Okay, time for a full translation I think.
Polyesco's translation was correct,

but Google doesn't get the nuances.
Q: How are the boys in regards to M&J moving to Paris?
A: (Laughing slightly.)
Jeg tror, de har det bedre, end jeg har. - Vi var to herhjemme.
"I think they feel better about it, than I do. - We were two here at home."
Q: Havde de helst set, at Joachim var blevet hjemme?
"Had You preferred that Joachim had stayed at home?"
A: Jeg skal ikke beslutte, hvad han vil, og selvfølgelig er det en stor og spændende udfordring for ham, men det er rart, når man er to forældre om børn,«
"I am not to decide what he wants and of course it's a big and exciting challenge for him, but it is nice when you are two parents taking care of/looking after children."
Nikolai and Felix are looking forward to visiting daddy in Paris:
A: (Grinning.) De siger, at nu har de et sted at bo der og en god guide,
"They say that they now have a place to stay there and a good guide."
They haven't yet visited J&M though.
A: Nej, ikke endnu. Han skal lige have lov til at falde på plads og have deres to børn dernede i skole og nyt job og det hele
"No, not yet. He needs time to settle in and have their two children start school down there and a new job and all."
Alexandra declined to get into too many details about her future plans, except that it involved giving lectures/speeches.
- It is my impression that Alexandra is a little miffed she wasn't counseled by Joachim before he (and our Marie) decided to move to Paris.
But come on, Nikolai has already moved away from home. He left home years ago in fact and he is not coming back, that's for sure! That's life and that's how it should be.
And Felix is still in high school and as such he lives at home anyway, so she still keeps an eye on him on a day to day basis. With Joachim until now basically standing in from time to time after school and during weekends.
So not much will have changed and it's no different from other divorced dads who are stationed abroad for a period. They can't come home and take an active part in their children's lives during that period either.
I also think it does smells like a clean break from her protections when her apanage ends.
We can discuss how much value she has as a figurehead for a cause today. It is after all quite a few years since she was royal. To put it brutally.
We can also discuss how sincere she was in regards to her protections if she drops them when her apanage ends. But to that you can argue, that there is nothing to hinder her from continuing to support causes, as a private person.
And if I am to be cynical. Nikolai and Felix are so far away from the throne that they will rarely have anything to do with the official side of the DRF anyway, so they will have to make a life for themselves. And while a title of Prince might be an advantage in some respects, I will claim that the less "royal" they are, the better for them. And having a mother who is acting semi-royal by being a patron of this and that might be a hindrance for Nikolai and Felix.
Out of sight, out of mind = much more freedom for Nikolai and Felix. - If you get my meaning.