Thank you, Iceflower
And in connection with that Alexandra also told a bit about her won two boys.
Excerpt from article in Billed Bladet #08, 2012.
Mine skønne drenge - My lovely boys.
Written by Trine Larsen.
In Zambia there are children who have no school to go to and Alexandra said that there were probably children (here in DK) who thought how nice that would be.
Q: Do you also have boys who sometimes don't want to go to school?
Alexandra: "No, no, not al all. They love school! That is, there are of course days where it's a little harder to get out of bed, but thet always want to go to school. They are both very social and like to be with their mates. They like to be stimulated in that way".
In school they are commended for their good behaviour. Delighting Alexandra: "Yes, and then I become very proud of them. And I'm so glad other can see it as well.
People can see that they've had a super good upbringing and that they are very balanced (in nature). But we who are closest to them, that is Prince Joachim, Princess Marie, Martin and I are also in complete agreement about their upbringing. And all four of us work on their well being, that they are happy and have the best terms (to grow up and be children in)".
Q: But you can't know how children will react to for example a divorce?
Alexandra: "No, that's right. But you do everything you can to help them get over it as easily as possible. And you can never predict either whether they will be best friends or if of jealousy will arise. But it's just fortunate that Nikolai and Felix are each other's best friends. There are really very few fights. There is a very high noise-leves at home - it's after all a couple of energetic boys - but that's how it is. They love life and each other - and yes, we are super well".
Q: A short time ago the family was in Austria to see Prince Nikolai run wil the Olympic torch in Inssbruck, prior to the first youth-winter-olympics.
Alexandra: "Yes, that was a big experience. And the boys got to see some snow and had a cosy time".
Q: And mormor (maternal grandmother) living in Austria, she was very proud?
Alexandra: "Oh yes, very much. You could actually on TV hear her voice much louder than everybody else, so enthusiastically did she shout".