Knack: Laurent wanted to convert to Islam

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Aug 13, 2004
According to Jan van den Berghe, an author about royalty (not the most reliable one), prince Laurent wanted to become a muslim and wanted to marry a woman from Mauretania. Van den Berghe claims that Noel Vaessen shared this information. Van den Berghe wrote a book about the prince. That the prince is still a catholic is because of pere Guy Gilbert, who became a sort of a second father, according to van den Berghe.

HLN Prins Laurent - "Prins Laurent wilde moslim worden" (843895)
And the poor Princess Claire? He is still marry to her, and I don't think that the belgian law permits bigamy...
That man never ceases to amaze me, if the story is true, what a scandal that would have been! :ROFLMAO:

The article doesn't say anything about when this was, must have been before he met Claire. Another book to look forward to, apparently :lol:
Oh my God ... Mr. Jan van den Berghe needs to substantiate his claims with something more than "Noel Vaessen said so". Prince Laurent is an odd figure in the Belgian Royal family, but it does not mean that some royal authour can spout nonsensical things about him. Additionally the authour in question has no regard for Princess Claire's feelings.
Perhaps he does, I have read too little to establish how reliable the claims are. We have to keep in mind that Noel Vaessen was the personal aid of the prince, but that recently their relationship went sour, to say the least.

Still, I do not think it would be an enormous problem in Belgium if the number xx in line would convert to Islam. Perhaps for his parents, who became devout catholics after changing their lifestyles when they became older.
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Well, that would depend on when exactly this was happening. 10 years ago, for example, people were hardly as open-minded as they are now, and he was much closer to the throne. And even now Islam still is a sensitive topic in Belgium. I still think this would have been quite the scandal.

Also, if this is true, this was probably just a new gig to try and be the rebel in the family, I would doubt it had anything to do with the religion itself. Then again, what people don't do for love... He wouldn't be the first man to change religion for that reason.
And what about the woman he wanted to marry? Was this someone that he had a relationship with? When, and where is she now? Poor Princess Claire. I hope that she found out about this from Laurent himself (if it is true), and not from the author or news reports.
I don't think Princess Claire would accept such a situation! :nonono:

How about the children? What happens in case of divorce? Their children must be brought up as roman catholic or will the King allow them to be raised as muslims by his father?

I hope this is only a false rumour.
Well, that would depend on when exactly this was happening. 10 years ago, for example, people were hardly as open-minded as they are now, and he was much closer to the throne. And even now Islam still is a sensitive topic in Belgium. I still think this would have been quite the scandal.

Wasn´t it 10 years ago less of an issue (pre 911 with all its consequences)?
If he would have married some wealthy muslim 10 years ago and would have decided to make something out of his life, he would probably meet much adorement than he does today...
Me too...
Was Claire created Princess of Belgium on her own right before the wedding, like Mathilde?
You are right.
According to Wikipedia, "[Ms. Claire Coombs] was created a Princess of Belgium in her own right shortly before the ceremony, on 1 April 2003 and upon her marriage, she became Her Royal Highness Princess Claire".
Perhaps he does, I have read to little to establish how reliable the claims are. We have to keep in mind that Noel Vaessen was the personal aid of the prince, but that recently their relationship went sour, to say the least. ... [snipped]
Well ... you do have a point here. Mr. Vaessen might have inside knowledge about Prince Laurent. Still it is unpleasant for an spouse to read such things.
I don´t believe it.
Didn't Laurent want to invite a muslim King (or prince, I don't recall the story well, sorry) to be the godfather of her first daughter?
He wanted to invite the Persian crown prince, Reza Pahlavi, to become a godparent.
He probably wanted Reza Pahlavi as a godparent because they were close. He may not have realized that there are no godparents in Islam.
But, since he is not Catholic, he is not...
hmmm, would you like to explain me, what's shocking in this deal, that Prince Laurent wanted to convert to Islam or that he wanted to marry a mauritanian woman?
He probably wanted Reza Pahlavi as a godparent because they were close. He may not have realized that there are no godparents in Islam.

But as far as I know, Reza Pahlavi is the godfather of his daughter Louise, and he was present at the christening, but not maybe in the catholic way, but with all responsabilities of a godfather.
I don't see why Princess Claire would be shocked by this situation. I would expect that those of us who are married know that our spouses had lives before us, and obviously Laurent chose not to become a Muslim or marry this woman but he did choose Claire.
hmmm, would you like to explain me, what's shocking in this deal, that Prince Laurent wanted to convert to Islam or that he wanted to marry a mauritanian woman?

I can't speak for others, but I don't think people are shocked by his interest in Islam. I mean that Islam itself isn't the issue here. I think it is because royal families are usually united in their choice of religion (so this would be equally shocking if he decided to covert to Judaism, the Lutheran church, Greek Orthodox, Hinduism, etc) . Their spouses often convert to whatever faith the royals practice in order to become part of the family. Since all members of the royal family practice the same religion, it is a very rare thing to hear that one of the royals wanted to leave the official religion of his family. It is not so shocking that he wanted to marry a Mauritanian woman, but another woman at all (from anywhere). If I recall correctly, Princess Claire is the only fiancee he has had. I can't think of any other woman that he has stated that he wanted to marry.
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I think it would be unusual to expect that a man of his age (or Philippe's) didn't have girlfriends before Claire. It's just more probable that his friends didn't snitch to the press.
I can't speak for others, but I don't think people are shocked by his interest in Islam. I mean that Islam itself isn't the issue here. I think it is because royal families are usually united in their choice of religion (so this would be equally shocking if he decided to covert to Judaism, the Lutheran church, Greek Orthodox, Hinduism, etc) . Their spouses often convert to whatever faith the royals practice in order to become part of the family. Since all members of the royal family practice the same religion, it is a very rare thing to hear that one of the royals wanted to leave the official religion of his family. It is not so shocking that he wanted to marry a Mauritanian woman, but another woman at all (from anywhere). If I recall correctly, Princess Claire is the only fiancee he has had. I can't think of any other woman that he has stated that he wanted to marry.

(I know this is an older post) Prince Laurent, as it was reported many years ago, stated he wanted to Princess Stephanie of Monaco. Personality - wise, I think they would have been very compatible at that time. Both were doings things to attract press attention; both engaged in attention - seeking behavior and both still somewhat do. Looks - wise, P Stephanie would not be seen with P Laurent because he definitely does not fit- in with her significant - other look.
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Yes, she was just days before her wedding on April 1.

Yes, there were rumours about Reza Pahlavi as a godfather of Louise.

The Catholic church doesn't allow someone who is not baptized to be a godparent. It is OK to have Protestant godparents as long as they belong to a Christian church whose baptism is recognized as "valid" by the Catholic church (e.g. an Anglican, Orthodox, or Lutheran church, probably also Methodist and Reformed/Presbyterian). A Muslim godparent would be unacceptable though, not only to the church, but also probably to the godparent himself as, in the baptism ceremony, he is required to affirm the Christian profession of faith on behalf of the child who is being baptized.
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The Catholic church doesn't allow someone who is not baptized to be a godparent. It is OK to have Protestant godparents as long as they belong to a Christian church whose baptism is recognized as "valid" by the Catholic church (e.g. an Anglican, Orthodox, or Lutheran church, probably also Methodist and Reformed/Presbyterian). A Muslim godparent would be unacceptable though, not only to the church, but also probably to the godparent himself as, in the baptism ceremony, he is required to affirm the Christian profession of faith on behalf of the child who is being baptized.

Protestants are not even called godparents in the Catholic church, they are called 'Christian witnesses'. This is a technicality though as the parents and child will end up referring to them as godparents.
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