80th Birthday Celebrations of King Juan Carlos & Queen Sofia - 2018

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An Ard Ri

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Jun 30, 2009
An Iarmhí
The 80th Birthday Celebrations of T.M.King Juan Carlos & Queen Sofia



King Juan Carlos I turns 80 on January 5th & Queen Sofia on November 2nd next year.
The 80th Birthday Celebrations of T.M.King Juan Carlos & Queen Sofia



King Juan Carlos I turns 80 on January 5th & Queen Sofia on November 2nd next year.

Is any public celebration expected ? I very much doubt it, not only because D, Juan Carlos is no longer the reigning monarch, but also because of the ciurrent climate in Spain. With the monarchy being openly challenged by the proclamation of the Catalan republic , the least it needs now is a lavish birthday party for a former unpopular king.
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I suspect it will be something small and private. And probably separate events as well.
Is any public celebration expected ? I very much doubt it, not only because D, Juan Carlos is no longer the reigning monarch, but also because of the ciurrent climate in Spain. With the monarchy being openly challenged by the proclamation of the Catalan republic , the least it needs now is a lavish birthday party for a former unpopular king.
While big celebrations are not SRF style and its uncalled for in the current situation, I think many Spaniards from the old generation still hold JC in high regard, he may have been unpopular in the end for a few blunders but has done a lot for Spain and its democracy, at high personal risk and sacrifice.
Of course there are new times now, but he is more than just a King who shot an elephant and cheated on his wife and had to give up his role in disgrace.
The Queen Sofia Foundation of School of Music might oragnise something in Queen Sofia's honour but I don't expect any gala dinners or balcony moments.
JC and Sofia will attend the Pascua Militar for the first time since retirement on the occasion of JC's 80th birthday:

TM the Kings will preside in the Royal Palace of Madrid the traditional celebration of the Military Passover. On this occasion they will be accompanied by TM the King and Queen Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía, within the framework of the activities that will take place during the year 2018 to mark the 80th anniversary of His Majesty the King Don Juan Carlos on January 5 and Her Majesty Queen Sofia on November 2.
Would like to see Queen Sofia awarded the order of the golden fleece for her years of services on this special anniversary.
Would like to see Queen Sofia awarded the order of the golden fleece for her years of services on this special anniversary.

Former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was the first (foreign) female Sovereign to be created a Dame in the Order of the Golden Fleece. Last year, when the Princess was in Madrid, "just" for a museal visit, she made sure to have the smaller insignia of the Golden Fleece pinned on her dress: picture

It would be nice to see Doña Sofía with te same insignia.
too bad there is nothing on casareal, not even a portait or a photo of JC with his grandchildren. He has done so much for Spain, after all.
They could at last release a Family photo from the Lunch today.
And it is really a pity that casreal has not relaed a few pics of the birthday boy. Let's wait and see if there will be anything released qwhen King Felipe turn's 50 at the end of the month.
I agree they really are the pits,nothing at all to mark the occasion :whistling:
Great they publish a picture, well deserved. So it is clear Cristina and her family were either not there or not included for controversy reasons. Sad either way that the whole family cannot come together at such a special occasion.
Its a lovely family photo and would make a great Christmas card come December .
Infanta Cristina and her family were photographed yesterday in Rome. They were not at the lunch, according to the press Cristina and her children were invited and that the only one who was not welcome was Iñaki ... and once again Cristina has seemed to decide that if Iñaki does not go, none will go.
The dinner for his 70th birthday was the first time it was organized, and apparently it was more influenced by the Government than by Juan Carlos himself.

His 60th birthday was celebrated by visiting the Spanish troops abroad.
Infanta Cristina and her family were photographed yesterday in Rome. They were not at the lunch, according to the press Cristina and her children were invited and that the only one who was not welcome was Iñaki ... and once again Cristina has seemed to decide that if Iñaki does not go, none will go.

so she decided not to celebrate with her father such an occasion. i guess it would have been nice to let go of pride and attend the event without inaki. she clearly holds a grudge. in the past, she expressed how awkward she felt going back to the palace these days.
It would have been nice to see the Urdangarin children in the photo,pity Infanta Cristina decided not to go.
Infanta Cristina and her family were photographed yesterday in Rome. They were not at the lunch, according to the press Cristina and her children were invited and that the only one who was not welcome was Iñaki ... and once again Cristina has seemed to decide that if Iñaki does not go, none will go.

Years ago I was in a similar position - really looking forward to attending my cousin's wedding. She had sent me a lovely letter asking me to attend but ... when the official invitation arrived for the family my aunt had deliberately left my father's name off the invitation.

My mother obviously refused to attend her husband's niece's wedding (hers only by marriage not blood) without her husband and left it to her children to decide. We took the view 'if you don't want our father then you don't get us either and none of us attended'.

This sounds like it could be a similar situation - the family unit didn't attend because one member of the family wasn't welcome. Who made that decision we don't know but I would be very surprised if there wasn't some discussion within the family unit with a decision along the lines of 'all of us or none of us' being a family agreement. Even young children can be hurt very badly when they know that one or other of their parents is not welcome at large family events and most children will decide to side with their parents over extended family - including grandparents.
If Cristina and the children were in fact absent, and if the reason was because Inaki wasn't invited, Juan Carlos should be ashamed of himself, IMO. Juan Carlos has happily rubbed shoulders with people who make Inaki look like a choir boy so I doubt it would have killed him to be civil to his son in law for a couple of hours for the sake of his daughter and especially his grandchildren. If the issue was Inaki being in an official residence I'm sure any number of extended family or friends would have gladly opened their homes for the celebration. If anyone here is showing an excess of pride and holding a grudge it's not Cristina, it's her father.

Juan Carlos has been petty throughout this process, though. I recall, for example, an article in Vanity Fair in which he authorized one of his closest friends to speak disparagingly of Inaki. Contrast that to another article in the same magazine in which Cristina's closest family and friends spoke and one of the upfront conditions was that they didn't discuss either Inaki or the Spanish royal house.

I'm not sure why they chose such a provocative picture to publish. They could have taken a nice one of Juan Carlos, Felipe and Leonor. Or, if Cristina and the children were in fact there, they could have done one with JC and all the grandchildren. Or they could have done no public picture at all as it was well emphasized in the Spanish press that this was a strictly private event. Instead they choose a picture of the entire family, except of course one of his daughters and, oh yeah, half of his grandchildren. They must have known the absence would be part of all the headlines and provide the opportunity for still more discussion about the seemingly endless toxic relationships within the family. More importantly than all that, it seems needlessly cruel towards the Urdangarin children.
Infanta Cristina and her family were photographed yesterday in Rome. They were not at the lunch, according to the press Cristina and her children were invited and that the only one who was not welcome was Iñaki ... and once again Cristina has seemed to decide that if Iñaki does not go, none will go.

But it doesn't make any sense, does it? Clearly Inaki isn't welcome, but we've seen the Urdangarin children alone being photographed with their grandparents/cousins on Mallorca island and Cristina had no problem to attend the funeral of Infanta Alicia on her own, without Inaki.

Whatever the reason behind this photo, it is sad to see that the adults are unable to compromise to have at least all grandchildren attend the lunch.
Even more so since somebody will still be paying for everyday life in Geneva and the education of the Urdangarin grandchildren, most likely JC and Sofia.
Had the Infanta Doña Cristina been present then it would undoubtedly have raised critics as well.

As we all know the situation in Spain is tense and the Royal House does not want to give any freebie to separatists and antimonarchists in the current raging propaganda wars.

In the current situation, this was the wisest option, to remain absent.
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