Some more excerpts from this book
"The crown prince's childhood friend, actor Ellen Hillingsø, draws parallels to something deeper in the Prince's meeting with Mary, which she believes he has been ready for during his long journey with the Sirius Patrol.
- He came back as a changed person, and I would venture to assert that it is not a coincidence that those big events - Greenland, the meeting with Mary during the Sydney Olympic Games and Queen Ingrid's death - coincide the year he also finds something authentic in itself. It is of a mythological nature. At all times, man has taken long long journeys to find himself, she says."
The author notes that he had great liberties in interviewing and writing this book
"And the openness - or rather the courage to openness - is a characteristic of the Crown Prince's character, says Jens Andersen.
"We get a king, which I think is extremely brave. And not just brave in the physical sense - that he dares to jump into the parachute. We get a king who is brave in a whole different shape. That dare show its vulnerability. Who is not afraid to talk about his weaknesses. Who has the courage to sometimes step outside of the conformance it is to be born into this role. he says."
On Parenting and a nice note about how he was inspired by Joachim
" It was a pleasure to see him and Nikolai together when he was little. Then I began to say to myself that my children should have a more present upbringing than the one I have received, says the crown prince in the book."
on the shared music interest with Christian
Another great article on Frederik recognizing he will never be great at public speaking
""I have realized that media training is certainly not wasted. Some people keep talking more naturally built in themselves. I have not, even though I thought I had it, "it reads openly in the book.
Anna Thygesen, an expert in communication and proprietor of the communications agency We Do Communication, has great respect for Frederik now publicly recognizing his poor speech skills.
"It is very good for the Crown Prince to report because self-perception is always perceived positively. So thumbs up for his honesty, "says Anna Thygesen. The communications expert also points out that it will not be easier for Frederik that he will always be measured against his mother, who is considered a dazzling speaker and communicator."
"In the book, Crown Princess Mary gives her opinion of why self-esteem fails her husband when he is giving a speech. For, according to Mary, Frederik expresses himself in writing.
"Frederik has the words in himself, but he just has to get it right from the brain to his mouth. He often has a very special way of saying things and would like to tell you in pictures, but it can make it difficult to be precise and concise within one or the other frame, "says Frederik's great love and favorite sparring partner"