Iñaki, Cristina and the NOOS Corruption Investigation Part 2 (2015 - 2018)

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Glad this is over for the most part.

Honestly it doesn't make sense IMO for Inaki not to go prison right away. An appeal is not likely to overturn prison time all together. His sentence may be shortened. Honestly makes sense for him to start his prison sentence while appealing. No point dragging out when he enters. If the appeal takes a year, and his sentence is reduced to say three years, he will still have to go away. May as well start now, so he would only have two left.

Honestly Cristina losing her title was the best choice. It seems many aren't happy she escaped with only a fine. The amount of the fine is not even that much for someone of her background. There are many who think she got off lightly. Losing her title and any roll in the royal family is a bigger blow.

The only people I feel bad for are the kids. They are the ones innocent in all of this. I grew up moving around as a kid, but I hope Cristina stays put for now. Portugal would be good as close to the family but away from talk in Spain. With dad in prison, these kids need stability. And being in one place, one school, close to their extended family would be good for them now.
Iñaki, Cristina and the NOOS Corruption Investigation Part 2 (2015 -)

Has there been any confirmation given that Cristina and the children will move to Portugal? I can't find anything other than articles stating it as fact with no sources to back it up, (which doesn't seem to be unusual in the coverage of the Infanta and the Noos Case).

From the little they're seen the Urdangarin children seem to be quite well brought up. They're being extremely well educated in a very cosmopolitan manner, (and at international schools, where it's not unusual for families to move every few years). If there were major emotional or behavioural issues with any of them I have no doubt the Spanish press would be all over it and we'd know. So from the outside looking in it seems that Cristina and Inaki have done a good job at parenting the children through difficult times.

There has actually been a link in this very thread to an article regarding the potential move to Portugal and my mother said she heard the same story on the British radio. Not that it means they're definitely moving to Portugal of course because they could have got their reports from misinformation, but that's where I heard the Portugal news.

My comment about the children wasn't a criticism about Cristina and Inaki's parenting skills, it was simply a general concern for them because even though their mental well being may not be affected terribly by the case, it is still a difficult and complex situation for them to be going through. I have no doubt that the children are getting good education; what I meant by that was the fact that they are moving to different countries with different education systems and syllabuses must confuse them a little. Or not.
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Maybe Spanish posters can confirm how the system works in Spain because for example in Germany somebody like Inaki (type of crime, first time criminal etc) would do less than half of the time with good behaviour, like 1-2 years full time in prison, then only spending the night there, after that at home under curfew, the rest: pardon. I expect Inaki 'free' long before the six years, there are lots of options to accommodate his situation.

I thought exactly the same.
I think, that he will only spend a portion (max 2/3 of the time) REALLY in prison....
well, still a lot, however.....
BYe Bine
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Thanks for posting this, really interesting...
So, it might be not over yet. Inaki will appeal & maybe he can get bailed out. It seems he is still a free man. :ermm: He may avoid prison all together...:whistling:
How are they living while all this goes on and on. ??whose paying the bills ?

Cristina still holds plum jobs with Aga Khan Foundation and Caixa. I am sure her parents will pay at least for their grandchildren and looking ahead there is nothing to worry about money: when her parents close their eyes Cristina will be a very rich woman herself.
Wasn't it said that when she took the post at the Aga Khan foundation she was receiving a salary of 300,000 euro in addition to the same amount she still got from the Caixa foundation? 600,000euro is plenty to live on and I'm sure if she continues to work for the foundation and moves to Portugal as suggested they will find a way for the foundation to pay the cost of housing etc.
Iñaki Urdangarin, brother-in-law to King Felipe VI of Spain, will not have to go to prison for now. A Palma de Mallorca court has decided to allow him to continue living in Switzerland on condition he presents himself before local authorities on the first day of every month. He will also have to inform the court of any change of residence, not matter how temporary.

Spanish royals and corruption: Spanish king’s brother-in-law avoids preventive detention in fraud case | In English | EL PAÍS
Iñaki Urdangarin, brother-in-law to King Felipe VI of Spain, will not have to go to prison for now. A Palma de Mallorca court has decided to allow him to continue living in Switzerland on condition he presents himself before local authorities on the first day of every month. He will also have to inform the court of any change of residence, not matter how temporary.

Spanish royals and corruption: Spanish king’s brother-in-law avoids preventive detention in fraud case | In English | EL PAÍS

How long could the appeal process go on? Could it be years?
He wanted to be very Rich and lost his Honor and the Honor of the Royal Family of Spain.
Inaki is a lucky man. I wonder if he would receive the same treatment if he were Joe Average and not the king's ex son-in-law..:ermm:

if he and cristina weren't son in law and daughter of the ex king they wouldn't had stepped a foot in court .
wonder how long he can keep appealing against prison time. after the long trial, now it turns out that he can, after all, avoid going to prison. i wonder how long this will last for. surely he can't get out that easily now that he was sentenced.
Inaki is a lucky man. I wonder if he would receive the same treatment if he were Joe Average and not the king's ex son-in-law..:ermm:

My understanding - and this is all filtered through a couple of articles translated by Google so take it for what it's worth - is that immediate entrance into prison is to prevent the accused from fleeing to another country and attempting to not return to Spain if and when their appeal is exhausted. Inaki is the last person in the world who could attempt such an escape, even if he wanted to, given that he and his wife have police protection and they're stalked by a pack of photographers every time they leave their house.
My understanding - and this is all filtered through a couple of articles translated by Google so take it for what it's worth - is that immediate entrance into prison is to prevent the accused from fleeing to another country and attempting to not return to Spain if and when their appeal is exhausted. Inaki is the last person in the world who could attempt such an escape, even if he wanted to, given that he and his wife have police protection and they're stalked by a pack of photographers every time they leave their house.

Aren't they already in a country other than Spain?
Yes, and according to the article I read, one of the possible options was for the court to require Inaki to surrender his passport and stay in Spain until the outcome of his appeal is known. As it turned out he has been allowed to continue residing outside of Spain, although I believe he needs to comply with certain conditions while in Geneva.
I'm a little late; but I just wanted to chip in again. I'm not surprised to read this to be honest, as, like I said in a previous post of mine, the sentence he received initially did seem quite excessive for his particular crime.
What is the latest concerning this case? Is it still going on? Has Iñaki's fate been decided on?
I don't think so, however, the article from July 3 has been updated. Apparently, the 14 and a half years was the maximum number they considered but the 'Fiscalía' officially asked the Supreme Court for 10 years; still more than the sentence of 6 years and 3 months that Iñaki was given - but far less than then 19 and a half years they asked in the trial at the Palma de Mallorca court.
so... what happened with this? it has been pure silence for months now even though inaki was condemned to prison. what are we waiting for now? this is the longest proceedings ever.
so... what happened with this? it has been pure silence for months now even though inaki was condemned to prison. what are we waiting for now? this is the longest proceedings ever.

Iñaki Urdangarín filed an appeal with the Supreme Court.
The Court decided not to apply precautionary measures.
This means that Iñaki lives in Switzerland and had not to post bail.

And yes, in almost all European countries Lady Justitia has lengthy procedures. If Spanish Justice does not painstakingly follow every step and respects the rights of the accused, the procedure could be nullified by the European Court of Justice, which would be a humiliating blow to Spanish Justice. So they better take their time and do everything with check-and-doublecheck.
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