Prince Amedeo - News & Pictures, Part 3

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Aug 13, 2004
Welcome to the 3rd thread for Prince Amedeo of Belgium' current news and pictures.

The previous thread can be found here.
Please post current news and pictures of Prince Amedeo of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este in this thread.

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i read in a previous thread that the belgian royal family members is part of the opus dei. so maybe he is too as i guess that his parents are part of it as well
When Prince Amedeo marries, what titles would his wife and children have?
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this is Amedeo's title: HIRH Prince Amedeo Marie Joseph Carl Pierre Philippe Paola Marcus d'Aviano, Prince of Belgium, Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Hereditary Duke of Modena (he has so many names and titles)

I think this will be the title of his wife: HIRH Princess (name) Princess of Belgium, Princess Imperial and Archduches of Austria-Este, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, (Hereditary Duchess of Modena).

His children will get the same titles, I think. I only think they will not get the Prince, Princess of Belgium title because there is only a very small chance that they ever get on the Belgium throne. Probably the oldest son of Amedeo will become the next Hereditary Duke of Modena.

That's what I think but I'm not a genaeology expert.
There's a small article about him "graduating" in the military or something like that. It's in the Royals magazine. sorry, don't really remember what it said. but there are a few mentions of his mom though. she went to Africa. the article is quite interesting.
could you state what it said about him?
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just that he graduated. that he's going to the same school as his sister and that his mother was there for the ceremony. it was just a picture with a small legend next to it.

sorry, that's pretty much it!
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Just discoverd him!

:bang:Sorry, but where exactly have I been all this time... He looks like a real PRINCE, if you know what I mean! In a good way of course!!!
I wish we had pics of him running the marathon. But congrats to them that race is like 26 miles long and it goes through all 5 boroughs. Some people don't finish it until the next day.
On this site there are new pictures of Prince Amedeo (at least I had not seen them yet). Does anyone knows who are the four girls with him on the picture?


there are two more pictures op this site:

(you have to go to " photoalbum" then click the link. The pictures of Amedeo are in the third Album (22.09.2007)
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I dont know who the first girl is but are the two girls standing next to him the daughters of Prince Nikolaus (Liechtenstein) and Princess Margaretha (Luxembourg. And the girl on the right, is she the daughter of Princess Marie-Astrid from Luxembourg? I am sorry, but I dont know their names...
Marilyne thank you for your answer. I think you right about the three girls. I have been looking at some pictures. They are Maria Annunciata and Marie Astrid, daughters of Prince Nikolaus and Princess Margaretha and Marie Christine, daughter of Prince Carl Christian and Princess Marie-Astrid.
Is there anyone who knows who the "mystery" girl on the left is?
At this site (see post#17) in the third Album, on the fifth row the second picture is a picture of Prince Amedeo at the table. This "mysterygirl" is sitting at his right side. (Could she be his girlfriend?)
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I think the girl on the left is Prince Jean of Luxembourg's daughter, Princess Marie-Gabrielle. I think I've seen a picture of her before and it looks like her. I might be wrong but it would make sense with all the cousins there.
From what I can recall after last seeing Countess Marie-Gabrielle during the funeral of the late Grand DUchess of Luxembourg, she is taller than the girl on the picture, as tall as her cousins anyway. The others indeed seem the 3 Marie´s ;).
here is a link to a picture of Marie-Gabrielle at the funeral of Josephine-Charlotte.
I do not think that the girl on the left of Amedeo is Marie-Gabrielle. I think this girl looks like she is not used to such events and I think that Marie-Gabrielle is used to it. But that's only what I think and I could be wrong.
Does anyone has a better and an updated picture of Marie-Gabrielle so you can see better if it's her?
Well I don´t either now who the brunette is, it might be an Habsburg. Mayby cousin on his father side. The other girls are as you´ve already wrote. Marie-Annuciata, Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein and Marie-Christine of Habsburg
Are the Liechtenstein Maries twins? Why did they all name them Marie, any famous Queen by the name Marie?
Anyway, I do not think that the brunette to the left is his gf, If she was their body language would be different. And lets not forget that Amedeo really knows how to keep his private life private, so he would IMO only bring her to events that matters the most to him. This one does not seem to be one of them. I could be wrong.
I always thought the naming of Marie was a Catholic thing, after all these are three devout Catholic families
Do you know what kind of study Prince Amedeo is doing on London School of Economics?

Whatis the name of the the bank where Prince Lorenz is working, and in which place is that bank?
i only know that he's doing economics

sorry management
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Does anyone know if he'll go to grad school like business school or will he go straight into his profession?
Do you know what kind of study Prince Amedeo is doing on London School of Economics?

Whatis the name of the the bank where Prince Lorenz is working, and in which place is that bank?

The name of the bank is "E.Gutzwiller & Cie"& is located in Basle (Swiss). They mainly deal in Investment and Asset Management for clients having atleast CHF 250,000 which is approximately USD 216,000. Amedeo's father is one of the four partners. So I think he'll be having no problem in jumping into the finance profession directly! :cool:
Prince Amedeo attends the Christmas midnight mess at Saint Michel & Gudule / Sint Michiels & Goedele Cathedral in Brussels, celebrated by Cardinal Godfried Danneels on Tuesday 25 December 2007. // Free Image Hosting
His hair is long again. I swaer his hair looks different in every pic I see of him, one time its short then another its long. Is that the only pic?
yes I think so too that is hair looks different in every picture. But with short or long hair he stays a handsome young man. (although I like him more with longer hair).
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this is Amedeo's title: HIRH Prince Amedeo Marie Joseph Carl Pierre Philippe Paola Marcus d'Aviano, Prince of Belgium, Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Hereditary Duke of Modena (he has so many names and titles)


i never realised that he had so many titles but also all his names- he has more than Princess Elizabeth their future queen :lol:

Amedo Marie Joseph Carl Pierre Philippe Paola Marcus d'Aviano

do any members know where these names come from or is there a special reason for some of them i know all belgian royal childen have Marie in their names
I think the Marie part is a catholic thing like french for the Virgin Mary
I think all of the members of the Belgian Royal Family have "marie" as part of their name???? But, I may be wrong.
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