Regina said:
I really don't want to be mean, but if you suturegeisha had a grandmother like the late Grand-Duchess, then I have to say that I'm very sorru for you.
Between Josephine-Charlotte and Baldouin there is a HUGE-HUGE difference.
I'm sorry for her death, but she was never a exemple of how a good mother should be. Her sons were grown enough to choose their wifes.
Maria Teresa is a wonderful Grand Duchess, very sweet, catholic, good mother and very pretty. She deserved a better mother-in-law, I hope Maria Teresa had forgive her.
Even Hola magazine didn't give much attencion to her death... may she rest in peace, but she was not kind and good, that's a pitty.
I think that you have not the right to say that Josephine-Charlotte was not kind and good. She was very dedicated in the SOS children's village for example and President of the Luxembourgish Red Cross. In December 2003 there was a Gala of the SOS children's village and despite her illness she was present which shows us that this projects were very important for her. In 1997 there was a serious train accident in Luxembourg with many victims and she visited the injured people and consolated them!
She lost her parents when she was very young (only seven years old) and she was like a mother for the brothers Baudouin and Albert. Thus she was a strong personality.
I think she had also a good relationship with her children as I saw on TV reports.
But I'm sorry that she had a bad relationship with Maria Teresa!

She had a very conservative point of view and didn't want that her son married a commoner and because of that she didn't like Maria Teresa. That's one explanation, the second is that Maria Teresa was related with a person involved in the Cuban revolution, the dictator Fulgencio Batista as I wrote in this part of the forum: (Please read this!

Although she had a nasty man in the family, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa is a very nice and kind person which makes so many good things and I really like her (it's not her fault that this Batista was nasty

!) But J-C didn't think like this but developped some sort of hate for M-T and I remember you that many mother-in-law have bad relationships with their daughter-in-law and especially among Royals (as you can see in other Royal families!

It is a pity that J-C and M-T had a bad relationship because both are/were dedicated in helping other people. J-C rarely showed emotions and because of that many people have a wrong image of her.
I respect both persons and I think that it is really sad that Josephine-Charlotte has gone from us and certainly Maria Teresa has forgiven her and is feeling like all member of the Grand Ducal family and many people in Luxembourg: "You were
une Grande Dame and we will never forget the good things you did!"
PS: Do you think really the news in foreign countries would have mentioned her death more if she had a better relationship with Maria Teresa? No, because for most of the journalists Luxembourg isn't interesting or they completely ignore where this country is!