Crown Prince Frederik's 50th Birthday Celebrations: May 2018

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Nov 5, 2005
Fiftieth Birthday Celebrations of
Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark


May 26, 2018

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Crown Prince Frederik's 50th Birthday: May 2018

On this day next year, Frederik will turn 50 and to celebrate that Frederik is inviting the Danes (and visitors I guess) to a run in the five largest cities in DK. A Royal Run taking place 21st May 2018.
The runs will take place on the same day, because Frederik intends to run one mile in each city, except for Copenhagen where he will run 10 km. I.e altogether some 16 km.
The aim is to encourage beginners as well as more experienced runners to take part - simply for fun.
Kronprinsen inviterer danskerne med til fødselsdagsløb - Indland

The routes have different lengths depending on your experience.
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Crown Prince Frederik, today's birthday boy, turns 50 next year, and he is asking for help for a very special challange next year.
To celebrate his 50th birthday, a Royal Run will take place on 21 May 2018 in the cities of Aalborg, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Odense and Copenhagen.
He is asking for people to join him at least in two races
I hope some of his royal colleagues will also come and run.
This is a very good idea, because Frederik is a keen runner. Probably I would also come and run. Just for fun.
what a unique way to celebrate turning 50 next year. and involving many in Denmark by doing it in 5 cities.

website on the royal run
more information
Royal Run | Kongehuset
"The Crown Prince begins the day in Aalborg by running One Mile, then the Crown Prince goes to Aarhus, Esbjerg and Odense, and also wants to run one mile. The Crown Prince ends the day in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg, running 10 kilometers through the city."
In connection with the announcement of Royal Run, the Crown Prince says: "When I'm 50 years old, I'll celebrate the day with a race where all of Denmark can join. I've always loved a lot of sports and physical activity, and not least running. It brings joy, well-being and energy. Run must be a race aimed at the experienced runners, but equally to those who tie the running shoes for the first time and everyone is welcome regardless of age. I hope that a lot of people will join the Royal Run for next Years when we have to run together through five of Denmark's beautiful cities."

article by the Danish Sports Association
DIF | Løb med Kronprinsen når han fylder 50
"Behind Royal Run is DIF, DGI and the Danish Athletics Federation. Royal Run is organized by Moving for Life - Denmark's largest sport vision, supported by Nordea Fund and TrygFonden. TV 2 is a media partner at Royal Run."

Another video was shared of Frederik speaking on exercising with his kids
nice picture

article with video, where he says Mary might join
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:lol:Its a great publicity! Don't mind to run with him!:ROFLMAO::lol:
That sounds like a great idea - I watched Frederik's message on YouTube earlier.
Also; a belated happy birthday to him. I hope he had a nice day.
Fab idea, these days you need to do something that involves the public (WA invited people who shared his birthday and did a selfie) and this is a perfect choice for Frederik.
After that, he can have as many private parties behind closed doors as he wants but I am sure we get pictures anyway :D
Thats such a great idea and great that the Danes can join him. Great way to celebrate your birthday with what you like doing and with locals.
What a fantastic idea and a very good initiative by Crown Prince Frederik :flowers:

This has been shared and praised everywhere on Facebook and Instagram and media and is already a huge hit. I dare to say that there will be empty in the Danish homes that day. They will be out running or cheering in the Danish streets.

Frederik wishes a folksy birthday! And that's exactly why Frederik & Mary are as popular as they are. Their round birthdays should not only be celebrated by the upper class and artists, they will celebrate it with the people and among the people.

I do not need to write that Frederik is unbelievably loved, popular and respected. This shows ALL the 1000 of comments he got with his greetings and news about the Royal Run 2017.
If you have time, you should read the comments .... Even the most anti-royal likes Frederik and Mary and their way of doing things.

TV2 News Facebook:

TV2 Facebook:

Kongehuset Facebook:

TV2 news:

This will undoubtedly be a popular thing ! In the new little TV2 interview in preparation for his 50th birthday Frederik says he plans to take Mary and all 4 children, Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine out and running with him in Denmark's streets at The Royal Run 2017 :cool:

Kronprinsen inviterer danskerne med på en løbetur - TV 2

- I would like to put them up in a line up and hear them if there is no need for assistance to me? It will be good for them all to run the little route, he says, adding that his wife Crown Princess Mary also will be offered to run.
However, he estimates with a little smile, that it would be best to get the children along first so they can put the maximum pressure on their mother :lol:
. . . . .
This will undoubtedly be a popular thing ! In the new little TV2 interview in preparation for his 50th birthday Frederik says he plans to take Mary and all 4 children, Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine out and running with him in Denmark's streets at The Royal Run 2017 :cool:

Kronprinsen inviterer danskerne med på en løbetur - TV 2

- I would like to put them up in a line up and hear them if there is no need for assistance to me? It will be good for them all to run the little route, he says, adding that his wife Crown Princess Mary also will be offered to run.
However, he estimates with a little smile, that it would be best to get the children along first so they can put the maximum pressure on their mother :lol:
Now there's a man who knows his wife! :lol: Somehow I think Mary is more the "sweat and gasp" in a private gym type than a gasp and drip running in public kind of Crown Princess. Frederik is unrepentantly winding her up, but hey, it's his birthday . . . .
,Somehow I think Mary is more the "sweat and gasp" in a private gym type than a gasp and drip running in public kind of Crown Princess. Frederik is unrepentantly winding her up, but hey, it's his birthday . . . .

Mary does run in public quite often actually and has also been photographed doing it both in Copenhagen and at Fredensborg. She seems to be quite fit so I don't think there's a need for the gasp.
a new book in connection with his 50th birthday
"Below the bar - a portrait of Crown Prince Frederik is an unusual book about an unusual person in an unusual life situation. It is based on talks and journeys with Denmark's coming king for a year and a half, and a series of interviews with his wife, brother, parents, private circle, former chief of law, and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. The book goes close to Crown Prince Frederiks Willing struggle to relate to his destiny and role depicts his many manifestations with himself and his surroundings and follows the personal journey from rebel boy child and shy young man to a fendolian frantic and happy father to four"

a very nice picture
Nice....oh no, that is one very hot sexy guy in this lady's eyes.......WOW, he takes great pictures that is for sure.And no way is he looking 50.......:lol:
Hope this book becomes available in English too.
A short article on the new book on Frederik; in connection to him turning 50 next year .

Frederik was interviewed once a month over a year and half; "In addition to the royal family, many other childhood friends Ellen Hillingsøe, Peter Heering and Holger Foss also contribute. In addition, friends from the Frog Corps, the Sirius Patrol and from the world of rock and sport have been interviewed. Also several of the Prince's Australian friends have been asked to report on their experiences with the Crown Prince.
Finally, it is also mentioned that former former chieftain Per Thornit for the first time talks about his many years close to Crown Prince Frederik."
A short article on the new book on Frederik; in connection to him turning 50 next year .

Frederik was interviewed once a month over a year and half; "In addition to the royal family, many other childhood friends Ellen Hillingsøe, Peter Heering and Holger Foss also contribute. In addition, friends from the Frog Corps, the Sirius Patrol and from the world of rock and sport have been interviewed. Also several of the Prince's Australian friends have been asked to report on their experiences with the Crown Prince.
Finally, it is also mentioned that former former chieftain Per Thornit for the first time talks about his many years close to Crown Prince Frederik."

That's sounds like an interesting book. And I have put it on my list and I intend to buy it and write about here on TRF.

More on the book, which I have just ordered:

Mary and QMII are having a say in the book as well. Including new details about M&F's very first time together back in 2000. - That apparently involved a fortune teller at a flea market!
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Thanks Muhler, looking forward to your comments!
It does sound very interesting, and I look forward to any summaries provided :flowers:

Also Victoria and Haakon have given interviews for the book, look forward to it plus what his former chief of staff says
Will this book be available in English?
:previous: Only if enough of you contact the publisher.
"Crown Prince Frederik received the first copy of the book "Under the Beam" on Friday. A portrait of Crown Prince Frederik ". The book was written by author Jens Andersen on the occasion of the Crown Prince's 50th birthday in 2018 and is published on Gyldendal's publishing house on Wednesday. Here are selected pictures from the book"
"Crown Prince Frederik received the first copy of the book "Under the Beam" on Friday. A portrait of Crown Prince Frederik ". The book was written by author Jens Andersen on the occasion of the Crown Prince's 50th birthday in 2018 and is published on Gyldendal's publishing house on Wednesday. Here are selected pictures from the book"

Thanks, Eya.

Excerpts from that book is being published these days, and I look forward to receiving it with the mail on Wednesday.
I look very much forward to reading it and it so happens that later this month I will have a good deal of time, after a minor surgery, to write summaries.
More info on the book from the author

and indeed excerpts from the book are being published. It looks well done

Mary on the marriage proposal in Rome
Kronprinsesse Mary fortæller i ny bog: Sådan friede Frederik i Rom | BILLED-BLADET

Joachim on Frederik growing up hearing that he would be King
Joachim om Frederiks tunge arv: - Det med 'Danmarks konge' blev han utrolig ked af at høre - TV 2
"According to him, his parents were too hard to talk to him about his particular role, so he became both insecure and frustrated. This was especially expressed in childhood when other children, for example, called him "The King of Denmark". It remembers his brother, Prince Joachim."

Haakon and Victoria on Frederik
Crown Prince Haakon tells in the book "Under the beam", a portrait of Crown Prince Frederik, that he has always seen the Danish Crown Prince as an inspiration.
"One of the things I've learned from Frederik is to bring myself more into the Crown Prince role. When I grew up, the private Haakon was completely incompatible with the official prince. The two never met and would rather be separate, I felt, says the Norwegian crown prince in the book."

"Crown Princess Victoria, says that she has learned a lot of Crown Prince Frederik's authenticity. "Frederik always comes into a room with sparkling eyes and looks at people.- There are people who ask questions, but never waiting for the answer. Frederik is always waiting for the answer, says Crown Princess Victoria."
"Crown Prince Frederik says that the queen is "in a good form right now". But he also receives several tasks at the same time. Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are trying to live in the present, but their awareness that at one point they will be king and queen, grows.

CP family
young Frederik

a few more...
on press criticism, IOC role
Kronprins Frederik om kritik fra pressen: - Aldrig har jeg været udsat for så hårdt psykisk pres - TV 2

relationship with Joachim
The Crown Prince adds that the most important thing he learned from Prince Joachim is loyalty:

Meeting Mary
"In the beginning, I thought it was a little too good to be true. Perhaps it was just me that was the mood of the momentum - first time in Australia, Olympic euphoria on all street corners - and so in the middle of it all, you meet the woman who is just amazing.
"It was not just a crush, but just as much the feeling of having met a soul mate, says the crown prince in the book."
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Some more excerpts from this book
"The crown prince's childhood friend, actor Ellen Hillingsø, draws parallels to something deeper in the Prince's meeting with Mary, which she believes he has been ready for during his long journey with the Sirius Patrol.
- He came back as a changed person, and I would venture to assert that it is not a coincidence that those big events - Greenland, the meeting with Mary during the Sydney Olympic Games and Queen Ingrid's death - coincide the year he also finds something authentic in itself. It is of a mythological nature. At all times, man has taken long long journeys to find himself, she says."

The author notes that he had great liberties in interviewing and writing this book
"And the openness - or rather the courage to openness - is a characteristic of the Crown Prince's character, says Jens Andersen.
"We get a king, which I think is extremely brave. And not just brave in the physical sense - that he dares to jump into the parachute. We get a king who is brave in a whole different shape. That dare show its vulnerability. Who is not afraid to talk about his weaknesses. Who has the courage to sometimes step outside of the conformance it is to be born into this role. he says."

On Parenting and a nice note about how he was inspired by Joachim
" It was a pleasure to see him and Nikolai together when he was little. Then I began to say to myself that my children should have a more present upbringing than the one I have received, says the crown prince in the book."

on the shared music interest with Christian

Another great article on Frederik recognizing he will never be great at public speaking
""I have realized that media training is certainly not wasted. Some people keep talking more naturally built in themselves. I have not, even though I thought I had it, "it reads openly in the book.
Anna Thygesen, an expert in communication and proprietor of the communications agency We Do Communication, has great respect for Frederik now publicly recognizing his poor speech skills.
"It is very good for the Crown Prince to report because self-perception is always perceived positively. So thumbs up for his honesty, "says Anna Thygesen. The communications expert also points out that it will not be easier for Frederik that he will always be measured against his mother, who is considered a dazzling speaker and communicator."

"In the book, Crown Princess Mary gives her opinion of why self-esteem fails her husband when he is giving a speech. For, according to Mary, Frederik expresses himself in writing.
"Frederik has the words in himself, but he just has to get it right from the brain to his mouth. He often has a very special way of saying things and would like to tell you in pictures, but it can make it difficult to be precise and concise within one or the other frame, "says Frederik's great love and favorite sparring partner"
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