RussianHistoryBuff said:
Pavel Petrovich should not be remembered as anything more than a mother hating greedy fool. The only thing that He did was have His Peter III reburied. But, even this was in spite of His wondeful mother, Catherine II Czaritsa of All Russias. He was murdered by His sons, and Catherine II bred His son Alexxander I to rule Russia. Alexander I died in 1825, but, upon the opening of His tomb we found out that His body was missing. He was rumored to have run of, and become a monk.
y'know RussianHistoryBuff, nothing in life is
ever that cut-and-dried. Pavel Petrovich may have been many things and he may have done many bad and/or questionable things, but he was also a husband, a father and a son.......and you must ask yourself:
why did he "hate" his mother? the most obvious reason being that she was
not a very good mother. she was a strong, ruthless ruler, and it stands to reason that she displayed the same traits with regards to her son. stern, remote & autocratic parents tend to end-up with angry, neurotic & repressed children. Catherine, in all probability, had unknowingly transferred her dislike from father to son -- and treated him accordingly.
children want to loved by their parents. when that doesn't happen, the
effects can be devastating. and when we factor-in the trauma of learning that his mother had his father murdered, it was almost guranteed that Pavel would turn-out with major problems & issues.
it's just cause-and-effect.
i realize you're passionate in your opinions, and i'm not saying you're wrong. i simply ask that you keep this in mind: human beings are
very complicated things.....and our personalities are dizzyingly multi-layered. and as i said at the beginning, nothing in life is
ever that cut-and-dried; nothing is
ever that simple; and no-one should
ever be dismissed that easily.