In Spain is not a legal practice yet, you can donate your child's cells but for the sake of other sick people, not with the purpose of use the cells later on, in fact is not a personal storage procedure but rather a donation, you don't even pay for it. There's only a few blood banks in Spain that practice this kind of storage and as I said you cannot use your own blood back, is only legal if done with altruistic purposes not for your own benefit, if someone in your family gets sick you can have other people's blood without any cost, remember that Spain have a good social security system that allows the people to have access to this kind of treatments for free, however the procedure Letizia and Felipe have just done is not legal because since the goverment cannot provide this particular service (stem cells storage) to all the citizens for free they consider it is unethical to have the service available only for the rich; that's how it is in Spain and that's the polemic all about.