johann Georg Prince von Schoenaich-Carolath (1873-1920). They had two children:
Hans Georg (1907-1943) married with Sibylle von Zedlitz und Lippe (1910-2006) - 2 children and Henriette (1918-1972) married 1940-1946 with Franz Josef von Hohenzollern Prince of Prussia (1916-1975) - 3 children.
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When I read Giles Macdonough's book on Kasier Wilhelm II he talks about Hermine's little daughter whom they called "the general" I cannot remember her name but I want to know what became of her. Was that the Henriette you mentioned?
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Wow, I had no idea about ANY of this. Thank you all very much for sharing!
Search dependants Princess Victoria Margarethe Elizabeth Marie adelheid HOHENZOLLERN

The above princesses Father was Joachim Karl Frederich Leopold Von Hohenzollern Prince of prussia and her Great Grandfather was Frederick Wilhelm 111 von Hohenzollern King of Prussia (1797)

The above princess was married in 1913 to prince Heinreich xxx111 Reuiss zu Kostritzhad they had a Daughter named -princess Marie Luise Victoria Reuiss zu Kostritz who married Eric Theisen in 1941 they also had one Daughter Victoria Sibylle Theisen born in 1942 this is the one whom i wish to trace and obtain any information possible relating to her or any websites of interest or newspaper reports on her or anyone else in her family, or even hear from someone that may know of her familys present whereabouts now, her married name is -

Victoria Siblle Schafer she married her husband Wolfgang Schafer in 1969 they have 3 children -

Annika Katherina born -1974
fabian born -1976
Maria Carolina born -1979

Thanks David
Warren, I was thrilled to read from your post that the Dowager Princess Reuss is none other than Frida (Anni-Frid) herself of ABBA. I think the only celebrity I've heard to have married into any royal family (reigning or non-reigning) would have been Grace Kelly.
Warren, I was thrilled to read from your post that the Dowager Princess Reuss is none other than Frida (Anni-Frid) herself of ABBA. I think the only celebrity I've heard to have married into any royal family (reigning or non-reigning) would have been Grace Kelly.
She has such an interesting story- growing up without parents (her father was a German soldier, her mother died when Frida was just 2) as a rather poor girl, becoming mother with 17 , being a member of Abba and having such a great career, and then marrying her Prince.

It seems Anni-Frid doesn't like to be called a "Princess". I saw an interview of her during the trip to Berlin and she seemed to be quite annoyed to be called "Prinzessin Frida".

Here are a few more pictures of Frida:

IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65
IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65
IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65

In full regalia (just without Tiara):flowers:
IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65 // Free Image Hosting
I don't remember but does they - family has any tiaras etc.?
I don't remember but does they - family has any tiaras etc.?
I have no idea either; but the princely house of Reuss is a rather old one.
So I'd say they have at least 1 Tiara . :ermm:
But I really have no idea.
Don't know either if they still have one. Most likely it would belong to the head of the House. But there are so many lines in the Houses of Reuss. probably the line where Anni-Frid married in doesn't have one.
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Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but doesn't the House of Reuss use a numbering system (roughly lasting a century or so) when naming all the male members of the family?

And also, who is the overall head of the House of Reuss?
True, they are all called Heinrich, to honour Heinrich VI, Holy Roman Emperor. At some point they stop counting and start again with no I, II etc. but I am not sure when that happened. They counted well over 50 when they did.

There are various branches, the head of the branch Reuss-Kostritz is Fuerst Henrich IV.
True, they are all called Heinrich, to honour Heinrich VI, Holy Roman Emperor. At some point they stop counting and start again with no I, II etc. but I am not sure when that happened. They counted well over 50 when they did.

There are various branches, the head of the branch Reuss-Kostritz is Fuerst Henrich IV.

And one branch started to number new each century: Originally there where the Houses Reuß older line and younger line. The older line died out in 1927 with Heinrich XXIV. the last Fürst Reuß zu greiz. He reigned never because he was mentally il. The line reuß tzu Schleiz died out when Heinrich XLV was missed in the Second World War. The remaining line Reuß zu Köstiritz is a junior line of the House Reuß younger line to whom also the Schleiz line belonged. See Genealogy here: Reuss
And one branch started to number new each century: Originally there where the Houses Reuß older line and younger line. The older line died out in 1927 with Heinrich XXIV. the last Fürst Reuß zu greiz. He reigned never because he was mentally il. The line reuß tzu Schleiz died out when Heinrich XLV was missed in the Second World War. The remaining line Reuß zu Köstiritz is a junior line of the House Reuß younger line to whom also the Schleiz line belonged. See Genealogy here: Reuss

Thanks for that genealogy page . . . . interesting to note that some of the numbers got really high

Yeah I saw that Heinrich XLV wasn't declared dead until 1962 . . . .
There are some more details about the House of Reuss at post #9 on the previous page. :)
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