For me it is not what is being said, but what is 'NOT' being said about Paul Burrell.
Diana's closest friends never spoke glowingly about Burrell, and as I have read their books not one occasion did they mention that she really admired him. He was a confidant, there is no doubt as her butler, and he spent several hours around her beyond what was expected for his position. His wife Maria was even angry about it. However, his remarks after her death I feel were embellished of how much they were close and very close friends. In Sarah Bradford's book, 'Diana, Finally The Complete Story', she writes the following, "Even Burrell was not exempt from Diana's suspicion and, in some cases, understandably. On one occasion David Griffin (Princess Margaret's chauffeur) was passing her front door when Diana came out. 'She slammed the door with such ferocity that I thought "Oh!!" and I said, "Good morning, we're not in a very happy mood today, are we?" "No we're not," she said. "Oh," I said, "what's happened?" And she said, "He'll have to go." And I said, "Who's got to go?" She said, "He (Burrell) will", and I said, "Who?' "I caught him going through my letters," she says. Later, Diana seriously intended to sack him when she discovered that he was running up huge telephone bills on her account."
She left no will giving Burrell her personal possessions, which should have gone to her son's and not him. The royal household management controlled her two apartments #7 and #8, and had removed all her furniture, lighting, and even the bulbs and paintings after her death. They also reported that several of her personal belongings had mysteriously disappeared. It is believed the amount of '300 items' came from their accounting and was reported to the police.
Did Burrell steal them? We shall never know since the queen acquitted him, but we are no fools. Yes, she did trust him somewhat but I have always felt he 'embellished' their relationship in order to profit from his personal knowledge of her private life. Too bad the Spencer's didn't demand a 'gag order' on him after her death, if that was even possible. He was a servant or in a sense an employee of the royal family, but his constant spewing of her private life is a betrayal. I have to believe, that Diana would have told him to shut up. May she rest in peace.