Danish Crown Prince Couple’s First Day in Japan

  March 26, 2015 at 9:25 pm by

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark began a three-day visit to Japan today, to promote Greenlandic businesses.

View the full image at Kongehuset

They first attended a seminar at Hillside Plaza in Tokyo on seafood where Greenlandic products were showcased by companies, specifically Royal Greenland and Polar Seafood, and a video presented the production of fish and shellfish in the country.

Then it was over to Kyu Asakura Ke Jutaku, a traditional Japanese garden, where the couple participated in a meeting about bullying. Experts from Japanese anti-bullying organisations told Frederik and Mary about challenges and efforts in preventing bullying. Schoolchildren from a local school were also a part of the meeting to discuss their own experiences with bullying.

View the full image at The Daily Mail

Another seminar completed the afternoon’s activities, this time focusing on the challenges and opportunities present in the Arctic region. Crown Prince Frederik gave the opening address, discussing Japan’s crucial role in the Arctic. “Japan is the world’s third largest economy and it is a major maritime nation. Japan has extensive experience from the Antarctic, and this knowledge from the South Pole can definitely also be useful in the North.” Speeches by the Premier of Greenland and the Japanese Minister of Ocean Policy were also heard.

In the evening, Frederik and Mary attended a music performance in the courtyard of the Danish Embassy by two of Greenland’s most well-known bands, Nanook and Nive Nielsen and The Deer Children, to showcase their talent to the Japanese music industry. A dinner with the business delegation and Japanese companies that import seafood concluded day one.

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