Andrew's future outside of the working BRF

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Jan 16, 2012
United Kingdom
It was reported this week that Charles, Anne and Edward all agreed that Andrew's future lies outside of the working royal family. He had already stepped down from his hundreds of patronages.

My question is, after the current headline grabbing news he is involved in (let's not comment on that on this thread) has blown over, what will he actually do with his life? He is only 60 so very young to do nothing although he does have new grandco to occupy him. Also how will he msnage financially without an income?
It was reported this week that Charles, Anne and Edward all agreed that Andrew's future lies outside of the working royal family. He had already stepped down from his hundreds of patronages.

My question is, after the current headline grabbing news he is involved in (let's not comment on that on this thread) has blown over, what will he actually do with his life? He is only 60 so very young to do nothing although he does have new grandco to occupy him. Also how will he msnage financially without an income?

Whatever Andrew decides to do for the rest of his life is totally up to him. I'm sure he could find something worthwhile to occupy his time but the question remains if he will actually look for something or continue to wallow in the believe that he's gotten the short end of the stick all around and deserves better than what he's ended up with. It'll all be in his attitude going forward. His family is not about to coddle him on this.

It will all be done privately without the public being informed of his movements and his activities unless, for some reason they're newsworthy, will remain superfluous. Until then, I think we're pretty much resigned to Andrew's coverage being spotted riding or driving his car. Easy to just gloss over and ignore.

He'll survive nicely and never have to go on the public dole, miss a meal or lack for material comforts. He may not have the funds anymore to pull Sarah out of financial difficulties but that's not the problem of the people of the UK to worry about.
60 is the retirement age here, so he could just do that: retire.

The question is what he does while retired: volunteering and baby-sitting grandchildren are common activities :) In his (upper) class: probably activities on private lands or related to landownership.
Andrew does have his navy pension and a number of trust funds set up for him by his parents and grandmother.

I have seen an estimate of his private wealth ranging from 50 - 75 - 150 million pounds at different times so I am sure he will be fine financially.

He won't do anything publicly. Even last year when he and Sarah went to pack parcels for the nurses working at the NHS they were roundly criticised for 'daring' to help while the following week Edward and Sophie were praised to the highest for doing the exact same thing.

I do think that we have seen the last of Andrew with the possible exception of his mother's funeral (and I am not even convinced that Charles will allow him to attend that event). Andrew won't be invited to any events at all once Charles is King.

I don't think he will attend the Jubilee events next year either, as Charles will see to it that he isn't invited.
Andrew does have his navy pension and a number of trust funds set up for him by his parents and grandmother.

I have seen an estimate of his private wealth ranging from 50 - 75 - 150 million pounds at different times so I am sure he will be fine financially.

He won't do anything publicly. Even last year when he and Sarah went to pack parcels for the nurses working at the NHS they were roundly criticised for 'daring' to help while the following week Edward and Sophie were praised to the highest for doing the exact same thing.

I do think that we have seen the last of Andrew with the possible exception of his mother's funeral (and I am not even convinced that Charles will allow him to attend that event). Andrew won't be invited to any events at all once Charles is King.

I don't think he will attend the Jubilee events next year either, as Charles will see to it that he isn't invited.

This makes sense to me. The Platinum Jubilee is a celebration of the Queen's long reign as a monarch and as far as the monarchy is concerned, Andrew is sort of a persona non grata in that respect. ;)
The Queen has considerable private wealth. Even though Charles will receive the bulk of her estate, I have no doubt that Anne, Andrew and Edward will be well provided for.

While 60 is not considered having one foot in the grave, it is considered approaching retirement age. Andrew has hobbies that can occupy his days: golf, photography and traveling. If he has an interest in land management, he lives on a sizable property that he can become actively involved in its management, if he has not already done so.
Without Charles' support Andrew can't be involved in anything on the Windsor estate. Since his retirement he hasn't been seen anywhere near a golf course as I suspect he is persona non grata at them all so all he can do now is stay at home or go riding at Windsor and maybe get to be a great grandfather, especially to August who doesn't live that far away.

I don't see him travelling anywhere much anymore either.

He will simply fade away - not to be seen or spoken of publicly and then suddenly there will appear an announcement from BP that 'the king has learned of the death of his 'brother/uncle' HRH The Duke of York' and then a few days later 'the King was represented by xxxx at the funeral of The Duke of York which took place today at yyyy' will appear.
:previous: I hope he will give up the idea of a "public role" altogether.

That ship has not only sailed, it has sunk in deep waters and is stuck in the mire.

Andrew has many blessings whether he is aware of them or not. He is presumably healthy. He is surrounded by love...his former wife and their children love him..apparently without condition. He has grandchildren to dote on. He has a distinguished career as a handsome military hero to look back on with pride. He will never go without the basic material necessities of fact he will live in accordance with his birth status until the end of his life.

At 60, it's a bit early for him to be sitting in a rocker with a comforter over his knees, being spoon fed applesauce by his daughters. But he needs to understand that HE made extremely bad decisions that make it necessary for him to forge an entirely new and different path for the next chapter of his life.

ETA: I doubt Charles would ever sink so low as to send a representative to the funeral of one of his own siblings rather than attend himself. ESPECIALLY since he has attended the obsequies of deceased Middle Eastern despots and potentates who don't share his blood.....! And he has no forbid Andrew to attend their mother's funeral. How dare he?

Enough is enough.
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I do think that we have seen the last of Andrew with the possible exception of his mother's funeral (and I am not even convinced that Charles will allow him to attend that event). Andrew won't be invited to any events at all once Charles is King.

Would barring him from attending his own mother's funeral really be necessary in the court of public opinion?
Would barring him from attending his own mother's funeral really be necessary in the court of public opinion?

I don't see Andrew ever being ostracized from participating in any event that has to do with family. Coronations, funerals, birthday parties (private) will still be on the menu for Andrew as son, brother, uncle, Dad and Grandpa among others.

There, however, will be a strong red line between family occasions and anything remotely having to do with the monarchy (Trooping the Color, the Queen's "official" birthday being one). No matter what public opinion is at any given moment.
Charles would do himself considerable harm in the court of public opinion if he even thought about barring Andrew from their mother's funeral. That shall not come to pass. This is their MOTHER first and foremost before she is The Queen.

And, frankly, if Charles' coronation is anything like his mother's, then I expect Andrew will be there as a royal duke to swear his fealty and allegiance to the new king. That might be the only time we see Andrew participating in any of the coronation festivities - can't imagine he'll be on the Buckingham Palace balcony. The best/easiest way to handle that would be to have just Charles/Camilla and the Cambridges on the balcony with no other family members present.
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Isn't it possible he might go abroad to wherever he isn't cared about and is allowed to use the golf courses?

The only other possibility is if he were to do a Profumo and somehow spend the next few decades working extremely quietly for some ironclad charity, but both Andrew's temperament and the current media age probably rule it out.

I'm betting on the Juan Carlos option as soon as he gets sick of being persona non grata in-country.
I don't see Andrew ever being ostracized from participating in any event that has to do with family. Coronations, funerals, birthday parties (private) will still be on the menu for Andrew as son, brother, uncle, Dad and Grandpa among others.

There, however, will be a strong red line between family occasions and anything remotely having to do with the monarchy (Trooping the Color, the Queen's "official" birthday being one). No matter what public opinion is at any given moment.

I agree that they will somehow try to include him in family events (although at his eldest daughter's wedding he wasn't in the official photo that was released) but not in anything monarchy-related; even though he remains in the top-10 of the line of succession; they cannot take away that easily. The same most likely applies to others that are -no longer- senior working members of the family.
Without Charles' support Andrew can't be involved in anything on the Windsor estate. Since his retirement he hasn't been seen anywhere near a golf course as I suspect he is persona non grata at them all so all he can do now is stay at home or go riding at Windsor and maybe get to be a great grandfather, especially to August who doesn't live that far away.

I don't see him travelling anywhere much anymore either.

He will simply fade away - not to be seen or spoken of publicly and then suddenly there will appear an announcement from BP that 'the king has learned of the death of his 'brother/uncle' HRH The Duke of York' and then a few days later 'the King was represented by xxxx at the funeral of The Duke of York which took place today at yyyy' will appear.

The sizeable property that I am referring to is The Royal Lodge which Andrew has a lease on that will outlive him. Of course he cannot turn the Royal Lodge into a fairground, but if he decides to, for example, breed some rare flowers, I don't think that Charles could, or would be inclined, to stop that.

I believe that there are enough rich people out there who are willing to host a disgraced royal. Even though I did state that Andrew likes to travel, there have also been reports that he's a homebody, so I don't think that he feels the need to be in a different timezone every fortnight.

To be sure, I think that Andrew's public life as a representative of the monarch, is over.. Nevertheless, in theory, I think that he can live out the remainder of his life in a fulfilling way.
The problem with people who leave royal life is that they often have few transferrable skills to take to a new job.

Not sure if this is a silly question, but is the Royal Lodge estate big enough to house a golf course that Andrew could open for commercial use?
The problem with people who leave royal life is that they often have few transferrable skills to take to a new job.

Not sure if this is a silly question, but is the Royal Lodge estate big enough to house a golf course that Andrew could open for commercial use?

In the first place, that could never happen because Andrew does not own the property. It belongs to the Crown Estate and I can guarantee that they would *not* go for a commercial golf course on any of their properties. So scratch that idea right off the bat
There is already a golf course within the grounds, the Home Park Golf Couse. It's right next to Windsor Castle, north of Frogmore.

I seem to recall many years ago that Andrew wanted to sort of "take over" the course in regards to design features, management etc. but his father, who was the Ranger for the entire Windsor estate at the time, wouldn't permit it.
If this court case drags on and on or ends with no real resolution, I can’t see anything dramatic happening to Andrew in the future. Of course a man of his pomposity and vanity will probably deeply resent never appearing again as a senior working royal, and that will be a running sore.

However, I can see him continuing to ride at Windsor, playing golf every so often (I don’t think he’d be banned at any clubs) and seeing family and friends in private as he does now.

The part of his life going forward that I’m not so sure about is whether Andrew will keep whatever money he has out of money-making schemes offered or suggested by friends he has in the UK and around the world. I can imagine him being tempted. If he is ever caught in any nefarious or shady financial schemes again the media would be absolutely merciless and he really would have to live abroad.
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One thing for sure is that Andrew will have to shape his life going into the future by himself. No one is going to toss a simply marvelous lifestyle into his lap because of who he is. That simply isn't going to work for Andrew any longer.

I hope he does find something. It'd be much better than always looking backwards with regrets.
Apparently the shut-out is in full swing.

The article implies that Charles banned Andrew from attending a ceremonial dinner and representing the Grenadier Guards there.

Makes sense to me. The Grenadier Guards position Andrew holds/held was an honorary one appointed to him for no other reason than that he was a working royal and also ex-military himself. It's not a position that Andrew earned on his own merits. I can imagine that Andrew was not overly happy about this but that's the way things go when you're on the outs with the monarchy side of the family. Charles *can't* allow family members to come first over the monarchy. Ever. I don't think he ever will either.
As far as Andrew's future, I suppose it all depends on his wealth. I saw that someone here estimated that he has 50 million to 150 million pounds. I doubt this, as he would have paid off the seller of the Swiss chalet he bought.

If he has indeed got that kind of money, great. He then can afford to do behind-the-scenes charity work. Perhaps for Royal Navy families. The Navy is where he did his best work.

If he has to earn, that's a problem. His instincts for people are terrible.

He might get away with a "fish out of water" reality show where he takes an ordinary job and tries to cope and then gains new-found respect for hourly wage-earners.
If the story of the three siblings meeting to discuss Andrew's future is true, I'm pretty surprised at them. All 4 siblings have been involved in scandals at some point, particularly Charles. They should stay neutral.

I can see Andrew remarrying Sarah in the future. If she can redeem her reputation then he can too.

On a relateted point - does the Way Ahead group still exist?
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I doubt the story about the three siblings meeting. That sounds like some pablum from Clarence House.

There is no way he will remarry Sarah. There is no reason to.
Andrew hasn't actually been convicted of anything, and he certainly won't be barred from family events, but he's blotted his copybook to the extent that he can't be allowed to represent the country or the monarchy in future, and I doubt that any charity or other organisation will want to be publicly associated with him. I'm sure the Queen won't see him go short of money, and I assume he's inherited money from Prince Philip and possibly from the Queen Mother, and no-one can stop him from flitting around the world with rich friends, and he's also got two new grandchildren with whom he'll want to spend time, but I can't see him having any sort of "role" in future.
If the story of the three siblings meeting to discuss Andrew's future is true, I'm pretty surprised at them. All 4 siblings have been involved in scandals at some point, particularly Charles. They should stay neutral.

I can see Andrew remarrying Sarah in the future. If she can redeem her reputation then he can too.

On a relateted point - does the Way Ahead group still exist?

I honestly don't see why the three siblings would meet to "discuss Andrew's future" because, in reality, a meeting like that would entail Andrew's connection to the *monarchy* and Anne and Edward aren't likely to be consulted as much as Charles and William would be in monarchy matters because... well... they're going to be the monarchs that need to deal with Andrew. I don't see 'family" getting involved in whatever Andrew has planned or not for his own post-public life.

I believe the Way Ahead group as it was then known, has been dissolved. It was something that Philip started and headed up during the 90s, I believe.

One thing I do believe is that we're resigned to hearing about and seeing Andrew in those pictures published every so often where Andrew is spotted either riding or driving his car. Perhaps one day we'll get a break and see something a bit different? Andrew falling off his horse? Andrew getting a flat tire and sits by the roadside waiting for help? Y'know.. besides just getting "spotted". :D
I honestly don't see why the three siblings would meet to "discuss Andrew's future" because, in reality, a meeting like that would entail Andrew's connection to the *monarchy* and Anne and Edward aren't likely to be consulted as much as Charles and William would be in monarchy matters because... well... they're going to be the monarchs that need to deal with Andrew. I don't see 'family" getting involved in whatever Andrew has planned or not for his own post-public life.

Whilst it is indeed true that the decision in relation to Andrew's future role in the monarchy will probably be taken by Charles and William, IMO, it is not unreasonable to assume that Charles will have spoken to Anne and Edward to let him know how he feels, and to solicit their views.
Does Prince Andrew have any golf club memberships?
Does Prince Andrew have any golf club memberships?

I do not know whether he has a regular golf membership, but because of who he is, he probably has access to quite a lot of golf course, including one within the Windsor estate.
I do not think that the siblings are conspiring against him. I think it was a few informal conversation if anything. William would have been there it was an agreement.

That been said - there is lots Andrew can do. Pretty certain that we have discussed it here before, oddly enough it is the same list of what we can expect Harry to one day do if he returns.
1. Military Attaché, envoy/ enqury. - But this might involving him assisting one of his siblings or nephew. But he would be able to still work.
2. Game Ranger - Charles has taken over Prince Philip's role as Game Ranger of the Windsor estate and others. And apparently has hired people to do the work with him signing up. I had previously suggested that he should have training Edward and Andrew to assist here - but he hired people. Edward appears to be happily restoring Bagshot to nature and Anne is running a top farm. So either they were too busy or Charles prefers to hold on to the reigns. But he really could have made use of Andrew's time.
3. Volunteer somewhere - many of the royals are still volunteering. I am pretty certain that we are unaware of some. If these royals can do it - surely Andrew can do so to.
4. Queen's Companion - while at least for the while and not been seen in public with her. But he can at least be company.
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