Nikolai will be confirmed in a couple of days and Billed Bladet has written a portrait of him.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #20, 2013.
Lidt af et pragtseksemplar - Bit of a wonder. (Meant with humourous tone).
Written by Trine Larsen, who is the BB journalist who knows this branch of the DRF best.
Nikolai is pretty much like other thirteen year old boys.
A bright young man or as farbror (paternal uncle) Frederik put it: "He's equipped with an unusual good harddisk".
Nikolai is used to chores and duties, they may not always be that amusing but so far there haven't been a teenage rebellion.
Among the daily chores is walking the dog with Felix.
Setting the table and moving the lawn.
Nikolai likes to jump on a trampoline, his aim is to become more fit so that he can take up another sport, parkour. Apart from that he is having tennis lessons.
Other interests are: Piano lessons, actually he got a bit fed up with the piano a couple of years ago, but realised he would have wasted all he had learned previously if he didn't keep practising, so he is soldering on with the lessons.
He used to play bassguitar.
He is good and swimming and very good at skiing.
Computergames is also a favorite passtime, so much that his parents have set up limits, otherwise it would get out of control. (*)
An interest Nikolai does
not have is clothes. He doesn't care about what he is wearing as long as it's comfortable and quick and easy to get in.
A place you won't find Nikolai, unless when he is eating, is the kitchen. He has no particular interest in cooking - it's just food. However lobster is among his favorite dishes.
Among the music he likes to listen to is David Guetta and DJ Avicii. (**)
He likes watching Jackass, Top Gear (***) and South Park.
Discovery is also something he watches, especially Bear Grylls.
Unsurprisingly Nikolai is fluent in English, pretty good at German and getting well versed in French as well.
His wishlist for his confirmation isn't much different from other boys his age:
iTunes cards.
X-box games.
Cool sunglasses.
Cool leather wallet.
Smart looking hunting bag.
Fountain pen.
Nikolai will be confirmed at 11.00 at Fredensborg. At 12.00 there will be a photosession at the stairs to the palace, where Nikolai will pose with close relatives. And then it's time for dinner, presents and being celebrated.
(*) Welcome to the club. We also had to ration computergames for our oldest.
(**) I have no idea, who they are! I'm old, you know, old.
(***) He met Jeremy Clarkson and Captain Slow a couple of years ago.