In connection with their trip The King and Queen has given an interview with NRK/NTB. On the news tonight they showed part of the interview as well as footage of the Royal couple together with Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Marius walking around the old town in Spilt. The Queen had done her homework and work as they guide during their walk. Also shown was a very small clip from the Royal ship where also Prince Magnus could be seen and I believe Princess Ingrid Alexandra as well. Later tonight the whole interview will be showed with hopefully as well, some more footage of the children. On the same program there will also be a discussion about the Queen and her role.
Great to see them all. The Crown Princess looks lovely. Nice to see Marius with them. I admire the whole family for the way the have treated Marius and how well they include him.
I have translated parts of this article in VG.
Kongen: - Hun har betydd alt for meg - VG Nett om Kongehuset
The King said of the Queen”She has meant everything to me. When I married her 40 years ago I was a very different person than I am now. Among other things I was very shy, but with her help I have overcome that.”
Queen Sonja said her most important task is to be a good support for her husband. ”And to be allowed to take part in setting the country we’re so proud of and that we both have a passion for in the spotlight.”
Both the Queen and King talk of how important family is and how they enjoy being with their grandchildren over many days. King Harald says, ”It is in that way we properly can get to know them” and ”I didn’t think I would get as ”tussete” as other grandparents, but I have. We don’t know how much they mean to us until we have them”.
Previous years they have taken a cruise in Norway with other European Royals, but this time they chose differently. Of this trip the King says ”Maybe we should have waited ten years, for our golden anniversary, but we don’t know is we will be able to enjoy it, so we chose to celebrate with our family now. The Queen adds”Yes, and it is nice if out grandchildren will remember us with positive experiences which they can look back on with joy.”