"End Game" by Omid Scobie - 2023

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Omid will need to come up with something else to hold over the royals , it is out there now.

I say : good if it's ideed out now. The issue must be adressed and the exagerations/ lies about it debunked.
A reporter made an interesting point on tv last night. She agreed that a lot of this is rehashed but other stuff must have came via Harry or Meghan or somebody close to them . She wondered if some of it was shared much earlier and fed to Scobie , because she acknowledged that the couple appeared to be trying to build bridges with the phone call and the Xmas suggestion. So might they regret sharing.
I cannot see how it could be a mistake, Omid must have put the name in his draft at some point for it to be there.

Definitely on purpose.

And- if you actually want to keep something quiet, you don’t share it with friends/reporters. More proof the Sussexes fingerprints are all over this.
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The Daily Mail claims that the Dutch publisher (Xander Uitgevers) told them "that it had received a last-minute request from the US to put sales of Endgame on hold and were 'awaiting further instructions'".


I imagine it may be dubbed a translation error. I am not sure how convincing that is. By using a colon the text in Dutch makes a point in highlighting the name. Though I am not privy to the work of translations and how much liberties the translator can take, I always imagined it was not a lot.
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William, also didn’t ask for proof of what she did to considered a bully, he just believed what was said and wanted it dealt with. William himself never confirmed that Meghan was a bully, he just heard she was and decided she needed to be punished but didn’t actually investigate what she did. To this day, we still don’t have an actual example of Meghan did to be called a bully.

And how do you know personally that William never asked for proof.

Pearl didn’t make it but aAs only her first episode talked about anything related to the royals and it wasn’t even about the royals but a personal experience on a tour.
Still royal life


Also, Omid didn’t attack Kate. He actually, came more so for the media that infantilizes her and praises any small thing she does as if she cured world hunger. Pointing out that after 10 years she doesn’t have a lasting legacy or she’s just getting one started isn’t an attack, it’s an observation of what she’s done until now. Yes, she’s getting started with Shaping Us and the her tackling children’s mental development but she hasn’t actually done anything substantial with it.

It’d be nice if she need more drives, donating and etc for Baby Banks as she did that one year. There is a lot Kate could do without stepping on the toes of government or getting involved in politics, people who don’t have her platform do it everyday, in everyday lives.

But it shows how protected and babied she is, someone pointing out an observation about her work is seen as an attack on her when the issue Omid brought up was how the media covers her.

Sorry it is an attack.

As for helping Meghan with mental health issues, I thought Harry didn’t tell anybody not even hi family, so how could they help.
That passage seems pretty clear and doesn’t seem to be a mistake in translation. Sounds like the name was scrubbed from other publications, but got missed in the Dutch version.

“Our staff sensed the friction, read the press, and thus there was frequent bickering around the office. Sides were taken. Team Cambridge versus Team Sussex. Rivalry, jealousy, competing agendas—it all poisoned the atmosphere. It didn’t help that everyone was working around the clock. There were so many demands from the press, such a constant stream of errors that needed clearing up, and we didn’t have nearly enough people or resources. At best we were able to address 10 percent of what was out there. Nerves were shattering, people were sniping. In such a climate there was no such thing as constructive criticism. All feedback was seen as an affront, an insult. More than once a staff member slumped across their desk and wept. For all this, every bit of it, Willy blamed one person. Meg. He told me so several times, and he got cross when I told him he was out of line.”

“In such a climate there was no such thing as constructive criticism. All feedback was seen as an affront, an insult.”

That passage has always stuck out to me. It’s the closest Harry has come to confirming the rumors that members of their staff had issues with the way they were being treated. No matter how Harry tries to rationalize it, it’s not normal, or okay for staff to be slumped over their desks crying. It’s quite a toxic work environment and for someone who talks a lot about mental health, he seems to be quite dismissive of the pressure that he and Meghan were putting their staff through.
Omid has missed the point, yes Catherine is a bit nervous when speaking, and yes she spends quality time with her children at weekends and during school holidays, the kids are lovely and we see them a reasonable amount of time. They also spend quality time with their other grandparents the Middleton family.
Louis was a scream at the jubilee. Just a normal 4 year old.
That does not make her lazy or not very good.
Why shouldn't she do the school run, lots of working mums do part time hours to allow them that special time with the kids to talk about their day. It has nothing to do with wealth or having staff do these things for you.
Catherine was obviously brought up in a home where family coming together and sharing was a vital part of the set up. Country walks, making cakes.

That is what the public love about her. She has brought her relatively ordinary but loving family background into the royal family while at the same time has stepped up to do royal duties.
Good on the couple if they made the decision that they wanted a more balanced family / work life than possibly William experienced as a child , even more so Charles.
When the late Queen went on tours she was away for weeks and months, travel being what it was then.
It seems to work for them as a family, you wonder why Omid finds it so necessary to attack Catherine. I will leave you all to make your decisions on that one.

Anybody that saw Charlotte with William on the balcony at Trooping the Colour can see what a close bond they have.

I totally agree with you. One of the things I admire most about William and Catherine is their commitment to their children. As a result, those children most likely will be well-rounded, confident, happy adults.
Here's Rick Evers speaking shortly on the issue

Interesting. Not only was Charles’ name omitted from the US publication, but an entire passage was taken out. That doesn’t sound like an error, or typo. It’s possible that Omid wanted to name the royal, but the publisher decided not to include it. They just forgot to remove it from all translations.
Interesting. Not only was Charles’ name omitted from the US publication, but an entire passage was taken out. That doesn’t sound like an error, or typo. It’s possible that Omid wanted to name the royal, but the publisher decided not to include it. They just forgot to remove it from all translations.

What’s quite damning is that this information really could only have come from Meghan or Harry, unless they have widely shared it among their friends. That’s a cruel thing to do to a parent unless you are very sure they meant harm by their comments.
What’s quite damning is that this information really could only have come from Meghan or Harry, unless they have widely shared it among their friends. That’s a cruel thing to do to a parent unless you are very sure they meant harm by their comments.

Charles has many personal shortcomings, but he does have a long history in his public life of reaching out to people across racial, national/ethnic, religious, and class barriers. That is why this campaign waged against him by Scobie and probably H&M sounds off.
Charles has many personal shortcomings, but he does have a long history in his public life of reaching out to people across racial, national/ethnic, religious, and class barriers. That is why this campaign waged against him by Scobie and probably H&M sounds off.

Yes he does. Many of the most beautiful and inspirational parts of their wedding were planned by him. You’d think that would earn him at least a little benefit of the doubt that any harm was intended.
100% on purpose IMO. The paragraph breaks after the name in a way that makes clear the name was meant to be at the end of a paragraph before i moves on.

If this isn't true I 100% hope Charles sues. I bet that is why it is missing from the UK edition - are Dutch laws easier to get around?
What are these supposed "laws in the UK" Omid is so afraid of? Libel would only require him to produce the written evidence of the remark, although I could see him not wanting to get into it with BP.

If the whole story isn't true, on the other hand...:whistling: why yes, he would be in trouble, wouldn't he?
I wonder if Buckingham Palace will issue a statement if this is not proved a "mistake". I mean, the King himself is openly being accused of racism.
What are these supposed "laws in the UK" Omid is so afraid of? Libel would only require him to produce the written evidence of the remark, although I could see him not wanting to get into it with BP.

The written evidence ( Charles' letter) is presumably in Meghan's possession. At some point, Scobie will be forced to admit that Meghan shared this information with him, or, less likely, shared it with others who were Scobie's sources. Either way it won't look good on Meghan to be seen as leaking private correspondence.
In hindsight, one can understand the cold relations between Charles and Harry nowadays. Charles must be furious people might even consider him a racist and all because of his own son (and his wife) possible misinterpretation.
The written evidence ( Charles' letter) is presumably in Meghan's possession. At some point, Scobie will be forced to admit that Meghan shared this information with him, or, less likely, shared it with others who were Scobie's sources. Either way it won't look good on Meghan to be seen as leaking private correspondence.

It would be a pattern of behavior. She shared the letter she wrote to her father with her circle and allowed them to speak to People magazine about it previously.
In hindsight, one can understand the cold relations between Charles and Harry nowadays. Charles must be furious people might even consider him a racist and all because of his own son (and his wife) possible misinterpretation.

But Harry himself denied calling his family " racist" :

So are we back on this issue again ? Who lied at one point ? H&M or Scobie ?
The written evidence ( Charles' letter) is presumably in Meghan's possession. At some point, Scobie will be forced to admit that Meghan shared this information with him, or, less likely, shared it with others who were Scobie's sources. Either way it won't look good on Meghan to be seen as leaking private correspondence.

They've leaked or openly shared everything, including text messages.
But Harry himself denied calling his family " racist" :

Harry and Meghan not explicitly calling them "racist" doesn't mean they are being exonerated. Instead, I am pretty sure Meghan in particular would use the term "unconscious bias", which is consistent with the contemporary terminology used in the United States.
Charles has many personal shortcomings, but he does have a long history in his public life of reaching out to people across racial, national/ethnic, religious, and class barriers. That is why this campaign waged against him by Scobie and probably H&M sounds off.

He does indeed. My first thought was his LONG history of reaching out to people across all walks of life. So- I do not buy what they’re selling. Not to mention- he walked Meghan part way down the aisle at the wedding.

This could only have come from the Sussexes- one way or another. So, imo, they are at least partially responsible.

This was an absolutely terrible- and I can think of much stronger words- thing to do.
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The Daily Mail already is running with the "Royal Racist" headline, we all knew that would happen from the moment the name was exposed. Harry and Meghan knew that too, no wonder Meghan refused to name the royal saying that would be "bad for them".
The Daily Mail already is running with the "Royal Racist" headline, we all knew that would happen from the moment the name was exposed. Harry and Meghan knew that too, no wonder Meghan refused to name the royal saying that would be "bad for them".

But bad for whom ?

For the Royal Family ? I' m afraid they picked up the wrong guy. KC is maye the most non judgmental, less racist biased or whatever ,of them all, and he got decades of actions to eventually prove it.

The Sussexes , on the other end and i must say, as usual, appear to have played with the race card very dangerously and without any basis ( i mean serious basis, not thoughts or concerns taken out of contexts) to please or gain a global fan base.

As for Scobie, we can agree that he's fame hungry on a stellar level Burrel style and doesn't look particulary good in this story.

I expect the whole thing to backfire spectaculalry. It will be bad indeed, but not for those targeted at the first place.
Yes he does. Many of the most beautiful and inspirational parts of their wedding were planned by him. You’d think that would earn him at least a little benefit of the doubt that any harm was intended.

It’s the Sussexes. So, I’m not surprised that the “benefit of the doubt” was not given. It’s always high drama with them. (Or they decided it was an issue when they needed a bombshell for Oprah. Even Harry acknowledged it was literally a one- off. Yet- it necessitated complaining to a global audience about.) Sounds typical of them really.

I just don’t buy that Charles really said anything wrong or that any harm was ever intended. His history speaks for itself. I do buy the Sussexes twisting his words or mis- remembering what happened. These are the same people who couldn’t tell a consistent story on Oprah.

Nor am I surprised they told their friends/Scobie. Of course, they did. They never have known when to just stop talking already.
Interesting as well that Scobie knows this (supposedly) because of private correspondence between Meghan and the King which has clearly been leaked.
I’m going to try not to post too many one-off thoughts as I read this, but I had to share this bit. In chapter 2, Scobie accuses the royal family of being “financially reckless” because their spending rose by 5% from 2022 to 2023.

Inflation was nearly 11% in 2022 in the UK. This actually means they cut spending to run 6 percentage points lower than inflation.

I suppose this is what you get when celebrity writers pretend to be serious for a moment.
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