Crown Princess Victoria, Current Events Part 2: November 2003 - November 2004

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Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is seen in the audience during the second day of the Stockholm International Forum 2004 "Preventing Genocide" in Stockholm, Sweden, January 26, 2004. Representatives of some 60 governments have been invited to Stockholm by Prime Minister Goran Persson to discuss key issues of a humanitarian, political and moral nature relating to genocide. IML images

10) During the Royal Family's lunch for the Delegates of the "Preventing Genocide Conference" IML images


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I love Victoria's style but she needs to find a different way to wear her hair. She needs to look a little bit more put together. Perhaps a nice chignon or wearing her hair half up and half down would look cleaner than a ponytail.
Anyone have any other suggestions? :flower:
I doubt that she will change this ponytail-habit soon...and I´m sure she knows, that most people wish, that she would wear more different hair-styles...last spring she wore a great hair and make-up-style for a low-key-event/affair...and she got great feedback for that...the magazines wrote about it and the journalists even talked with the mentor of Victoria about her "new style"...but then she started again with the ponytails...I don´t know, what she´s thinking...maybe it´s just a matter of less time , or maybe there´s a little sparklet/droplet (I said little !!!, Dennis) of a punk in her...and she´s thinking that she doesn´t want to do all, what we want of her ;)
Yes, well as far as I can tell, this talks about this guy, Lars Lööw, who is in charge of some organization for the disabled. He complained about when Victoria pats the little African kids on the head. He says it is demeaning in a way. He hates photos like the one in the article. Also that charities like the one that is in Victoria's name are not the way to go as it were. The person receiving the money or aid becomes dependent on the person who gives the money or aid. And of course, sometimes there are conditions upon how the the aid or money is given. And in some ways, he's right but he wasn't attacking the crown princess personally thus making Dennis rather upset. He suggests that they find ways on helping the disabled find ways of helping themselves out. You know

Give a man a fish and you will eat for a day. Teach the man to fish and he will eat for a life.

Also it's the matter of pity. He doesn't want people like her(famous or royal) to pity the disabled. Okay. Well, the court has responded that it is a pity that this Lars fellow sees it this way and that he doesn't have to look at the photos if he doesn't want to.
I must say I agree with Lars Lööw. Its great that Victoria (and others) are helping, but there´s no need for pity.
I'm sorry, but that is WAY over sensitive. Royalty and celebs bring attention to charities that otherwise would go unnoticed. The unfortunate may be dependent or not, but that really isn't Victoria's fault. Besides, I'd much rather have them be dependent on something than dead. :cry: Victoria obviously wasn't trying to demean anyone- it's a common, sweet gesture that one would give to any child.
That's my opinion! :p
Originally posted by SpiffyBallerina@Jan 29th, 2004 - 7:14 pm
I'm sorry, but that is WAY over sensitive. Royalty and celebs bring attention to charities that otherwise would go unnoticed. The unfortunate may be dependent or not, but that really isn't Victoria's fault. Besides, I'd much rather have them be dependent on something than dead. :cry: Victoria obviously wasn't trying to demean anyone- it's a common, sweet gesture that one would give to any child.
That's my opinion! :p
All true and the guy purposefully said that he didn't have anything bad to say about the Crown Princess. And in a way he has a point. But he needs to fight other battles. It was all rather overblown. He probably just said these things as an afterthought.
To change the subject to something with more 'meat' .... it looks to me - from perusing the royal court's Kalendern that Victoria is being loaded up with official engagements.

I have not seen this trend before with Victoria ..... what does this signify ?
All true and the guy purposefully said that he didn't have anything bad to say about the Crown Princess. And in a way he has a point. But he needs to fight other battles. It was all rather overblown. He probably just said these things as an afterthought
that is probably because if he had said that he didn´t want "Anna Andersson" to do that, nobody would care.
But because of Victorias fame it gets alot of attention...
Picture: Victoria in Uppsala on February 19
Victoria i kampen mot hungern

På torsdagen besökte Kronprinsessan Victoria Lutherhjälpen och Kyrkans hus i Uppsala för att önska lycka till inför Faste-
aktionen som startar på söndag med temat ”Utrota hungern”.

Kronprinsessan är Lutherhjälpens beskyddare och besöket var ett tillfälle för henne att fördjupa sig i några av årets frågor under temat Utrota hungern, där FN:s millenniemål står i förgrunden.

– Det var mycket givande att få höra berättelserna om vad Lutherhjälpens arbete gör för enskilda människor. Inte minst om hjälp till självhjälp som en grund för allt arbetet, säger Kronprinsessan. Jag hoppas naturligtvis på stor uppslutning kring Fasteaktionen, och önskar alla ombuden lycka till i arbetet för att utrota hungern.

Planerar resa till Lutherhjälpsprojekt
Förutom samtal kring biståndsfrågor, Lutherhjälpens påverkansarbete i Sverige och dumpade livsmedel på världsmarknaden, fick Kronprinsessan också veta mer om arbetet med så kallade mikrolån. Projekten går ut på att enskilda människor i fattiga länder får möjlighet att låna pengar för att starta egen verksamhet i liten skala. Vid besöket påbörjades även planeringen av en framtida resa för Kronprinsessan till ett lutherhjälpsprojekt, för att studera just arbetet med mikrolån.
– Vi är naturligtvis mycket glada för att Kronprinsessan stöder vårt arbete, säger Lutherhjälpens direktor Christer Åkesson. Kronprinsessan är ett utmärkt exempel på unga människors engagemang i våra livsviktiga frågor i en allt mer globaliserad värld.
Det är den 39:e årliga Fasteaktionen som inleds på söndag, och målet är att med hjälp av 4 000 ombud samla in 50 miljoner kronor under de sex veckor som aktionen pågår.
Nice photo of Victoria. That's a great charity. I went to their website and read all about them. Read about the good work that they do.
Aftonbladet 02/04/04 Victoria pa gayfestivalen

Vilket skämt: - Victoria på gayfestivalen

BARA PÅ SKOJ Gaytidningen QX skrev i går att kronprinsessan Victoria och Göran Persson skulle medverka i årets gayfestival. Men det var ett aprilskämt.

Nättidningen i går.

Kronprinsessan Victoria och Göran Persson medverkar båda i årets Pridefestival, rapporterade gaytidningen i går.
Men toppnyheten var ett aprilskämt.
Den riktiga invigningstalaren blir biskop Caroline Krook.
Nättidningen presenterade i går "nyheten" att kronprinsessan Victoria inviger gayfestivalen Stockholm Pride i sommar - i celebert sällskap av statsminister Göran Persson.
I artikeln säger hovets presschef Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg bland annat:
"Kungens valspråk, För Sverige - I tiden, anser vi nu äntligen ska förverkligas."
Men nyheten var ett aprilskämt, påhittad från början till slut.
- Det här är inte första gången jag är felciterad eller citerad utan att ha medverkat, säger Tarras-Wahlberg, som dock tar påhittet med gott humör:
- Det är ett bra aprilskämt.
I samma artikel beklagar statsminister Göran Persson att han inte uttalade sig efter fjolårets attack mot Prideparaden, då en deltagare slogs medvetslös av högerextremister.

Fiskeläge i Smögen
"Mitt val att i stället besöka ett fiskeläge i Smögen skall inte tolkas som att regeringen prioriterat ned den händelsen", citeras han i nättidningen.
I QX aprilskämt finns en kärna av allvar, enligt chefredaktör Jon Voss som skrivit artikeln.
- Både kungahuset och statsministern borde markera vikten av det arbete som homo-, bi- och transvärlden ägnar sig åt, säger han.
Pridefestivalens verkliga invigningstalare blir troligen Stockholms stifts biskop Caroline Krook.
- Hon har tackat ja till inbjudan, men Pride har inte bekräftat, säger Krooks pressekreterare.

Skojade med Persson
QX var för övrigt inte den enda tidning som skojade med statsministern i går.
Självaste Kyrkans tidning for med osanning när den i sin nätupplaga "avslöjade" att han i största hemlighet prästvigts i finska lutherska kyrkan och nu överväger att byta statsministerjobbet mot ett högre kall.
Originally posted by Fireweaver@Apr 3rd, 2004 - 8:22 pm
Can anyone give us a translation of the article above? thanks!
Here we go:

Victoria and Göran Persson will both take part in this year`s Stockholm Pride Festival reported on`s website yeterday. But this top news is a April Fool`s joke. The corect person to open the festival will be Bishop Caroline Krook.

The website yesterday presented this news that the Crown Princess, in the celebrity company of Prime Minister Göran Persson will be starting the festival.

In the article, Court spokeswoman Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg said among other things:

"The king's motto "For Sweden, with the times"( that is the actual motto), we are thinking about at last carrying it out."

But this news was an April Fool's Joke, a fabrication from the beginning to the end.

"This is not the first time that I was misquoted or cited without my cooperation, said Tarras-Wahlberg, who however took the fabrication with good humor.

"It was an April Fools' Joke."

In the same article, unfortunately, prime minister Göran Persson had not commented himself after an attack last year on the Pride parade for when he took part in jabs, cheap comments, on unconscious Right-wing extremists.

"My choice is to be in place, and I will visit a fishing port, Smögen, and not interpret the priority(or position) of the government in this case"(something like that.), cited on the website.

On the website you will discover that the joke was churned out in all seriousness according to the chief editor Jon Voss who wrote the article.

"Both the Royal Court and the prime minister can mark on the table, the importance of the work of the homosexual, bisexual and transgendered and their dedication", said Jon.

The genuine Pridefest who will be the starter for the festival will be the bishop for the Stockholm diocese Caroline Krook.

"She is thankful to be invited but the Pride people have not confirmed this, said the Bishop's press secretary".

And the rest is about the lie being exposed and how perhaps Goran should think about a higher calling. "

Done. Not bad. Some problems but the sentences are becoming easier and easier.

Here is the article. It' pretty funny.
This is so sad. Apparently, there was a fire at one of the family`s favorite hotels on Öland, which killed a couple of people:

Mitt under påskfirandet fick kronprinsessan Victoria beskedet.
Att anrika Hotell Borgholm, där hon roat sig många gånger, har eldhärjats.
- Det här är en tragedi för alla involverade.

Kronprinsessan Victoria, 26, firar påsk på hemlig ort tillsammans med sin pojkvän Daniel Westling, 30.
Hotell Borgholm har under somrarna varit en av kronprinsessans favoritkrogar. Ett hotell och en restaurang där hon gärna roat sig, när familjen - pappa kungen, mamma Silvia, lillasyster Madeleine och prins Carl Philip - varit på Solliden.
Strax efter långfredagens påsklunch fick kronprinsessan veta av Expressen att hotellet eldhärjats, och att två personer omkommit och flera skadats.

Kom som en chock
Det blev en chock för kronprinsessan.
- Har det brunnit? Berätta vad som har hänt.
Kronprinsessan tog mycket illa vid sig.
- Det här är förfärligt.
Victoria känner till Karin Fransson mycket väl och är chockad.
- Neej! Är det sant?
Hotell Borgholm har länge varit kändisarnas favoritkrog. Många vittnar om den personliga och intima atmosfär som Karin och Owe Fransson skapar och sprider.
Tomas Ledin är en av hotellets stamgäster.
- Det är fruktansvärt. Jag är ledsen för Owe och Karins skull, säger han, på väg till en spelning i Uddevalla.
- Det känns väldigt tråkigt. Owe och Karin är så generösa människor, säger Tomas Ledin.
Kronprinsessan Victoria tror att branden kommer att påverka Borgholms turistliv.
- Det här är en tragedi. Inte bara för de som personligen är involverade, utan också för Borgholm som sommarstad

A couple of pages on the fire with photos

The chef, Karin Fransson, at the hotel was a TV host on cooking shows,460445,00.html
Picture of Victoria at the "secret" holiday-place
Does Crown Princess Victoria hold any honour appointments in the swedish armed forces like all the other Crown Prince/Princess? Do anyone had photo of her in ceremonial uniform?
Pictures of cp Victoria and king Carl-Gustaf...they went to an icehockey-match together yesterday (Russia vs. Sweden) Victoria looks a little bit bored...maybe she would have prefered to go there with Daniel...
I hope it works, when I just link the pix of fotomarktplatz...otherwise I have to store them later at photobucket...


Excited Carl Gustaf, bored Victoria

Like father-like daughter
great to see them doing things togather in privite and not only royal duties
Victoria really resembles her father in those pictures. I always thought she looked like her mother.

It looks like they were sitting in the back row, doesn't it? I would think they'd at least be in the front. Good to see they do things together though.
Yes she looks like her father very much.. i love hockey and my favourite teams are Russia and Sweden so who won? :D
Thanks for posting the lovely pictures from yesterday Dennis! I also think it was very nice to see The King and the Crown Princess doing something on their own, father and daughter, now that The Queen is on another continent and the two other children are busy with their studies.

I watched part of the match on TV, and they showed a very quick sequence of The King and the Crown Princess. The game was a rehearsal before the World Championships that starts in the Czech Republic this weekend. Sweden won over Russia by 2-0.

Here is a picture from Aftonbladet:

The King & the Crown Princess
Lena  Posted: Apr 22nd, 2004 - 9:15 am

...Victoria looks a little bit bored
I disagree with your assessment ... I think she is saving her face for private moments, meaning she's spotted that pesky photographer before her father did and is showing her attitude to it.

I agree though, like father - like daughter - they both hate having their private moments ruined by greedy photographers.
Originally posted by irishchic5@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 10:55 am
It looks like they were sitting in the back row, doesn't it?
<unserious comment>
Weren't their stories that the king does not get enough money from the state?

Maybe thats why they could not afford two front row seats.

Maybe this would be a new stupid story for expressen :) :lol:
</unserious comment>

The best seats are not in the front row in a hockey game, at least not in every stadion.
Originally posted by King Christian@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 8:39 pm
Lena  Posted: Apr 22nd, 2004 - 9:15 am

...Victoria looks a little bit bored
I disagree with your assessment ... I think she is saving her face for private moments, meaning she's spotted that pesky photographer before her father did and is showing her attitude to it.

I agree though, like father - like daughter - they both hate having their private moments ruined by greedy photographers.
I the second picture (to which I´ve written: excited CG, bored Victoria) it seems as if Victoria wouldn´t notice the camera, but as if CG would have spoted it, and would greet/wave directly in the camera... And I think you shouldn´t expect, that you don´t get filmed, when you go to a sports-match, which is broadcasted on TV...this happens to an ordinary person too...and when you don´t behave everybody sees it ("Hey, I saw you on TV the soccer-match...was it so boring, or why did you pick your nose all the time " ;) )

And further I wonder, why people here (at LTR) often say things like "leave them alone" or "these greedy paparazzis", but please tell me, how many of you don´t look at the paparazzi-pix?! Now as we post the pictures as links, nobody is forced to watch the paparazzi-pictures (usually the poster says, what is visible in the linked pix).
If there wouldn´t be watchers/readers of these pix, there wouldn´t be paparazzis...and WE are WATCHERS...(actually even worse than the readers of the mags...we just "steal" the pictures and watch it...)
Originally posted by Josefine@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 3:09 pm
could also be a safty thing
But this would not make up a good story :p

Or is their some insane assasin like in this hollywood movie who kills someone during a hockey game? :eek:
Weren't their stories that the king does not get enough money from the state?
Maybe thats why they could not afford two front row seats.
I think the royal family "owns" those seats. When they are at the Globe they always sits there...
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