King Juan Carlos & Queen Sofia Official Visit to the Canary Islands: Nov. 22-26, 2006

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
King Juan Carlos & Queen Sofia Official Visit to the Canary Islands: Nov. 22-26, 2006

The Kings will assemble with the world of the immigration to the beginning of their official visit Canaries next week, from Wednesday until Sunday, and in the one that is foreseen that move to seven islands of the Archipelago.

This trip commemorates the centenary of which there realized the grandfather of don Juan Carlos, the King Alfonso XIII, in 1906, and that was the first one of a monarch to Canaries.

So much in that occasion ike in this one, the Royal agenda contemplates displacements to all the islands.

Don Juan Carlos and dona Sofía will meet on Wednesday, the 22nd, in the evening with representatives of the institutions and humanitarian organizations who during the last months have overturned in the attention to the immigrants who for thousands have come to the islands in fishing-boats proceeding from the western African coast, especially of countries as Senegal and Mauritania.

The meeting of the Kings will take place in the headquarters of the Presidency of the Canary government in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where later the president Adam Martin will offer them a dinner, which will put end to the first one of five days of the official stay in the islands.

In the middle of the morning of Wednesday, the Kings will be received by honors in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, before the headquarters of the Parliament of Canaries. There, don Juan Carlos will declare the first one of a series of speeches on the occasion of this official visit.

On having concluded the act, they will go to the headquarters of Box of Canaries and in the evening they will cross afoot the principal streets of the historical hull of La Laguna.

On Thursday day, the Kings will travel in the morning to the island of El Hierro and in the evening to La Gomera, in which inn will take place an official luncheon. In both islands, the King will go to the inhabitants.

The day will finish with a receipt in the capital tinerfeña, in the former Recoba(bought), to that there will be invited representatives of all the social sectors of the island, before which don Juan Carlos will speak.

The third day of the Royal visit, Friday, the Kings will go to The Palm, to visit in the morning the locality of Los Llanos de Aridane and later the capital, Santa Cruz of the Palm.

At the last hour of the evening, in a hotel of Las Palmas, the Kings will offer a receipt to social representatives of Gran Canary, island in the one that on Sunday evening will finish their visit to the Archipelago.

On Saturday, the 25th, they will go in the morning to Fuerteventura's island, to visit the House of the Colonels, in The Olive, and in the evening to Lanzarote, to know a center of health.

On Sunday morning, they will turn a visit to the locality grancanaria of Galdar, before returning to Las Palmas to cross by foot some of more central streets, with stops in that of Triana, in the church of the Holy Spirit and in the cathedral, in Vegueta's full neighborhood.

Last year in these dates, the Kings already were in Canaries, in Lanzarote, Great Canary and Tenerife, where they were present at a commemorative concert of thirty anniversary of his reign celebrated in the new audience of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The King will receive the Golden medal of the Parliament

The Royal House confirmed that the King Juan Carlos will receive the first one of Golden medal of the Parliament of Canaries in his close visit the Archipelago, as said yesterday the president of the regional Chamber, Gabriel Mato , that received the affirmative response to the offer of distinction on Tuesday.Mato aimed at the " evident merits " of the King for his " contributions to the democracy in Canaries ", to where next Wednesday will come.

The Kings, who come to Tenerife next 22nd, will be five days in the archipelago and will visit seven islands

The Kings of Spain, who will come to Tenerife next November 22, will visit seven islands of the Canary archipelago and will remain in it until the 26th. The program facilitated by the viceCouncil of Communication of the Government of Canaries still is not definitive, since it can suffer changes derived from possible complications of safety or of another nature that force to modify the agenda of the Kings.

Don Juan Carlos and dona Sofía will come to Tenerife in the morning of Wednesday, the 22nd of November. This day there will visit the Parliament of Canaries and the headquarters of Box Canaries. There they will inaugurate the Exhibition ' Royal Images ', organized on the occasion of the Centenary of the visit of His Majesty the King don Alfonso XIII to Canaries.
On the same Wednesday they will do a visit to the multifunctional space ' The Polvorín ' in Taco . Later they will move to La Laguna , where they will visit the royal sanctuary of the holiest Christ de La Laguna. Already in the night, they will meet representatives of the institutions, organisms and entities involved in the immigration. Later they will have dinner with the president of Canaries, Adam Martin.


In the morning of November 23, the monarches will come to El Hierro, where they will be got by the president of the Chapter of this island and will do a visit to an exhibition on the communications in the archipelago, commemorative of the connection across the cable of optical fiber, which is inaugurated this day. Later they will be present at a receipt with a representation of the society herreña.

In La Gomera they will have lunch with a representation of the rubber society, included the president of the Chapter. They will pass for diverse emblematic places of the island, will visit the church of Our Lady of the Asuncion and will discover the bust of Colon, gift of the Government of Canaries to La Gomera. At the last hour of the day they will come back to Tenerife where the monarches will offer a receipt to the society tinerfeña.


In the first hour of the following day the Kings will move to Aridane's Plains, in The Palma. They will visit the exhibition of painting organized by Asprocan ' The Banana tree as Canary Identity ' and later, the movement is foreseen to Santa Cruz of The Palma where they will go to the Palace Salazar, they will visit the exhibition on the Centenary of the Visit of H.M. Alfonso XIII and the works of the Great Telescope of Canaries (Great Tecan), whose inauguration is foreseen for 2007. Also they will be present at a military act and will have lunch in the national inn of The Palma with a representation of the society palm.


On Saturday they will come to La Oliva and seguidamente will visit the house of The Colonels, where they will receive an explanation on the rehabilitation of the building in the court and will inaugurate the ' I Bienal of architecture, art and landscape of Canaries '. Also there will be a receipt with a representation of the society majorera and of the world of the culture. Later they will move to Lanzarote and once there they will have lunch with a representation of the society burrow. Later they will inaugurate the center of health of Titerroy in Santa Coloma.

On Sunday morning they will spend it in Gáldar's Villa, where they will enter the deposit of the Identical Cave and will listen to a few words of the president of the chapter of Gran Canaria. Seguidamente will move up to Las Palmas, where they will be present at mass in the cathedral. They will have lunch in the hotel Holy Catalina with the prime minister of Canaries and after the food their Majesties will be you move to the airport.

The Kings come to Canaries on Wednesday and they will receive the first medal of gold of the regional chamber

The Parliament of Canaries finalizes the details for the visit that the Kings of Spain, Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía, will effect to the Canary Isles from next Wednesday, in commemoration of the centenary of the visit of Alfonso XIII in 1906 to Canaries.

The President of the regional chamber, Gabriel Mato, he expressed his satisfaction, ' because this visit will be a celebration of all the canaries ', due to the fact that the Kings promised to visit each of seven islands of the archipelago.

After Wednesday comes, the monarches will move to the Canary parliament later to move to the Parliament of Canaries. There they will receive ' the first medal of gold ' of the chambe, circumstance that for Gabriel Mato is one ' aboluta satisfaction and a motive of great happiness '. ' In addition, they will greet the miembreos of the Table of the Parliament and the presidents of the parliamentary groups ', added Mato.

During this first phase of the visit, the president affirmed that the Kings ' will discover one commemorative placa of the visit ' and later ' they will inaugurate a graphical exhibition on the Monarchy that will cross seven islands of the archipelago '.

On this exhibition Bushes underlined that it will allow a trip in the time from 1906. Likewise it qualified to the exhibition as ' a nice and intimate sample '. The president of the Parliament said that one will see by means of different instantaneous images related to the Royal House.
lula, I don't want to disturb you or to make you angry but it's Canary Islands...I'm from there and I know what I am talking about :)
I like to see the Kings!!!! SOON!!!!
The Kings greet members of the Red Cross during the hearing in which they received, in the headquarters of the Presidency of the Government of Canaries, representatives of the institutions, humanitarian organizations and social entities dedicated to the immigration

The King during the speech that declared in the dinner that the president of Canary, Adam Martin, offered the Kings

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thanksss lula for the all pictures !!! The Queen is very elegant and wonderful.
Thank you lula! :flowers:

Yeah, indeed, the Queen looks very elegant!
BTW, is there any special reason for the King's visit?
Sorry, i think i already asked this but i forgot :ermm:
:flowers: Thanks lula, as always great job.

Sofia is very elegant Lady.
...JuAnItA... said:
Thank you lula! :flowers:

Yeah, indeed, the Queen looks very elegant!
BTW, is there any special reason for the King's visit?
Sorry, i think i already asked this but i forgot :ermm:

This trip commemorates the centenary of which there realized the grandfather of don Juan Carlos, the King Alfonso XIII, in 1906, and that was the first one of a monarch to Canaries.

La Gomera
Thanks for the pics lula, I'm amazed at the amount of people who turned out to see them :clap:

The Kings come to Fuerteventura

A soft rain accompanies the Kings of Spain in the visit on Fuerteventura in the morning of today, Saturday, the 25th of November. The Sun, between clouds, gives a shy welcome during an atypical morning in the island

Bus loaded with major persons they have come in the hours previous to the surrounding areas of the House of the Colonels, which has been inaugurated by Their Majesties on having trodden on land majorera. The mayor of La Oliva, Claudina Morales, gives a speech of welcome.

In the place, the president of the Chapter gives a speech of welcome to the Kings, who also direct a few words the public. In this visit there is produced, besides, the inauguration of the I Bienal of Architecture, motive for the one that has produced in the place a major concentration of mass media.
After the speeches, the Kings will be able to converse with representatives of the society majorera in a coctail organized under a tent in the exterior of the House of the Colonels.

The Kings come to Lanzarote from the neighbor Fuerteventura

The Kings came today to Lanzarote from Fuerteventura's neighboring island, where it began the fourth day of their official trip to Canary, which will conclude tomorrow in Gran Canaria.

Don Juan Carlos and dona Sofía came to Lanzarote minutes before half after two in the afternoon, moving from the airport up to the hotel 'Meliá Salinas', on Coast Teguise, where they have foreseen to meet in a luncheon representatives of the society lanzaroteña.

In the hotel, there were waiting for the Kings their niece Alexia of Greece and her husband, the lanzaroteño Carlos Morales, that they live in the island.
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