Hi Galisteo!

How are you?
Thank you for the article.
It is interesting to say the least.

What is it about Princes and models, especially those that model lingerie and swimsuits. Okay, so I know what the obvious attraction is.

But, why on earth do they always get involved with or date women that may be nice, but that most likely will never be accepted by their families and most of the citizens of their countries? Well, it's just a waste IMO.
After reading this article, I have to say that I don't want to be unkind to Ms. Everhart, but she certainly seems to get around or should I say date quite often to be more politically correct and

From the brief list that was given, it seems that Ms. Everhart likes to spend her time with successful and well-known men-A few of whom I might add aren't exactly hard on one's eyes.

It does appear, however, that she has a specific type. In her defense, I guess that most people do.
I agree with you Galisteo. This article is very unkind to Albie.

Saying that he "begged" Ms. Everhart to marry him is a bit far. Why should she be begged? I would love for this writer to have given more proof as to what was so fascinatingly delicious about Ms. Everhart that she had to be begged to become Her Serene Highness and then declined.

I have a hard time picturing Albie begging her. I don't think that he needs to beg anyone.
I also find it hard to believe that she and Prince Andrew could have been having this secret romantic interlude without anyone ever finding out about it. The entire thing sounds too odd to keep a secret for very long. Hmmm......very interesting.
I wouldn't be surprised if this particular writer simply concocted this entire story under the direction of their superviosr to generate some press and income. Some of it sounds really strange to me. Albie begging? Oh...please! This writer should be barred from computers, pens, pencils, crayons, and magic markers to start. Was that too harsh?