King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, Current Events Part 4: Oct 2005 - July 2006

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Heir Apparent
Mar 28, 2004
Welcome to part 8 of the threads devoted to the current events of the King and Queen of Sweden!

The last thread can be found here.

Please remember to observe our TRF Posting Rules & Guidelines.

Happy posting!
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Today the King and Queen attended the principal service marking the finnish of the renovations in the Linköping Cathedral in Östergötland County. The Bishop of Linköping held the mass marking a very special moment for the Cathedral and its 900 years old stones in the foundation, both the Cathedral's Chamber Choir and Chamber Orchestra participated in today special mass.
After the church service in the Cathedral, the King and Queen had lunch at the Bishop's residence, after which they returned to the Cathedral again to get a guided tour of it and informations about the renovation work that.

Pictures from Östgöta Correspondenten.


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On the following website you can see pictures from visit the town Värmdö(7.9.05)

also from 8th-26th October 2005 at Runda house in Gustavsberg!

At 8th October the King & Queen attendance at the 25th jubilee of Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (SSHL). As follow the website of the school. Unfortunatelly I have get pictures from the celebration. I hope we will see any pics asap.
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ursulajohanna said:
At 8th October the King & Queen attendance at the 25th jubilee of Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (SSHL). As follow the website of the school. Unfortunatelly I have get pictures from the celebration. I hope we will see any pics asap.
Thats not the the schools website, its the town óf Sigtuna´s...

Here´s the schools website:

nice site, it even has a english section! Bt no photos yet...
GrandDuchess, many thanks for the pictures from Sunday in Linköping. I have never see pics from the event elsewhere.
Unfortunately we have see pictures from saturday in Sigtuna or yesterday(it's the last term of the queen for three weeks)!
Today the King granted an audience to the President of Estonia, Dr. Arnold Rüütel, at the Royal Palace of Stockholm. Picture one is from the Royal Court's website and the rest are from Isifa.


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Yesterday, 18 October, the King granted an audience to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, at the Royal Palace of Stockholm. Picture from the Royal Court's website.


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Translation of an article in Bergslagsposten

No hunting luck for the King

45 people have for two days walked in the woods of Bergslagen, driving the elks towards 17 shots. One of them was His Majesty the King. But on his watch, there weren’t much hunting luck.

- It has been wonderful days in the woods, cold and nice. And I have seen elk, that I have, said the King at lunchtime on Thursday. He fired a shot on Wednesday, but he wasn’t alone on this elk. It was already shot by a colleague 200 metres away, and to shorten the suffering, the King helped to take it down.

The representational hunt was planned to the minute. The drivers/beaters went by bus from one place to the next.
- But this morning we were 20 minutes late, because the bus got a flat tire, tells the hunting leader, Crown Hunter Jan Eriksson from Sveaskog (state owned forestry company) who owns the land.

Many calves
The breakfast at Färna Manor was served at 06:10 and then the programme was set. Five drives is to be made before seven pm, but with a break for lunch in the free nature at Rågastjärn. There a press conference and medal ceremony is held.

It was satisfied hunters whom gathered and summed up the hunt so far. During Wednesday, 40 elks were observed, 11 of them had to go (were shot). On Thursday morning, 32 elks were observed and 10 of them shot. There were plenty of calves, which shows that this area isn’t affected badly by the wolf.

- This is one of Sweden’s most elk populated areas, said Jan Eriksson.

Elin Gustafsson from Uttersberg was one of all of those who got a medal for their efforts as drivers/beaters. She attends an agricultural high school in Nyköping.
- It is the first year I’m attending, so I received the bronze medal, she tells.
- But maybe I will attend in the future as well, I’m a hunter myself, she tells.

It was a long row of orange dressed people whom were called and fast went forward to receive a medal from the King’s hand. Silver after five years, and gold after ten.

His Majesty answered questions about the hunt with a low voice and many words.

No dragging for the King
- With the tight schedule that this kind of hunt means, there is not participation in the after work after the elk is shot, the King told Bp.

- We hunt on such big lands and there are so many people, that it is a very concentrated hunt. We can’t even go forward to the animal we have shot, other people take care of that. It is not possible in practice here.

- But at other hunts at home, I’m the one dragging and polling. Princess Madeleine is also with us hunting, but she hasn’t tried elk hunting yet.

How is the elk prepared if the King can choose himself?
- I gladly eat elk meat. Before, it was often boringly prepared, but these days it’s as good as any meat. But these elks here don’t come to the palace, they are sent to local butcheries. But I don’t know any particular recipes.

Good mix
In the old days, one hunted to get food, now many people see the hunt as an exciting sport, other finds the greatest interest in the guns and the shooting, while many talk about the nature experience and game care. We wanted to know what allures the King.

- It’s a combination of everything. I think it’s nice with a lonely moment in the woods, when one can sit on a stool and think about the future, family, travels, or whatever one wants. And there are nice guests that I get to meet. Yes, it’s the mix that’s good. Finns meet in the sauna, and we Swedes meet in the woods.

Soon the questions have to be stopped. The schedule must be held.

The original article (in Swedish) can be found here.

The first picture is from Bergslagsposten, the second is from the Royal Court's website, and the others from Aftonbladet.


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The king arriving to the 100th jubilee of the Stockholm Academic Male Chorus in the Stockholm concert hall.
This picture was taken of Sebastian, 11 years, who shot with his mobile a pic of Opel´s new unofficial city jeep. Therefore he was invited of Aftonbladet to hang out with them one day.

Today, on the UN Day, the King uncovered a bust of his late relative, Count Folke Bernadotte at the Uppsala Castle in Uppsala. The bust is made by the Danish sculptor Dag Stille and has belonged to the late Queen Ingrid of Denmark, who gave it to Foke’s two sons Folke and Bertil Bernadotte, and whom now have given it to the foundation that manages the Hall of State at Uppsala Castle.

Count Folke Bernadotte was born in 1895. He was the son of Gustaf V’s brother, Count Oscar Bernadotte af Wisborg. Folke Bernadotte was the head of the Swedish scouts from 1937 and Chairman of the Swedish Red Cross from 1946. With the help of his stature, Folke launched the famous “white busses” saving action, transferring thousands of people (ca 21,000) from the concentration camps into safety in Scandinavia. Count Folke Bernadotte was murdered on 17 September 1948 in Jerusalem.

The bust has been placed in the hall of stairs leading to the Hall of State at the castle, and stands between a portrait of the late Swedish archbishop Nathan Söderblom and the late Swedish UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. A trio which have all made a name for themselves in international peace work and promoting ecumenical cooperation.

The first picture from the Royal Court, the two others are from Uppsala Nya Tidning (in the last picture you can see Folke's two sons, Folke and Bertil. On the right is also Bertil's wife, Jill).


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Today the King granted an audience to the Speaker of the Australian Parliament, Mr. David Hawker, at the Royal Palace of Stockholm.

Picture from the Royal Court.


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In the new edition of Tara, a swedish magazine for "mature women", Queen Silvia talks about her life, about her children, ageing and her commitment with Childhood.

I dont know if the magazine is available online, but it has a beautiful photo of Queen Silvia on the cover. And some new photos in the article aswell...
Yennie, thanks for your information about the article and photos of Queen Silvia in "mature women". Do you can copy the pics and article and publish on this thread?
I cann't buy the magazine here in Germany. Thanks for help in advance.
ursulajohanna said:
Yennie, thanks for your information about the article and photos of Queen Silvia in "mature women". Do you can copy the pics and article and publish on this thread?
I cann't buy the magazine here in Germany. Thanks for help in advance.
I dont have the magazine here, I saw it yesterday when I went to my parents house. I think there will be a photo of the cover available at the homepage of Tara magazine. I´ll keep my eyes open :)

edit: here it is! from


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This Wednesday and Thursday, the King has had theme days on crime and crime prevention in the city of Malmö in Skåne County. They started on Wednesday with a luncheon in the County Governor’s residence, followed by a round-table discussion at the City Hall. During Thursday, the King visited the local fire department and “The House of Dreams” (where he received info on the “Puzzel” programme, which is for young people who are outside of the general society and also their work with the project Up New City and their development coaches) in Rosengård, a suburb of Malmö with many inhabitants with an immigrant background. The King also met with a Scout club whom informed about their local work.

Picture one is from the City of Malmö, nr two is from Sydsvenska Dagbladet (newspaper), and numbers three to five are from the Royal Court.


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This past Thursday, 27 October, the King and Queen were two of the special VIP guests whom attended the opening of the new "Plaza Club", which aims at attracting an "older" crowd. Picture from Fotomarktplatz.

PS. I've translated the Tara interview, it can be found in this thread.


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GrandDuchess, thanks for posting the picture of opening the "Plaza-Club" and translation the interview at "Tara".

Do you know, why is the queen not attend at Gala last friday (28th October) from Royal Swedish Academy Engineering Sciences as she is back from Brasil?
Do you see any pictures from her visit in Brasil?

GrandDuchess, in "DAM"magazine No.43 was an article about event Archie Hamilton with the king and queen. Do you know when and which occasion was it? Thanks for help in advance.
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ursulajohanna said:
GrandDuchess, thanks for posting the picture of opening the "Plaza-Club" and translation the interview at "Tara".

Do you know, why is the queen not attend at Gala last friday (28th October) from Royal Swedish Academy Engineering Sciences as she is back from Brasil?
Do you see any pictures from her visit in Brasil?
My guess: She's recovering from the Brazil trip.

Meaning the bruises has to go down before she can be seen in public :rolleyes:

Wonder what she's done this time :confused:
If she was attending an event with the King on the 27th - see post #21 - one could perhaps assume she had other reasons for not attending the event on the 28th.
I thought it was a little too early to place this in the upcoming engagements thread, but the King and Queen are off to Finland next year. :D Very exciting!

King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia to visit Finland's Vasa
25.10.2005 at 13:47

King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden are to visit Vasa on 13-14 September 2006 to mark four centuries since Carl IX granted the Finnish city its charter.
Video-clip: Queen Silvia appeals to the people to donate for the victims of the earthquake in Paktistan.
An very good idea, if you ask me. When we are honest, a lot of people are some kind of "tired" about hearing about catastrophes after this horrible year 2005, but the problems of the affected people of course don´t get smaller.
As I get it, the Queen also says, that Victoria will be present at a TV gala for the victims.
Yes Victoria will be present at the tv gala
Yennie said:
Yes Victoria will be present at the tv gala

Thank you for the confirmation.

On a "lighter" note: The Queen looks fresh-ironed. Now we can really say: The NPA 2006 is on the way ;)
Lena said:
Thank you for the confirmation.

On a "lighter" note: The Queen looks fresh-ironed. Now we can really say: The NPA 2006 is on the way ;)
fresh ironed?! haha wonderful :D
Lena, thanks for the link.:)

Do you can made some screenshots of this video-clip (interview).:rolleyes:

Thanks for help in advance. The pictures from victoria by the interview are very lovely(thanks).

Lena said:
Video-clip: Queen Silvia appeals to the people to donate for the victims of the earthquake in Paktistan.
An very good idea, if you ask me. When we are honest, a lot of people are some kind of "tired" about hearing about catastrophes after this horrible year 2005, but the problems of the affected people of course don´t get smaller.
As I get it, the Queen also says, that Victoria will be present at a TV gala for the victims.
ursulajohanna said:
Lena, thanks for the link.:)

Do you can made some screenshots of this video-clip (interview).:rolleyes:

Thanks for help in advance. The pictures from victoria by the interview are very lovely(thanks).

You are welcome. Of course I can.
With Aftonbladet-clips, it´s pretty easy (with Clips on Real player it´s more complicated), so when you want more pics for your collection, you can give it a try.
-1. You start the video
-2. You press the pause-button (when you have chosen a "scene" for your screenshot):

-3. You press "Alt" on your keyboard (next to the spacer/Leertaste) and then "druck" (Should be next or a little under F12)´
-4 You open a graphic programme (You probably have Paint)
-5 You press "paste" (einfügen)
-6 You cut the picture out (and copy it to a new "window" of the graphic programme)

I hope this helps.


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Can someone traslate wich queen Silvia said in Swedish
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Lena said:
You are welcome. Of course I can.
With Aftonbladet-clips, it´s pretty easy (with Clips on Real player it´s more complicated), so when you want more pics for your collection, you can give it a try.
-1. You start the video
-2. You press the pause-button (when you have chosen a "scene" for your screenshot):

-3. You press "Alt" on your keyboard (next to the spacer/Leertaste) and then "druck" (Should be next or a little under F12)´
-4 You open a graphic programme (You probably have Paint)
-5 You press "paste" (einfügen)
-6 You cut the picture out (and copy it to a new "window" of the graphic programme)

I hope this helps.
I had to try it to :)

Hmm, but I cant find the right button. "Alt" I know but what about the other one? Is it called druck :confused: Where is it?
Yennie said:
I had to try it to :)

Hmm, but I cant find the right button. "Alt" I know but what about the other one? Is it called druck :confused: Where is it?

I´m surprised, that Yennie-picture-queen doesn´t know, how to make screenshots. But I should have explained it consequently in english & german. So it´s only confusing :eek:

Explanation for the print screen key:

The print screen key marked in a picture:

Explanation on Wikipedia about making screenshots:

The pics were "taken" around the 3rd of November, when the Queen asked the Swedish people to donate for the victims of the earthquake in Pakistan.

michaelcamel said:
Can someone traslate wich queen Silvia said in Swedish

I can´t give a translation. But here is a summary:

Silvia: give to earthquake victims:
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