"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Of course they’re both to blame. Based on what Harry describes in the book Meghan didn’t react well to everything that came with being publicly outed as his girlfriend and then fiancée. Not that many people could react well, as such, but I think quite a few educated women in their 30s would have approached the situation in a calmer, more clear eyed way.

Part of the problem is that Harry likely oversold his ability to “protect her” from the various issues that came with being a member of the Royal Family.
Similarly, he may have misled her regarding how prominent a role she’d have within the family, how much money they’d be able to access, how hierarchical the family was, etc. But again, it shouldn’t have taken long for Meghan to see what the family and their lives were really like.
from a lot of what H seems to have said, it may well be that he didn't know himself what life was like as a royal. He thought that the RF were attacking him by briefing the press, yet he thought that they could have a few phone calls and spare Meghan any hassle?
I get the feeling he did not realise himself that teh RF is hierarchical and that he and Meg would be expected to do some work for their privileged status and that they would never have teh higher status of Will and Kate.
Saying Megan's ex-best friend spread lies about her is hilarious when it could just be that it's "her truth" and her recollections are her own and don't need to be factually based. Just like Prince Harry.
Either "the world's most experienced plaque-unveiller" or "I declare this thing open, whatever it is". :cool: Or both. But Philip had put in decades of genuine service to earn his flip, funny moments, and was not invested in anything other than supporting the monarchy.

Even mentioning Trooping.
Actually, I'm pretty sure TPTB were not happy about him mouthing off all the time, but it's abundantly clear he was invested to the hilt and the levity didn't make a difference. Not so much Meghan.

Thanks for posting it, that is exactly what I mean. I think there is a book about his "gaffes" (if I am correct) which I always wanted to read.
And, yes, he always supported his wife and endured everything that came with his royal duties, although he had to give up his military/marine career, but never complained about it. I have read several biographies of him to understand his really difficult childhood and adolescense.

And, having humor, even if it is a bit sarcastic, is always a bonus to me.
People that are able to laugh about themselves, have my admiration.

I am a big an of him.
For balance, I think it is important to understand that here in the UK the Guardian newspaper is considered to be anti-monarchist; they are just using the book to promote their own agenda. Note the title of the article linked is "The Monarchy's a laughing stock". Likely away from the headlines and behind the scenes they are probably having a good laugh about the questionable wisdom of writing about frostbitten todgers and horsy encounters in fields behind pubs and so forth.

They are not really interested in defending Harry; they're using him to try and get his family abolished.

Agree and it sounds like some on this forum want the same thing.
Harry has given another interview. This time to The Telegraph. In the interview, he says he left out a lot of stuff about his dad and his brother and has enough material for a second book. Claims he’s doing this for the Wales children and also demanded his family apologize to Meghan

Prince Harry said: “The first draft was different. It was 800 pages, and now it’s down to 400 pages. It could have been two books, put it that way. And the hard bit was taking things out.”
He added: “There are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would ever forgive me.”

The Duke also revealed that he felt “responsibility” to reform the monarchy for the sake of Prince George, nine, Princess Charlotte, seven, and Prince Louis, four. “I know that out of those three children, at least one will end up like me, the spare,” he said. “And that hurts, it worries me.”
He admitted that the notion frustrated Prince William, adding: “He has made it very clear to me that his kids are not my responsibility.”

Regardless, he said he liked to “fix” things and was approaching his mission with “long-term, strategic thinking”.
“This is not about trying to collapse the monarchy – this is about trying to save them from themselves,” he claimed. “I know that I will get crucified by numerous people saying that.”

The Duke demanded the Royal family apologise to Meghan and used the interview to address them directly, saying: “Because you know what you did, and I now know why you did it. And you’ve been caught out, so just come clean and then we could all move on.”
He said that “if people had listened” when he had raised the alarm they would not be in this position, adding: “That’s the saddest part about it – it was all so avoidable. But they just couldn’t help themselves.”
He likened his family’s silence on the entire furore to abuse.
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"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

This interview is really sad and contributes to the idea that we are witnessing a break down. He is doing everything to try to force his family to respond, when it’s clear to many people that it’s not in their best interest. I think this is going to continue to get worse. The family can’t give Harry what he wants and he’s not going to stop until he gets it and so we have this terrible stalemate.

Here is the entire interview for those who wish to read it: https://archive.ph/2023.01.13-18165...nce-harry-interview-bryony-gordon-spare-book/
Harry has given another interview. This time to The Telegraph. In the interview, he says he left out a lot of stuff about his dad and his brother and has enough material for a second book. Claims he’s doing this for the Wales children and also demanded his family apologize to Meghan


Good grief. Well, it's clearly really, really getting to him that his family have remained silent. This, I think, is probably the closest we'll get to a direct admission that he is trying to provoke a reaction. I will say, I'd bet good money that the forgiveness ship has sailed so I'd say that's no longer a concern. As for using his niece and nephews like this...well...I think we all know how that's going to go over with the family and good for William for making it more than clear that those children are in no way Harry's responsibility. In fact, I'd bet my last dollar that William and Catherine are doing everything in their power to make sure that none of their children ever ends up even remotely like Harry, though it is true that the younger two will be the spares until George has children and that's just simply an unavoidable fact. I'd be willing to go as far as saying that with their obvious close relationships with Edward and Sophie and Anne's family, they've spent years modeling their plans for Charlotte and Louis off of Edward and Anne and the ways in which they've raised their children with significant pieces of Middleton life also added in.
Harry has given another interview. This time to The Telegraph. In the interview, he says he left out a lot of stuff about his dad and his brother and has enough material for a second book. Claims he’s doing this for the Wales children and also demanded his family apologize to Meghan

Just when I thought he couldn’t stoop lower even further. He doesn’t stop making surprises. I was thinking he wouldn’t try this self righteous drivel of a speech, but I was half-right, I had a feeling he would bring up Williams children. He’s being presumptuous and arrogant here. How dare he think it his position to speak this way! I don’t think they will forgive him regardless of whether your original book was going to be 400 pages or 800. He needs to get a life and leave the BRF alone. After being told that William said his kids are not his responsibility, he’s still trying to be meddlesome. The cheek of him. He’s chatting pure and unfiltered nonsense, you’re not doing it for Williams kids, he’s just doing it for himself and being his usual childish messy self.
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It would be helpful if he told us what he actually means by reform. But he won't of course. Probably because he doesn't have a clue. He has zero credibility & has become a bit of a laughing stock.
Read the article. Same old. Same old. I can't bare the self righteousness.
It would be helpful if he told us what he actually means by reform. But he won't of course. Probably because he doesn't have a clue. He has zero credibility & has become a bit of a laughing stock.
It’s not even sad anymore and now he’s demanding that the BRF apologize to Meghan and was trying to justify Meghan’s behavior to staff because he claims that members of the family have shouted at staff.
The Telegraph interview was a difficult read. On the one hand, I felt rather sorry for Harry, because it's so clear that he is convinced that he is in the right, and that everything he is doing is only for the best: save the monarchy, save the Wales children, reunite with his family, etc. On the other hand, it's also coming as close to a blackmail threat as you can get--he knows so much more, enough for another book, but he's restraining himself.

I can only wonder what he really thinks the response from his family is likely to be. Apparently it never occurred to him that the response would be silence, because his frustration at being ignored is very obvious.
He is desperate for a reaction from the palace, he is now even mentioning the children. William must be seething.
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The Telegraph interview was a difficult read. On the one hand, I felt rather sorry for Harry, because it's so clear that he is convinced that he is in the right, and that everything he is doing is only for the best: save the monarchy, save the Wales children, reunite with his family, etc. On the other hand, it's also coming as close to a blackmail threat as you can get--he knows so much more, enough for another book, but he's restraining himself.

I can only wonder what he really thinks the response from his family is likely to be. Apparently it never occurred to him that the response would be silence, because his frustration at being ignored is very obvious.

It's all empty threats. Lawyers won't let himmpriny anything that would get them sued.
It’s not even sad anymore and now he’s demanding that the BRF apologize to Meghan and was trying to justify Meghan’s behavior to staff because he claims that members of the family have shouted at staff.

That is becoming worrying because it is really clear that unfortunately he is not happy and that he wants the family to respond positively to his requests if not he will continue his attacks . I really hope he will stop now and move on and focus on his own family . That is indeed really sad
Especially because apparently William already told him that his kids are his responsibility

What? Why wouldn't they be his responsibility. Since when does annuncle have responsibility for children with living parents.
The Telegraph interview was a difficult read. On the one hand, I felt rather sorry for Harry, because it's so clear that he is convinced that he is in the right, and that everything he is doing is only for the best: save the monarchy, save the Wales children, reunite with his family, etc. On the other hand, it's also coming as close to a blackmail threat as you can get--he knows so much more, enough for another book, but he's restraining himself.

I can only wonder what he really thinks the response from his family is likely to be. Apparently it never occurred to him that the response would be silence, because his frustration at being ignored is very obvious.
Don’t feel sorry for him, he’s throwing a tantrum and I think it’s self-righteous and presumptuous of him to mention William’s children, as if William and Kate can’t handle their kids right. A bit rich for someone who has only just become a parent and spouse under two years compared to someone who has been with their spouse for close to 20 years and was a parent long before Harry become one. He’s just making silly threats and he can continue screaming to the skies if he wants, and the BRF will continue without him.
Especially because apparently William already told him that his kids are his responsibility
Yes, and I'm sure Harry would take exception if the shoe was on the other foot and it was William telling the public that what he was doing was in Archie and Lili's best interests/their future. God knows that when I overstepped my bounds as aunt, my brother and SIL called me out and reminded, in no uncertain terms, that THEY were their children's parents. Harry has some nerve.
That Telegraph interview is astonishing, and heartbreaking. All these analyses by psych professionals saying that Harry is basically stuck as a 12 year old from the trauma of losing his mother ring true. This is not how a happy, healthy, adult behaves. However, mental illness and trauma is not an excuse. Harry has become an abuser himself with the way he is treating the royal family. At least this interview has helped me completely understand the PoW's rage towards his brother.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

Harry has given another interview. This time to The Telegraph. In the interview, he says he left out a lot of stuff about his dad and his brother and has enough material for a second book. Claims he’s doing this for the Wales children and also demanded his family apologize to Meghan


Oh gosh. Harry doesn’t know when to stop talking. He’s threatening them with another book from my pov. Demanding that they give him what he wants- an apology and whatever else it is thinks he and Meghan are entitled to. Then- this will all go away.

William is right- his kids, his business. Period. If they had this conversation at all about the kids future.

This is not the way to get what he wants.

And they will not thank him for this endless public nightmare. Ever.
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This interview is really sad and contributes to the idea that we are witnessing a break down. He is doing everything to try to force his family to respond, when it’s clear to many people that it’s not in their best interest. I think this is going to continue to get worse. The family can’t give Harry what he wants and he’s not going to stop until he gets it and so we have this terrible stalemate.

Here is the entire interview for those who wish to read it: https://archive.ph/2023.01.13-18165...nce-harry-interview-bryony-gordon-spare-book/

Thank you for sharing the link. Sadly after reading this latest interview I am even more concerned and convinced that he is desperate for a public response. I wish Prince Harry could understand that his actions will only drive a deeper wedge and isolate himself from the other "spares" he claims to want to help. I hope that he can go and find some peace.
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As much as I hate to admit it, that article did make me feel for Harry a bit. It's clear that he truly believes what he is saying, including the part about feeling scared for Charlotte or Louis once they become the "spares".

To be fair to him, there is precedent in the family already. Obviously being the spare has adversely affected Harry, and both Andrew and Margaret had their issues being the younger sibling of a future monarch as well.

Harry just needs to shut up, repeatedly recite the Serenity Prayer and let time heal all wounds or he needs to just make his peace with being forever estranged from his family and go on with his life. No one on either side are changing their minds.
Harry's disgusting. Pretending he's trying to help William's children. That's why he released private info in his book that Charlotte cried over her poorly made bridesmaid dress, so kids in school can tease her for being a crybaby. Or when he tried to arrange a marriage for George with fake Greta. Or that he befriended Orlando Bloom, who was doing a HBO cartoon mocking Prince George. Harry is actually emotionally abusing William's children.

And that's before they have to hear about Harry talking about William's penis. Or Harry talking about gifting their mom a thong. He's the reason they'll likely never have any relationship with Archie or Lili. He makes Earl Spencer and Uncle Gary look like saintly Uncles in comparison.
Not the best advice to be given by someone who wants to speak on behalf of Better Up.

That is becoming worrying because it is really clear that unfortunately he is not happy and that he wants the family to respond positively to his requests if not he will continue his attacks . I really hope he will stop now and move on and focus on his own family . That is indeed really sad

Maybe that is his way of crying for help. He has been increasingly erratic at each interview and is obviously unwell. I can't believe that Meghan is allowing him to expose himself like that.
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The Telegraph interview is probably dirtier than the Book and the Netflix doc put together. What a mess.

"Save them from themselves"

"“I feel like this is my life’s mission, to right the wrongs of the very thing that drove us out"

"But there are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would ever forgive me. Now you could argue that some of the stuff I’ve put in there, well, they will never forgive me anyway. But the way I see it is, I’m willing to forgive you for everything you’ve done, and I wish you’d actually sat down with me, properly, and instead of saying I’m delusional and paranoid, actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I’d really like is some accountability. And an apology to my wife.”"

There comes a moment when enough is enough. Cut all the ties. It's clear whatever the family responds, privately or publicly, will be used and distorted by Harry. He's not well.
The Telegraph interview is probably dirtier than the Book and the Netflix doc put together. What a mess.

"Save them from themselves"

"“I feel like this is my life’s mission, to right the wrongs of the very thing that drove us out"

"But there are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would ever forgive me. Now you could argue that some of the stuff I’ve put in there, well, they will never forgive me anyway. But the way I see it is, I’m willing to forgive you for everything you’ve done, and I wish you’d actually sat down with me, properly, and instead of saying I’m delusional and paranoid, actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I’d really like is some accountability. And an apology to my wife.”"

There comes a moment when enough is enough. Cut all the ties. It's clear whatever the family responds, privately or publicly, will be used and distorted by Harry. He's not well.

Well, well, isn't that generous of him.
Forgive and forget and shake hands - provided everybody does as H&M wish.
The Telegraph interview is probably dirtier than the Book and the Netflix doc put together. What a mess.

"Save them from themselves"

"“I feel like this is my life’s mission, to right the wrongs of the very thing that drove us out"

"But there are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would ever forgive me. Now you could argue that some of the stuff I’ve put in there, well, they will never forgive me anyway. But the way I see it is, I’m willing to forgive you for everything you’ve done, and I wish you’d actually sat down with me, properly, and instead of saying I’m delusional and paranoid, actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I’d really like is some accountability. And an apology to my wife.”"

There comes a moment when enough is enough. Cut all the ties. It's clear whatever the family responds, privately or publicly, will be used and distorted by Harry. He's not well.

All of the above, plus the comments about William and Kate's children, is really quite sinister.

It feels like Harry is stalking his own family.
Not the best advice to be given by someone who wants to speak on behalf of Better Up.

Maybe that is his way of crying for help. He has been increasingly erratic at each interview and is obviously unwell. I can't believe that Meghan is allowing him to expose himself like that.

He is sounding more erratic. It could be a way of crying for help. He needs it imo. Whatever he’s been doing is not working. That is painfully obvious.

As much as I think Harry relies on Meghan, trusts her….she ultimately can’t control what he says or does. That’s assuming she has an issue with this. I would like to think she does. But- IDK. I haven’t been impressed with her judgment over the last few years either.
It gets worse:[....]
As we all know by now, it's Harry self-proclaimed mission to correct things and make them right - and that now includes W&K's children - even though William has told him clearly to back off!

That's a road to absolutely no return and no forgiveness. As in ever. If Harry takes on W&K's children - or more correctly, the way they are being brought up - he will be in for a public sh*tstorm worse than anything he has seen so far!
Quite an amazing move, considering how protective he is of his own children.

It's one thing to start a debate about what to do with the spare, once the next generation is secure. Because that IMO is an issue that does need to be addressed, not on in UK but other monarchies as well.
But I doubt very much Harry will keep it at that level. He can't. He has the tact of a rhino.
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