Anniversary Masses for HSH Prince Rainier III

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Heir Presumptive
Jan 7, 2003
Here's a communiqué by the Palace about the mass which takes place this evening:

Messe à la memoire du Prince Rainier III le 6 avril 2006 en la Cathédrale de Monaco

Bureau de Presse

Vendredi 31 mars 2006

Une messe à la mémoire du Prince Rainier III sera célébrée le jeudi 6 avril 2006 à 18h30 en la Cathédrale de Monaco, en présence de S.A.S. le Prince Souverain et des Membres de la Famille Princière.

L’accès à la Cathédrale sera réservé aux Monégasques et résidents de la Principauté, sur présentation d’une pièce d’identité ou d’une carte de séjour. L’ouverture des portes aura lieu à 17h15. Une tenue vestimentaire sombre est recommandée.

La cérémonie pourra également être suivie par les fidèles sur des écrans installés dans les églises Saint Charles, Sainte Dévote, Saint Martin et Saint Nicolas.

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First pics from the service - Reuters via YAhoo

Prince Albert II of Monaco (2nd R) and his sisters Princess Caroline of Hanover (2nd L) and Princess Stephanie (R) attend a mass for the first anniversary of Prince Rainiers' death at a Monaco cathedral April 6, 2006. On the left is Princess Caroline's husband, Prince Ernst August of Hanover. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
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Reuter via Yahoo

Princess Caroline's children (L-R) Andrea, Charlotte and Pierre Casiraghi attend a mass for the first anniversary of Prince Rainiers' death at a Monaco cathedral April 6, 2006. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

Those pics remind me bad moments !:(
thanks Tbhrc !
Reuter via Yahoo - Getty







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Polfoto 06-04-2006 Prince Albert II of Monaco,center, with his sisters Princess Caroline of Hanover, left, and Princess Stephanie of Monaco leave the Cathedral of Monaco after a mass in memory of their father Prince Rainier III, Thursday, April 6, 2006, in Monaco. Prince Rainier III died on April 6, 2005 after grave illness in March 2005, and his only son Prince Albert, succeeded him. Before he died he was the 2nd longest reigning monarch with 56 years of reign. (AP Photo / Lionel Cironneau)


Reuter via Yahoo

Prince Albert II of Monaco (C) and his sisters Princess Caroline of Hanover (L) and Princess Stephanie (R) leave a Monaco cathedral after attending a mass for the first anniversary of Prince Rainier's death April 6, 2006.



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Reuters via Yahoo


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Tbhrc thank you for all the pics you are working overtime today lovely pics kinda sad both Caroline and Stephanie look great nice to see pics of them all together and casiraghi trio all looked nice .




Reuters via Yahoo







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You're all welcome...

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Thank you , tbhrc, for posting all the photos....
They're a sweet family....just missing the little ones, Chris and Ernsti a bit....:)
Thank you so much for the pictures. It was a very touching.
It was a very nice mass, which started with the little choir boys finishing the double R by putting each of them white roses in their proper place. THen the trio took over (people weren't very impressed by Andreas hairdoo - bit wild for MC cathedral ;)). Everyone was already very touched and Caro cried basically from beginning to end, whereas Steph seemed moved but very calm. At one point she mouthed the words to her family that yes she was ok. Some of the music was the same as during the funeral, especially PR favorite song about the little chapel which used to stand in the place of the cathedral. Antoinette wasn't there, but her daughter and granddaughter were there (hope she is ok- haven't seen her out and about roughly since January). They sat with the trio. Apart from PA being late as usual (people did not appreciate that at all and immediately evoked his dads disciplin), the trio arriving before the rest of them (Char didn't wear the head scarf when she arrived - it was arround her neck and she arranged it later), there isn't much to tell.

BTW it was transmitted directly to all MC churches and people were filing in from 17.30 onwards (it was alreay very busy when I got there - glad I had a safe seat ;)). There were a lot of former MC officials as well.

Anyway, nice mass. I'm sure he would have liked it - especially the beginning.
Thanks Paca for the information, I wish I had been there...

When Rainier died, we were all worried about Steph's reaction, but now it seems the most hurt by her father's death is "icy" Caro (I don't mean she cares more, cause I know it is equally very painful for all three of them, just that she seems more vulnerable then the other two in this period).

I'm glad the Casiraghi kids showed up; I hear after loosing their father so young, the always had a very special relationship with their Granpa!

Thanks for all the pictures, and thanks Paca for the information.

I wish I could have been there.
Thank you Paca for the information on the mass.

I am surprised the Albert was late. I was taught you were never late for mass.

It sounds like Caroline is giving herself an outlet for her grief and emotions, wish Stephanie would.
maryellen1539 said:
I am surprised the Albert was late. I was taught you were never late for mass.
Well, aparently not a lesson PA learned, because he was also late at St devote and not quite on time on NH, though not as late as this time. It is particularly impolite - IMO- since the archbishop is kept waiting for him in front to great the family and IMO it also shows disrespect to his father to be late at his memorial service. He probably did not intend to show disrespect to anyone, but I have been brought up to be always early (though not too early) or at least on time to show people that you respect them. Where I come from they also say that punctuality is the politeness of kings and the higher up you are in the pecking order, the more you make sure to be on time to show people your respect and have them respect you for it in return. Simple lessons, easy to learn. And unfortunetely it is those little bits and pieces that get stuck in peoples mind and no matter how much you achieve otherwise, those little things keep hounding you and change your image.
Great pics michelle.... the family together to remember a great man.... Thank you so much for posting.... ;)
Thank you so much for describing the mass.You always mention the little details that we would never know about. I'm glad you got a safe seat.
It's sad that PA arrived very late for his Father's memorial mass and kept the archbishop waiting at the front of the church. I don't blame the people for evoking his Father's discipline.
I just wish that PA had an advisor he could trust ,(Not just a "yes" man/woman), that could caution him against being late for his Father's own memorial mass and the like. It's one thing to be late for a business appearance or show opening--but this act impacted the hearts of the people.
He desparately needs a trustworthy aide to help him. Some fortunate men gain this when they marry. But I fear his future spouse could only make things appear even more sloppy/careless....
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