Dutch Royals Attend Remembrance Day Commemorations

  May 4, 2015 at 8:23 pm by

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima have led commemorations on Remembrance Day in Amsterdam.

The national commemoration is held at the Dam Square, where the King and Queen and other officials laid wreaths at the National Monument. Prime Minister Mark Rutte delivered a speech, in which he recalled a letter that his father, living in the Dutch East Indies, had received from his own parents during the war: “We have seen hell,” it said simply. “These kinds of memories are a powerful weapon in the fight for freedom and against injustice,” the Prime Minister said.

Following the ceremony, the King and Queen met with survivors of World War Two at the Industrieele Groote Club. Earlier in the day, they were present at a memorial service at the Nieuwe Kerk.

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