«Eventyrprinsessen» - A documentary about Princess Märtha Louise

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2006
Princess Märtha Louise has been working with Monica Øien to make a documentary about Märtha Louise's books and work as a storyteller over the past year called «Eventyrprinsessen» (The Fairy Tale Princess). The documentary will air in Norway on the 22nd of December.

Beautiful Picture

Märtha om engler og eventyr - Side2
Princess Martha Louise look like Cinderella, to be seen beautiful, sweet and fresh
Yes she looks very beautiful in the picture. :flowers:

Does anyone know if this documentary will be available online? I would love to watch it......
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She looks very pretty during the interwiev.She's really beautiful Princess.:flowers:
Kjell Arne - the royal reporter for Se & Hør, for longer than I can remember - is quite upset over the lack of critical and relevant questions from the journalist in the documentary. "Märtha Louise got to show her buttery side, and the journalist was worshipping her."

Other comments was that it seemed more like a marketing stunt than a documentary.

Raser etter prinsessedokumentar |  TV 2 Nyhetene
Kjell Arne - the royal reporter for Se & Hør, for longer than I can remember - is quite upset over the lack of critical and relevant questions from the journalist in the documentary. "Märtha Louise got to show her buttery side, and the journalist was worshipping her."

Another article criticising the documentary - TV 2 får prinsesse-kritikk - VG Nett om Kongehuset

More information about the documentary - The Norweigan Royals: Princess Märtha Louise, Eventyrprinsessen
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