Prince Abdullah Pictured with His Toys - February 20, 1964
Original caption: Young Soldier Prince. Amman, Jordan: Crown Prince Abdullah of Jordan stands here beside the toy soldiers and armored cars he received on his birthday last month (Jan. 30). The youngster is the eldest son of King Hussein and his English-born wife, Princess Muna.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
King Hussein and his Family
King Hussein of Jordan with his wife Princess Muna and son Abdullah.
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1968
June 3, 1963 -
Original caption: Amman, Jordan: Just a little boy surrounded by big bouncy balloons and enjoying himself despite status. He's crown Prince Abdullah. Heir to the Jordan throne. The first son, of King Hussein and his British-born wife Princess Muna, appears to feel a party is a party, and when you're a toddler, Royal formality is non-existent. (Corbis)
July 8, 1963
Original caption: A regal portrait. Amman, Jordan: Clad in traditional ropes of Arab Dress, Crown Prince Abdullah, son of King Hussein and his English-born wife, Princess Muna, appears to be a delicate doll. The young Prince and heir to the Jordan throne, wore the regal robes and held the dagger in his belt, made of pure gold and silver, which originally belonged to his great-grandfather, for an official portrait at the Royal Palace in Amman. (Corbis)