Most couples seem to be waiting until next year, in the hope that they can have the wedding they'd originally planned. I've seen pictures of weddings in other countries with the bride, groom and minister/celebrant all in masks, and hardly any guests, and, whilst I appreciate that some people just want to be married ASAP, it's not really the day that anyone dreams of.
Wedding ceremonies were reduced to 5 people on March 19th. Full lockdown was announced on March 23rd. There wasn't exactly much chance, even if you'd already got all the paperwork sorted out.
It's a shame for Beatrice. I know that thousands of other couples are in the same situation, but she's had no luck at all with organising this wedding.
Wedding ceremonies were reduced to 5 people on March 19th. Full lockdown was announced on March 23rd. There wasn't exactly much chance, even if you'd already got all the paperwork sorted out.
It's a shame for Beatrice. I know that thousands of other couples are in the same situation, but she's had no luck at all with organising this wedding.
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