Mette-Marit and Mental Health

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mette-Marit at a "mental health" event of which she is patron.

Larzen said:
Mette-Marit at an audience with the concil for mental health wich she is patron of, looking great.
She looks absolutely radiant! A really good "hair day" to go along with a nice dark suitdress ... however, actually, I do follow some other's thoughts on really not looking so much at her clothes and hair but at "how" she interacts in her public duties with those she comes in contact with. I feel the same way with CP Mathilde. There's a "magic" about her imho that transcends "buttoning only the top button". I just can't explain it ~ and, I can't figure out exactly what it is ~ but, whatever it is, she holds my attention.

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MM has given an interview to the magazine "mental health"
She says that she has met many people in difficult situations both socialy and menthally, she also says it is easy to step wrong in life but than one should respect those who are in trouble. The magazine asks what she does to retain her mental health, and she says she takes long walks in the forest to relaxe and be alone. The CP couple will host a feast on October 15. and the TV money collection which she is patron of will be on October 17.
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Here are two pictures from the TV documantary she is doing about people with mental health problems, in the documentary she meets 4 people, one old man that has lost his wife and became very lonely now he goes to a daycare center 3 days a week to socialise with other people

Then there is a 26 year old man who is scared of all sorts of things and punished himselves by cutting his wrists (I dont know the english translation of what he is suffering from)

She also meets two women with drug problems who has lost the care of her children because of that
MM was asked about doing this one week after IA was born. The documentary will be shown on october 15. on NRK

A very long article in dagbladet
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What is the 'connection' (for a lack of a better word) between Mette-Marit and her interest in mental health? Has it always been a concern/social cause/interest for her because it affected someone she knew or something else?
Has anyone watched the whos that was aired on Norwegian TV last week about Mette-Marit and her work for a psychic health organisation???

We've read an article and interview about it and it really seemed like M-M was interested in the topic and had some great opinions!
Today is the World Mental Health Day. As Patron of the Norwegian council for Mental Health Mette-Marit attended a meeting at Café Celsius in Oslo. The theme for the meeting was getting back to work after having had mental problems. Present was people from the business organisations and representatives from workplaces.

In her speech she said among other things that that

-The statistics shows that more and more young people cannot work because of a mental related diagnosis It shows that there is much and important work that remains before we get a true including work life, because the knowledge are not with them who has always been healthy and never had any mental or psychical problems

- It is not many years since people with mental problems where hidden from society, this is luckily not the situation today. Thanks to hard work there has been a significant change of attitude.

-To have a meaningful day is important to all of us and to many of us that mean that we have a job to go to. Unfortunately the statistics show that people who have recovered from mental and psychical problems have increasing difficulties to get back to work

Her speech in Norwegian if someone feels like doing a better translation of the whole thing. From

Kjære alle sammen,
Alle mennesker har rett til et verdig liv. Uansett hvem vi er, hva slags bakgrunn vi har eller hva slags diagnose vi har fått stilt, så har vi alle rett til å bli møtt med respekt, og et menneskesyn som signaliserer at vi alle har like stor verdi.

Det kan være utfordrende å møtes på tvers av kulturbakgrunn, religion, helsetilstand eller sosial tilhørighet. Likevel, når vi våger å utfordre stengsler og avstand mennesker imellom, gjør det noe med oss. Noen ganger hender det til og med at vi åpner oss og kommer litt nærmere hverandre. Et slikt gjestebud som dette her i dag, er en måte å skape forandring på, i retning av et mer inkluderende samfunn.
I dag, 10. oktober er verdensdagen for psykisk helse; en dag for økt åpenhet om psykiske problemer og lidelser. Det er en dag for å rette oppmerksomheten mot mennesker som ofte faller utenfor fellesskapene.

En meningsfylt hverdag er viktig for oss alle, og for mange betyr det å ha et arbeid å gå til. På en arbeidsplass kan en skape sosiale nettverk og lære å mestre dagliglivets utfordringer. Dessverre viser statistikken at det for mennesker som har vært psykisk syke, blir stadig vanskeligere å komme tilbake i jobb etter friskmelding. Andre tall viser at stadig flere unge blir uførepensjonert på grunn av psykisk diagnose. Dette viser at det er mye og viktig arbeid som gjenstår før vi får et virkelig inkluderende arbeidsliv, fordi kompetanse og kunnskap ikke bare finnes hos dem som alltid har vært friske og oppegående.

Rådet for psykisk helse markerer denne høsten at det er 20 år siden organisasjonen ble stiftet. Sammenlignet med mange andre humanitære organisasjoner er dette ung alder, men det er ikke mange år siden mennesker som fikk en psykisk sykdom bare skulle stues vekk. Slik er det heldigvis ikke lenger. Takket være engasjement og målrettet arbeid har det skjedd en betydelig holdningsendring.

For meg handlet tv-aksjonen i fjor om å vise at vi har alle våre utfordringer, noen mer enn andre, og det å ha flere utfordringer betyr ikke at man har mindre rett til å leve et verdig liv. Vi kan alle bidra til å gi hverandre verdighet. Det handler om hvordan vi omgåes hverandre, hvordan vi møter medmennesker i krise, hvordan vi behandler kollegaer, hva vi tenker om naboen som er pasient eller hvordan vi møter rusmissbrukere på gata. Jeg liker å tenke på det som at gjennom å ta vare på hverandres verdighet, tar vi også vare på vår egen.
Rådet for psykisk helse gjør et viktig arbeid for å skape ny innsikt og spre kunnskap. Engasjementet dere viser er imponerende og jeg ønsker dere lykke til videre.

Picture from Aftenposten, ANB and ISIFA


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Mette-Marit looks great on this pic.
One of the reason who makes me like her is she has no ordinary charities, and that she's very involved in some important causes for youth.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway blows out 20 candle lights at a birthday cake a lunch meeting at the Cafe Celsius for the "World Mental Health Day" in Oslo, Norway, October 10, 2005. The "World Mental Health Day" is celebrating its 20th birthday 2005 Foto: Lise Aserud / SCANPIX Code 20520 pool



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How great to see Crown Princess Mette-Marit out and about again! I'm glad she's able to do some work again, despite her pregnancy issues. She looks lovely indeed! Thanks for posting the pictures and the info, very nice speech she held - short and rather informal, I'm sure she touched many hearts with it.
I agree. She looks more relaxed and happy.You can see it in her face.
Thanks for the pictures. Mette-Marit looks lovely!
Mette-Marit lookes great! Thank you so much for all the pictures!:)
Wow!!! Mette Marit is definitely glowing (sorry for the overuse, can't think of any other appropriate word). She seems to come through the drab clothing and still look very nice, I really love that about her. Although, I feel she needs to rethink those stockings (actually, any other color but black completely alludes me) and the shoes just don't go.
she looks fab!! its great to see her back to work , thanks for the pictures
I think this is definitely one of Mette-Marit "hits" with her whole outfit and look.

She is really lovely.
Princess Mette Marit visited the World day for Psychological Health, Frogner kino in Oslo
from PPE
more pics in this link
Mette looks lovely as usual.. But I'm not sure about her outfit...
The dress seems a bit too long (it's a strange length) and the shoes seems to be in another colour (pink?) then rest of the outfit..
But I love her hair!
She really looks beautiful!
must say I think MM is fab ! but there is somthing about this out fit Im not sure of ! I cant put my finger on it !! , any way thanks for posting the pictures !
thanks for the pictures mandyy
Thanks for the pics Mandyy he looks lovely!
I really like her look, she looks very pretty! But....I think the problem was the jacket. It was too long. The skirt was already long, perhaps the jacket should have been a little shorter...maybe at the waist, not at the hip. Perhaps that's what's throwing this outfit a little off? I love her shoes.
She looks great, but I agree with most of you that there is something that just doesn't click...hmmm.....
mandyy said:
Princess Mette Marit visited the World day for Psychological Health, Frogner kino in Oslo
from PPE
more pics in this link

Princess looked wonderful!
her skirt matched with shoes, lovely hair and beautiful smile :wub: just wonderful. Mette Marit looks so relaxed *sigh* she is really making what she loves :flowers:
Princess Mette Marit visited the World day for Psychological Health, Frogner kino in Oslo
from Action Press



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Thanks for these pix which
allow us to appreciate the beauty of the fabric of the outfit
Thanks for the pictures! She looks great! I love her pink shoes!:ohmy:
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